what game has the best graphics?

What is alan wake even about? All they show is nature pictures... : / (And no, I'm not going to google it)

Then you'll never find out. :p

How about some console games? Resident Evil 4 looks fantastic.
Then you'll never find out. :p

How about some console games? Resident Evil 4 looks fantastic.


Resident Evil and Resident Evil Zero look incredible too, despite having pre-rendered environments.
Alan Wake for landscape. HL2 for characters. Gears of War for high-res, high-def stuff and grittiness. Zelda TP, WW, Shadow of the Colossus and Okami for art style and beauty.
Give that man a huge great facking QFT!
I thought oblivion was pretty good for its time, but from the stuff Ive seen Microsoft flight simulator X looks sick



In terms of pure graphics, well it's a neverending cycle of games topping one another within few months. What I actually thought was DAMN impressive is Shadow of the Collosus, in terms of raw graphics it does not hold a candle to say Flight Simular X / Crysis / whatever but the art direction along with the desolate feeling of the world completely blew me away. That to me, is more important than "zomg 9 bazillion pixels in his pinky + dynamic abc...xyz, etc...
Yes, best graphics ever. Nothing compared to say, test drive unlimited or anything.

That's the beauty of subjectivity. Colour returning to Hyrule under the sea, or fighting the massive raven/crow on the prison island, are two of the greatest things i've seen in a video game in all these years. Visually up there with the very best.

To me that shot of Test Drive doesn't even begin to compare (whoopdeedoo, it's a car, I can't contain my enthusiasm a second longer ;))
It may be nice and appealing and a great game for the whole family, but the graphics are absolutely horrendous. Low poly count, horrible aliasing, absolutely no detail at all on anything, no shadows, clipping errors, I could definitely go on.

That shot of test drive is light years beyond wind waker, or ANYTHING zelda for that matter. Ever. Ever. It may be boring, but it has amazing rendering and is not too over the top with color saturation so it looks more real. But I don't really care if it looks real or not, it looks complete. It looks polished. Zelda: Wind Waker is a (probably... but no bets) good story packaged in the biggest heap of lazy-man techniques I have ever seen. I don't give a shit who made it. That model of Link could be done by any person with 20 minutes of modeling training. It's boring, and it's flat. I hate it so much.
Yet it still bores the tits off me. I couldn't give a toss about clipping, poly counts, and shaders. It may be light years ahead of Zelda technically, but aethetically I think it's way off.

At the time, WW blew me away in a way that very few games before or since have managed. Test Drive will never impress me visually. There's no point us arguing about this, we could bump heads for years and still be no closer to agreeing.
Wind Waker managed to blow me away visually, and than again in gameplay because it combinded together so well. A generic racing game... well, yeah, it looks nice, but the gameplay? ''LOL''. Vrooom vrooom! :dork: Bit too much time making the game look nice than actually doing something new with it.

Best graphics in a game? Ermmm, I don't know.
Wind Waker had a very elegant and nice style. Dust kicked up unto spirals, everything was vivid and colorful.

Okami as well had a very unique style, like a watercolor painting. Its amazing. <3

Okami looks lush :) I'm just gutted that after following its progress for years my PS2 died weeks before release :/
Wind Waker had a very elegant and nice style. Dust kicked up unto spirals, everything was vivid and colorful.

Yeah, some of the stuff that happened was really nice looking. Like flame effects, or the smoke that appeared when an enemy was destroyed. Nooiiiccce. :D
The animation was also very good.
Doom 3 was all nice and shiny and smooth...i loved it. Lighting was the best in any game to date.
Also fair to note that some games don't screenshot very well.

Wind Waker, I'm looking at you.