What good is Bush?



What good is Bush?

1. He cannot even express correctly what he thinks.

e.g. "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

2, He has no common knowledge. He doesn't know the money of Russia and Iraq.

Bush speaks of 'Soviet dinar' in speech about Iraq

Wed Aug 18, 8:28 PM ET HUDSON, United States (AFP) - US President George W. Bush spoke of "the Soviet dinar," even though dinars are the Iraqi currency.


3. He had no ability to handle and foresee the development of a big event. He said "(Iraq war) Mission is accomplished". We know it is not.

4. He is dumb to react an emergence. He had no reaction to a big attack(When WTC was bombed) for 7 minutes.

To react properly in above events is not difficult for most people. How can be in such a great country like US, we have no better selection but an incompetent Bush?

No wonder he is the big joke abroad. George W. Bush is a big winner at the World Stupidity Awards in Canada.

Bush wins fest's top 'stupid award'
But U.S. president loses to Saddam for Just for Laughs' lifetime awards
Nelson Wyatt
The Canadian Press
July 25, 2004

MONTREAL - The November elections may still be ahead of him, but U.S. President George W. Bush has already come out a big winner at the World Stupidity Awards.

Mr. Bush was a dominating presence at the second edition of the awards presented at the Just for Laughs comedy festival taking place in Montreal

Mr. Black said the awards "celebrate the pros" and "perfection in idiocy" because real stupidity is hard work.


Bush, with his low IQ, even not dare to face kerry's challenge to debate each week. Yet, media from time to time said Bush is leading over Kerry. Do you believe it?
This is how insider group manipulate American election. They steal it by intelligent covert job. (Those who controlled intelligence, they controlled election office) And make people believe the result is reasonable by fake poll.
WHO CARES...what are you trying to prove with your thread? OMG YOU ARE SO RIGHT..KERRY ALL THE WAY!. its not like you are going to change peoples minds..and its not like we all havent heard those "facts" before. moron.
I hate when people say he stutters.

So ****in what?

Dosen't mean your stupid.
If bush wins, World war 3 will start, everyone will be drafted into the forces. The sun will burn the ground we stand on, the trees will die and humans will slowly die out. Leaving only the rich. Then there will be afew cold wars.. and then the dinos will come back.

Nah im just messing with you guys, I dont really think anything.
Ritz said:
If bush wins, World war 3 will start, everyone will be drafted into the forces. The sun will burn the ground we stand on, the trees will die and humans will slowly die out. Leaving only the rich. Then there will be afew cold wars.. and then the dinos will come back.

Nah im just messing with you guys, I dont really think anything.
post like that make me laugh

and yes Bush and kerry sucks

vote for Nader
if bush wins.. i will lol..
and then i will shave my "bush"..
(damn, that was not funny)
She said:
if bush wins.. i will lol..
and then i will shave my "bush"..
(damn, that was not funny)
ewww, so you let yourself sprout like wildfire down there?

and heh, i see the thread starter is banned.
Shadowlands5325 said:
I hate when people say he stutters.

So ****in what?

Dosen't mean your stupid.

that's not why people call him stupid :E
kathaksung said:
1. He cannot even express correctly what he thinks.

e.g. "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
What are you talking about? I think he expressed himself perfectly. :) Freudian, perhaps, but right on target.
B.Calhoun said:
ewww, so you let yourself sprout like wildfire down there?
Are you serious? Asians are not that hairy. Some natrual fur can be quite sexy.
f|uke said:
What are you talking about? I think he expressed himself perfectly. :) Freudian, perhaps, but right on target.
Are you serious? Asians are not that hairy. Some natrual fur can be quite sexy.
fur... :LOL:
Kids, kids! Calm down. You see, there is really no thing as "democracy" so Bush and Kerry and the election and Republicans and Democrats are all irrelevant. The United States is secretly controlled by 12 anonymous individuals simply called: "The Patriots". Now you see we have this fascinating little machine called "Metal Gear Arsenal", and it's Metal Gear Arsenals job to ensure simple minded people like you believe that you are in control of whats going on in the world. It really doesn't matter. It's all good... well, no it's not, but you understand.
Im sure everyone on earth has misspoken at least once...more so when put on the spot. Its not like it changes anything.

"3. He had no ability to handle and foresee the development of a big event. He said "(Iraq war) Mission is accomplished". We know it is not.

4. He is dumb to react an emergence. He had no reaction to a big attack(When WTC was bombed) for 7 minutes. "

Those last two are quite bad.

