What fps will this comp get on hl2?


Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry this is the 2nd or 3rd post here about this computer but i really want to make sure if i can play hl2 single-player and garry's mod(i would buy the game alone for garry's mod).


1.6GHz pentium 4 processor or whatever.
512mb sdram pc133 (also does this "64-, 128-, 256-, and 512-MB non-ECC or ECC SDRAM" mean i can't have over 512mb of ram?")
9600FX(i really don't think i am going to get this particular card since you have to order it online. if anyone has any other card 80-120 to reccomend, that would be nice.(no 6600gt))

I ussually get around 30fps on my cs 1.6 a few years ago on my old computer, and it seemed okay. Would 20fps be playable?
20 FPS on HL2? Oh hell no. HL2 is notorious for studders, freeze-ups, etc.

About the computer itself, yea, it'll run it, just not very good. I'd say upgrade the video card but... it's only got a 250W PS. Big ouch there.
should be able to play at medium quality with 30fps u will get long times though most of that is old hardware
Can i get another power supply? Because i heard most cards take 350 watt.. o_O.

(Will i be able to run UT2004? I heard it had really low requirements. Also is it any fun?)
There's no such thing as a Radeon 9600 FX. The FX is an nvidia line..perhaps you mean a 9600 XT?

You'll get ~30 fps and medium-low settings. PC133 ram.....ew!
I have a 9600XT right now and get 30 FPS on High Settings, 4AF, 2AA. But that PS... gross.

1.8GHz Athlon Barton
512MB Kingston VALUERAM
9600XT 128MB
It should run HL2 OK. It might take a little while to load and you might have to turn some settings down so you don't lag. Also online play will probably be a bit laggy. The memory going up to 512MB memory might just mean that series was sold with those memory sizes. Not really pointing to what the max is. I'm not sure though.

Check on the Powersupply because Dell has been known to use non-standard units. A standard ATX PSU may or may not be compatible. More power would be nice if you got anything above an ATI 9600. The FX5200/5500 and 9200/9500/9600 cards don't use near as much power as the cards above them. 9600 (except the SE model) would be the best choice if you bought a gfx card in that price range.

I'm not sure what GFX card you have now but if it's Intel onboard then you will really really want a better card.
I have a Radeon 7500 =0... Could i get a 3500watt for around 25$?

(and i am assuming ps means "processor"..)
EDIT: powersupply.. *cough*.