Alright so everywhere I see people complaining that these days, first person shooters are "too linear". people in their reviews of HL2 list linear level design in their negatives. I would like to hear some of you guys' brillant ideas about how to make a non-linear FPS game work. how the hell do you want to script something in a game if there is the possibility of you simply not going in that place. what is it you want in your games, the whole planet to wander around aimlessly in? because you know, there's the real world for that. i'll be damned if you find any boundary (oceans aside) or linearness in there.
i like my games linear, i can not give a shit about other stuff than blowing the place where i'm at all over.
i like my games linear, i can not give a shit about other stuff than blowing the place where i'm at all over.