What gameplay style


Jul 16, 2003
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Just wondering what gameplay style would you prefer and continue to play

1. MMORPG, first/thurd person updated with new content pretty frequently - all information stored on a central server and what ever server you join, your status remains the same, items etc...

2. A CO-OPish ORPG, first/third person updated with new content pretty frequently - information stored on the server you play on, for instance a group or collective play together joining the server when they want helping each other or fighting each other, the server is controlled by Steam_ID's so only the select can play. From this many other things can stem from, factions, territorys etc..

For the first 2 options remember the play limit of the souce engine 128 - 256 most probally.

3. A Single Player RPG, first/third person not really updated with new content only bug fixes and maybe new replacement models.

Your Opinions?
Yeh that is the gameplay style that i was leaning towards, oh this is just research so a mod that i maybe considering, btw
Care to enlighten us on your idea?
just make it a morpg. doesn't need to be "massive" per-server characters and whatnot works fine.. look at NWN if you think it won't.
what type of goals would be in the online modes?
a single player mod seems like it would turn out better..
The goals of the online mod, i was thinking would take advantage of the "Steam" aspect of the Source engine, where it can be updated whenever and pretty seemlessly as-seen with counter-strike.

Six Three :: I Will write up a design doc or a synopsis for the weekend so you can see what style of gameplay i am going to be aiming for aswell as the backstory and how i feel the story can continue to evolve allowing new features and aspects to keep the people playing.

Synthos :: Care to enlighten me on what NWN is please, aswell as how they implimentent the gameplay?

Kon :: There will be examples in the design doc, but the game will eb created in such a way that new "modes" and "quests" can be implimented.

Here are some placeholder concepts that i have created, i plan todo mainly the coding but i will also dabble with some of the modelling, none of these models are complete all are around 70-80% done.


Also im looking for a concept artist, with a decent artistic background, you can either contact me now or wait untill i post the Design Doc later in the week.

PS :: the mod isnt cyberpunk.

So you can actually use steam to facilitate an online RPG?

Hmm interesting, because I was thinking of a siimiliar concept.

I was going to store the info on the client, though, but that is a really bad decision. Its open to hacherz and cheats that way. Never really thought of using steam.

Maybe I'll E-mail Gabe about this.
i would not consider it cyberpunk im currently working on the design doc, i would say its borderline, but there are great MP cyberpunk games like Corp Anarchy coming out and i dont want to infringe on them at all.
neozero :: steam in theory should be capable of it but no one really knows untill they get there hands on the SDK, also the way the RPG is set out is vital as the amount of pressure on the server running it can be massive if too much is put on the serverside of things cuase the steam engine was not really built for MMORPG which is why it should be fun to develope