What format do you guys use?

What color do you guys prefer?

  • Old

    Votes: 24 52.2%
  • New

    Votes: 22 47.8%

  • Total voters


Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
The old darkish color, or the new, brighter one?
People using the blue are living in the past. LIVING IN THE PAST!
I just can't stand the new one. My sig shows up better in the old one, too, so...
After a while the Tan scheme starts to get too bright, so I use blue.
Blue. Tan makes my eyes weep and protest to the point of refusing to see anything.
Blue. I can't stand the tan style, it's like throwing sand in my eyes.
I love the sea!

Never really tried Tan...

EDIT: Tan is better IMO, changing over...
I only just realized there were two. I like both but I voted New and am using new because I've used the old forever so I want to see what this one's like.
Zero, the old one is the blue one. The new one is the tan one.
Long ago, very long ago, (a couple of months) there was a total collapse in the nature of HL2.net. Samon and some other admins had been planning on changing it, but one of them screwed it all over and messed everything up. The Great HL2.net incident was born. In the aftermath we got this new setup, and two colors too choose from! :D

Oh, and I got used to tan.
I use the "Default Tan Style", the other darker one makes me tired after only typing several responses.
Changing between The Best Page in the Universe and this site (with the Tan skin) is causing my eyes to bleed.
I like blue but I'm usually to lazy to change it after I log out.
I honestley joined the forum after they created the new one so I just go with that.