What folder is the half-life 2 music stored in?


May 22, 2005
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hey i was searching through the entire valve folder and i coudln't find any of the songs, are they just built in the game or something?
They are in the game content files (.gcfs) in your email folder, in 'source sounds'

Do a search to find out how to extract them, has been asked helluva lot!
the music files are in a ".vcd" format
what media player can i use to play those files?
Lahire149 said:
the music files are in a ".vcd" format
what media player can i use to play those files?

That's Valve Choreography Data, not the music, you're going to have to use GCFScape to open up source sounds.gcf in your SteamApps folder and go to the music section in it.
Your doing something wrong, you must use GCF scape to extract the files from the gcf file and you will get mp3s.
i used GCF scape; must have just looked in the wrong folder
edit: i found it, thnx guys
I've had the music for months...Why is everyone getting it so late, and no I didn't get the CD...