What films would you like to see?


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
There is a real life incident that I would like to see be converted into a film, or at least a mini series.

The is the Battle of LA Radio Broadcast to give you a sense of intrigue. It would definately be interesting and thought provoking, especially considering there is no information as to the origin of the craft.

Wikipedia link to Battle of LA
West Coast Alert

The incident happening only a few months after Pearl Harbour, it was first believed to be a prelude to a Japanese invasion (especially considering a Japanese sub was encountered several hours before)

What would you like to see be converted into film?
that's not what he's asking :LOL:

I'd like to see something made about the anti-war movement, specifically from desert storm on. I'd also like to see something around the sanctions, and maybe the invasion form 2003 ..but not made by any major american studio
I wanna see The Watchmen put onto film. But it would have to be done properly as a 5+ hour long movie. Terry Gilliam said he would only do it if it was a TV series in loads of parts.
Oh alright...I didnt really read before posting...id like to see a movie based on Albert Hofmann and the development of LSD.
I'd like a decent naval battle movie set in the 1700-1800's. Master and Commander, while watchable, doesn't do justice to what must have been some of the most appalling encounters imaginable - splinters meters in length skewering people, the deck wet with blood, poor souls having limbs amputated without anaesthetic.

I'd like it to not only cover the battles, but also the people who lived aboard these ships under horribly squalid and strict conditions for months on end. Most were conscripted against their will, corporal punishement often ended in an agonising death from infection. Those caught practising homosexual acts were hung onboard the ship, and quite a few sailors were infact women in disguise. It's hard to imagine what it'd be like, and no movie has made a decent attempt.

Maybe an epic movie about the life of Nelson and the people who served under him.
Pirates or Ninjas! or Both how sweet would that be?

*gasp* Ninja-monkey-pirates!!!!!!!!!!!

seriously though, a decent pirate movie from 17-18 hundreds
Rendezvous with Rama
One of the best sci-fi novels ever.
Sirens of Titan (Kurt Vonnegut book)
The Spanish Civil War
Bay of Pigs (The plan to go with it, politics surrounding it, the actual invasion, the aftermath)
A movie about the French Resistance during WWII.
The French-Algerian War
A WWI film would be nice. We haven't had too many of those.
Watchmen movie
DeusExMachina said:
A movie about the French Resistance during WWII.

I'd like to see that too. They were a very brave bunch of guys and gals.
a movie of the great caliber as "Iron Cross" set in ze western front.
Keep the ideas coming XD It'll only help me with ideas for if I become a film director.
I want to see a representation of WWII through the eyes of the Nazi and the movie would have to be purely objective.
a kerouac-esque road film
something that just portrays drug use without demonizing or glorifying it, preferably psychedelics (like what lawtz said)

and even if it's not real world
a ****ing starcraft movie
AntiAnto said:
I want to see a representation of WWII through the eyes of the Nazi and the movie would have to be purely objective.

go watch Iron Cross
Check out Das Boot too - the subtitled version if you can.
Ennui said:
a kerouac-esque road film
something that just portrays drug use without demonizing or glorifying it, preferably psychedelics (like what lawtz said)

I've had an idea to make a movie like that.
TwwIX said:
Rendezvous with Rama
One of the best sci-fi novels ever.

I'll second that, its the only sci-fi novel I've read the whole way through...

...Okay, the only novel I've read the whole way through :LOL:

I haven't been able to find the sequel anywhere.

That last sentence in the book says it all, the alien builders like doing things in 3

If they managed to incorporate that in the film, say, an officer is reading a report from the expedition team, and looks at a sentence similar on the lines. It gives a reason to make a trilogy.
I would love to see a well done adaptation of Neil Gaimens books, like American Gods or Neverwhere, or even Good Omens. Preferably directed by Terry Gilliam. If done right I would be ecstatic.
Im reading American Gods atm, i'm half way through, its very good but does make me want to read up on mythology.
That book rocks my world. I've read it about five, six times. So good...
Cross of Iron is awesome.

