What funeral arrangement would you choose?

hat funeral arrangement would you choose?

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I'm gonna strap a ton of explosives to myself, find a very high cliff, hurl myself off and blow the bombs. I will rain down on everyone.
I'm gonna strap a ton of explosives to myself, find a very high cliff, hurl myself off and blow the bombs. I will rain down on everyone.
There are way more effective ways to do what you want to do.

Just throw yourself in some kind of grinder at a food company without anyone noticing, and leave a message at your home what you did. After a couple of days when everybody is starting to get worried about you, they come search for you at home. They find the note, but by then you've been eaten by a lot of people. Once it hits the newspapers, people will go crazy. If you do it at a desert company, it will be ironic too.
Just a burial, but I think I'll put myself down as an organ donor once I get my license.
ok bear with me a minute ..what if there was a heaven ..and when you die your body looks like what it did before you died ..there's gonna be a lot of people in heaven with missing organs and exposed chest cavities ..egad what if you get squished by a truck? in the afterlife you'll be a celestial pile of goo
And in my case, I'd be a badass old man with a kung-fu grip, dressed like a ninja, with roller-skates attached to his feet.

Hell yeah.
The medical science route seems the most productive. However i would rather object to ending up as an art sculpture or being cut up on live TV by that crazy German guy who looks like the medic from TF2!

warning: quite graphic
Dunno yet. Im thinking that a donation to science would be good, but I wanna get launched into space...
The Vikings did it right. Metalocalypse proves this.

Really bad show.

The medical science route seems the most productive. However i would rather object to ending up as an art sculpture or being cut up on live TV by that crazy German guy who looks like the medic from TF2!

I went to his display when it was here. Absolutely facinating.

If someone could turn my corpse into a work of art, I don't see how I could object to that at all.
I'm gonna be burnt and scattered across the bushland behind my house.

Eat that, bushwalkers!
Pumped with preservatives and made into a statue.

Or I could go with the final weapon version. I die, they mechanize my body into the ultimate destruction infantry.