What game have you replayed the most?

Such a good game. Only game I can recall recently I replayed on all difficulties just for achievements cos it was so good :)

Can't wait to see where they go with the comics in 2. Another game I've replayed a lot is Dead Space. Can't get enough of the gore.
Hmm... well Half Life 2 and its episodes probably five time each (thats COMPLETE playthroughs, not loading my favourite levels up).

I've played through various versions of Pokemon multiple times, and probably beaten Kirby 64 & Nightmare in Dreamland about 4 times apiece.

Replayed Bioshock two times, same with Dark Messiah.
I heart you.


Shhhh.. don't tell anyone, but I even went so far as to convert my old Final Fantasy & Dragon Warrior NES cartridges to PC format so that I could still play them, which I do from time to time. Though the older I get, i'm not so sure anymore if that's because I like the games so much or they remind me of my youth, which I notice is slipping away a little more each year.

Talk about learning how to tweak every last drop of *bandwidth* out of a 56k! I spent the first 3 years playing BF42, ( Vanilla & DC ) on a 56k, which a few of the older members here may remember...

In terms of singleplayer, Goldeneye.

Multiplayer... either Starcraft or Day of Defeat. Maybe CS.
Metal Gear Solid

World of Warcraft (not exactly replaying, I suppose)

Starcraft (skirmish and bnet)


CS in it's various incarnations, DoD/DoD:S/>>Half-Life<<

Soldier of Fortune II, Jedi Knight II, JK: Jedi Academy, Skies of Arcadia, Lords of the Realm II, Quake II, Quake III, Unreal Tournament, Doom, Duke 3D, Donkey Kong Country I/II, Star Fox (n64) + tons more early Nintendo titles and obscure PC games that I randomly stumble back upon.

Lots more that I can't remember... (Super Mario Brothers for SNES, for instance)

These and more fall into a category of games I return to for familiarity and comfort. They'll always hold a special place.
Probably Resident Evil 4, which I've went through about 10 times now. Well, that or Half-Life.
Oh I forgot to mention I played the hell out of medievil when I was a kid. That game is SO underrated it's not even funny.

Discounting multiplayer games (that'd be CS:S, ZM, TF2, BF2, various CoDs) and WoW...

Half-Life. Obviously.

A little-known game called Sacrifice comes a close second - it has 30 or more missions, and you can only play about 10 of them on your first playthrough. Besides that, it's fun as hell.
Half-Life, Halo, Diablo (if it counts), Broken Sword 2
The Darkness. God damn I love this game.

Good god it was ****in awesome. My friends dowloaded the demo because it was ripped to shreds by yatzhee, they thought it was crap and laughed at it. I could of murdered them

Max Payne 2 I honestly cannot remember how many times i have played this game all the way through. roll on 3
****ing this. The fact that they let you replay the game with all your unlocks was the shit. I replayed "R&C: Going Commando" around 20 times, I had reached over 9,999,999 bolts by then. Still awesome.

Holy **** yes. I remember when I got the RYNO (?) in the first game and proceeded to decimate everything on every level. That game had incredible replay value.

Same goes for Resident Evil 4... getting the Chicago Typewriter made more playthroughs a blast, plus the game was just that fun.

Others I've replayed a lot would probably be Ocarina of Time, Half Life 2 and stuff like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro when I was a young lad.
Savage: Battle for Newerth.

By a large margin the most replayed game I've ever had.

Haven't installed it on this computer yet but oh well, gotta get fed up of it eventually I guess, years upon years is a good run I figure.

Dawn of War gets a fair thrash too.
I hardly ever finish single player campaigns. I did however play Max Payne II multiple times. One of the best storylines in a game imo. I also finished countless campaigns in the Total War games. Thinking about starting up another MTWII campaign, since I haven't really enjoyed E:TW.
Savage: Battle for Newerth.

By a large margin the most replayed game I've ever had.

Haven't installed it on this computer yet but oh well, gotta get fed up of it eventually I guess, years upon years is a good run I figure.

So so much better than the sequel.
Played this a ton when it was first released, seeing groups of ballistas and catapults moving across a field, backed up by archers and savages and shaman and then seeing everything open fire at a group of beasts consisting of siege units and support is quite breathtaking.
I'm glad this thread's still here. Resident Evil 4.

Finished this game so many times and just finished it on Pro the other night.

Also, since the "what game made you cry" thread is no longer around, I'd have to say Resident Evil 4's ending was a tear jerker.

The Illustrations during the credits depicting the once happy lives of the Pueblo villagers before the Los Illuminados enslaved them. The laughter, the guys playing the mandolin while the children danced, the mothers preparing meals for their families, the happiness. Also, all the children were killed after the Las Plagas infection. One scene showed a plaga infected father going mad just before attacking his unsuspecting son.

Shit was so sad.
Half-Life 2, 8 or 9 times
System Shock 2, at least once every year
Deus Ex, tons of times
Portal, 5 or 6 times
Far Cry 2, twice (which is basically the same as replaying one game 50,000 times)
Zeno Clash, already almost 3 times since April 21st

Is it fair to count Left 4 Dead? Because I've done lots of replaying there.
At last count, I had played through the campaign of Heavy Gear 2 four-hundred-and-seventeen times, most of the historical missions on average three hundred times, and each of the shirmish maps in excess of one thousand times each.
The illustrations during the credits didn't make you feel the least bit of pity for the ganados?

If you've only played the GC/Wii version, then maybe those don't have it it.
Solitaire, about 1000 times!
Half-Life 2, can't remember how many times, but a lot
Duke3d, maybe as many times as HL2, but I am not so sure. I have atleast played it as much, but not the actual campaign.
Half-Life 1, a lot, but maybe not as much as HL2.
I don't really replay games very often once I've beaten them. Probably either Portal or Final Fantasy 7, 8, or 9.
Singleplayer would definitely be Goldeneye, or possibly Pokemon Blue or Ocarina of Time.

Multiplayer is either CS 1.5, DOD 1.3, or Starcraft.
I rarely replay games tbh. I'm generally a complete explorer when I play so I rarely leave anything undiscovered and will often go back in game and try things differently if the mood takes me at the time. There's always too many new games coming out for me to indulge in retro play.
A toss up between Savage: Battle for Newerth and Delta Force: Black Hawk Down.

Wolfenstein Enemy Territory is also a fairly close third place.

I don't really replay it but Neverwinter Nights makes me gamegasm when I think about how much fun I had playing it.

I got NWN2 but the online play seems lacking.