I'd like to see some of my fave. Pratchett books put into film, mainly something from The Watch series of book, prefrebly Guards! Guards! Ah, would be awesome. But after hearing the audio of Small Gods, so would that.
Why not write your own script of your favorite book? Many people do it, even if it is just for fun. Who knows, maybe when you get older, you can see about letting it go through the movie chains, perhaps someone will want to pick it up. Or make it yourself with independent help. I'm thinking of writing a script for "The Stranger" and "Sirens of Titan."
I've been wanting to see A Few Good Men, seems like a good movie.
There is a real life incident that I would like to see be converted into a film, or at least a mini series.
The is the Battle of LA Radio Broadcast to give you a sense of intrigue. It would definately be interesting and thought provoking, especially considering there is no information as to the origin of the craft.

Wikipedia link to Battle of LA
West Coast Alert

The incident happening only a few months after Pearl Harbour, it was first believed to be a prelude to a Japanese invasion (especially considering a Japanese sub was encountered several hours before)

OMG dude. I am surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet. The incident you are referring too has already been turned into a film. It's 1941, a movie Steven Spielberg made back in 1979. It stars among others the legendary John Belushi as Wild Bill Kelso, a crazy fighter pilot. Very funny movie.
DeusExMachina said:
Why not write your own script of your favorite book? Many people do it, even if it is just for fun. Who knows, maybe when you get older, you can see about letting it go through the movie chains, perhaps someone will want to pick it up. Or make it yourself with independent help. I'm thinking of writing a script for "The Stranger" and "Sirens of Titan."

I have alot of movie scripts cluttered around My Documents as it is, some finished, some un-finished, some utter rubbish, some lost, etc. I'm thinking on taking media next year so they may come in handy. Writing something for one of the awesome Pratchett books could be cool, though. I'll need to read through which ones I'd like again, mind, and put all the crucial parts and not so crucial parts in and aside.

Shakermaker said:
OMG dude. I am surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet. The incident you are referring too has already been turned into a film. It's 1941, a movie Steven Spielberg made back in 1979. It stars among others the legendary John Belushi as Wild Bill Kelso, a crazy fighter pilot. Very funny movie.

I know, but it was a comedy (nothing wrong with that, it was an ace movie :rolleyes: ), but I want to see a docu-drama or along the lines off.

Plus the date and year wasn't exactly accurate as well, I thought it might of been a seperate incident
I know, but it was a comedy (nothing wrong with that, it was an ace movie :rolleyes: ), but I want to see a docu-drama or along the lines off.

Plus the date and year wasn't exactly accurate as well, I thought it might of been a seperate incident

Ah OK. The way you described immediately made me think of it.

Anyway, my 2 cts:

Right now I am reading Berlin; The Downfall 1945 by Anthony Beevor. It's a chilling account of the Russian assault on Berlin. There are some great stories in there that would look awesome on the big screen.
I would actually like to see Tom Clancy's novel, Rainbow Six, turned into a major motion picture.

3 hour movies trilogy!

Same goes for Half-Life.
With a massive 300 million dollar budget for the near fatal "bike into pack of girls" scene...
Shakermaker said:
Ah OK. The way you described immediately made me think of it.

Anyway, my 2 cts:

Right now I am reading Berlin; The Downfall 1945 by Anthony Beevor. It's a chilling account of the Russian assault on Berlin. There are some great stories in there that would look awesome on the big screen.
Warbie said:
I'd like a decent naval battle movie set in the 1700-1800's. Master and Commander, while watchable, doesn't do justice to what must have been some of the most appalling encounters imaginable - splinters meters in length skewering people, the deck wet with blood, poor souls having limbs amputated without anaesthetic.

I'd like it to not only cover the battles, but also the people who lived aboard these ships under horribly squalid and strict conditions for months on end. Most were conscripted against their will, corporal punishement often ended in an agonising death from infection. Those caught practising homosexual acts were hung onboard the ship, and quite a few sailors were infact women in disguise. It's hard to imagine what it'd be like, and no movie has made a decent attempt.

Maybe an epic movie about the life of Nelson and the people who served under him.

That movie would be awesome.
I love that time period.