3. Iraq was invaded. That was the mission. Accomplished. Yay.

4. 7 mins is like 0 time for something that momentous. What do you expect him to do?
Are you serious? Asians are not that hairy. Some natrual fur can be quite sexy.


it's s****d

I think everyone should be asking themselves what good are Presidents in general? Besides Vetoing power over the Congress, they suite nothing more then an image to our society. :D
Pretty much like the Queen here, she does'nt run anything, just sits there and looks old while tony blair does everything.

Offtopic: She dont you have any standerds, telling people that kinda info is sick.
Can't the president make "presidential orders" that are equal to declaring war ?
Ritz said:
Offtopic: She dont you have any standerds, telling people that kinda info is sick.
It's actually quite fascinating in that She is probably a guy pretending to be a girl sought of way. :farmer:
He also has the key to our nuclear arsenal. That alone freaks the shit out of me.
Some people here won't remember Ronald Reagan. I can. I remember him being prompted to answer questions by his wife, because his mind turned to mush. I also seem to remember him spending the USSR out of existence.
Parrot of doom said:
Some people here won't remember Ronald Reagan. I can. I remember him being prompted to answer questions by his wife, because his mind turned to mush. I also seem to remember him spending the USSR out of existence.
Shhhhhhhh Reagan didnt do anything good. We cant say such evil things. The USSR was naturally going out, he did nothing :LOL:
seinfeldrules said:
Shhhhhhhh Reagan didnt do anything good. We cant say such evil things. The USSR was naturally going out, he did nothing :LOL:


"Asked at a press conference in Moscow in 1988, his last year in office, about the role he (Reagan) played in the great drama of the late 20th century, he described himself essentially as a supporting actor. ''Mr. Gorbachev,'' he said, ''deserves most of the credit, as the leader of this country.''

Don't Credit Reagan for Ending the Cold War
Why do I even bother to read such threads...

I guess Oscar Wild was right: 'Common sense is not so common'
Yep, your right. Unfortunately, I argue with these people simply because im the only fool willing to give a rise to them. :D

Makes me feel a lot more powerful, that I'am their supplier...and at anytime I could cut them off.
K e r b e r o s said:
Yep, your right. Unfortunately, I argue with these people simply because im the only fool willing to give a rise to them. :D

Makes me feel a lot more powerful, that I'am their supplier...and at anytime I could cut them off.

hahahhah ...you couldnt argue your way out of a paper bag ...excuse my bluntness ...you're too prone to wild leaps of logic (example ..Hasan = me)
Incitatus said:
I guess Oscar Wild was right: 'Common sense is not so common'
uh.. actually that was voltaire.. "le sens commun n'est pas si commun"
lol.. all those quote buttons look the same to me..

editted.. no one will ever believe you!
Guess what? Some do. :D

Your opinion: 0

My Opinion: 1

Its a sad score, you should be in the lead here. :D
Vote for a score change? No, you have to actually "score" for a point to count. :p Even Soccer Players in Portugal know that.

To change the score, you must petition its change with an assembly. Oh, and make sure you have a good reason too. :p
well, score looks like this to me:

me: 50 gabillion
you: F+
Tid for Tat again, eh? Sorry, but you must petition the score change in order for it occur. My team won. Your team lost.

:D Maybe next year...?
A LARGE group of people from my school are seriously going to vote for Mel Gibson...

no joke.
I would'nt doubt it. He:

0. ...fought for freedome, once, and won. (Braveheart) +25% of republican poll vote
1. Came out of Vietnam not protesting the war. Won some medals, had some good humor, and shared the spotlight with Danny Glover as a "Buddy Cop" film star. (Lethal Weapon Series) +6 public relations
2. He was a mean, but hearty biker. Again, no restrictions.
3. He knows what women want. (What a woman wants) +6 Womans Vote
4. He does the right thing during a Ransom (Ransom). +6 decision making
5. He thwarted an alien attack by saying, "Swing Home!" (Signs) +World Relations
6. He was an avid patriot, and a better one then Bush or Kerry, and WON. (The Patriot) +17...of whatever
7. He was the director of Passion of the Christ. How good could that make you? +28 ... Bible...ness
8. Finally, he got in a carwreck down in New Zealand, which forced him to have surgery and postpone his acting career. It also, accelerated it soon after him being better.

He is the best of both worlds, and more. Why not, Mel?