What hairstyle do you have?

My bed shapes the hairstyle I have the next day it changes everyday but generally that pattern is messyish and medium length

With a little bit of pout ;)

It's not mullety at the back, it's just the way my neck is bent
I've gone from hair down to just above the middle of my back to shaved bald on the sides and spiked on top ..sort of a long mohawk ..now it's short buzz cut throughout
I've got number 2 back and sides, short on the top with my fringe flicked up at the front along with blonde highlights and i've got dirty blonde hair naturally.
Raziaar said:
What's up with this wax stuff? Don't you guys have hairgel? lol

Or is that what they call it? Or do you actually take an equivilent of candlewax to shape it? Heh.

Ever seen the movie There's Something About Mary? There's your hairgel!

I have to use wax. Super strong wax cuz my hair is so thick. If i use regular gel it just looks wet and greasy and dosent hold it up..
apparently i have 'girly hair' which is not true.

most other lads i know have really short hair, which they put a tub of gel into each day. I really dont see the need.
I'm a tart.. I use quite expensive gel-wax-fusion stuff :|

And my hair's just a mess.. on purpose.. slight mullet at the back, spiked.. I'll take a proper photo soon :P
Raziaar said:
Its generally women or preppy boys who do that flip thing :E

No offense to you. Hehe.
Not around where I live its not. :o
Besides I don't usually do my hair, most of the time I just make sure it doesn't go all over the place. Although its kind of hard when your hair is naturally thick and curly. :(

Also its really funny because throughout highschool I had people trying to get me to grow a mullet. All because of the last name mullins. :rolling:
I always have horrible hat hair. Problem is I never wear hats :(
Bad^Hat said:
I always have horrible hat hair. Problem is I never wear hats :(

Maybe turn down the gravity a little bit?
burner69 said:
Shortish, but with the potential of being knocked up into a mohican. If I'm rich one month I'll slap blonde streaks in it.
I did try and grow it a while ago, but when I reached the bit between being long, and being short, when it looks bloody aweful, I realised I really didn't want long hair anyway, so got it snipped.
Not hard to see why....
Nice jacket in the second pic, dude! You look like you pillaged the wardrobe of a middle-aged Geography teacher! :) Seriously though, it does look cool.

Mine's kind of longish shaggy (or floppy) blonde indie hair. I get it cut about every three months - when I can get my fringe soundly in my mouth. As I can now, actually. It's very sexy, or so I'm told :naughty:
Wicked to dance with - flick it all over the place. Sometimes I even turn myself on ;)
el Chi said:
Nice jacket in the second pic, dude! You look like you pillaged the wardrobe of a middle-aged Geography teacher! :) Seriously though, it does look cool.

Mine's kind of longish shaggy (or floppy) blonde indie hair. I get it cut about every three months - when I can get my fringe soundly in my mouth. As I can now, actually. It's very sexy, or so I'm told :naughty:
Wicked to dance with - flick it all over the place. Sometimes I even turn myself on ;)

haha look at el chis cool hair :thumbs:

if i was you id dye it pink and orange and grow it :cheese:
Nah I dyed my hair once before - with hilarious/embarrassing results. Depends who you ask.
My dad once had his wife (i.e., not my mother) bleach his eyebrows when they were both drunk. That was... weird. I may have been an adult back then too, but it still probably cost me a years growth.

Up until very recently I had a swamp for a hairstyle- just big hair, and a fringe with enough natural grease to protrude several inches forward without budging :x

Recently had my hair cut, and now- although I still retain a lingering remnant of my once proud fringe- I feel like I've got a woman's hair. Even though it's really short, it looks distinctively feminine to my eyes.

I blame Sinead O'Connor.
Mine was cut with an aid of a bowl.

LOL, only kidding, I shave my hair, I get bad dandruff otherwise.
I haven't cut mine since I left school 9 years ago, and it was shoulder length then. It's getting a little too long these days tho, so I may have to say goodbye to what remains of my youth and get a sensible cut :/

I could tell you a bum wiping story that would make you feel ill.
Warbie said:
I haven't cut mine since I left school 9 years ago, and it was shoulder length then. It's getting a little too long these days tho, so I may have to say goodbye to what remains of my youth and get a sensible cut :/

I could tell you a bum wiping story that would make you feel ill.

Please don't, you already made me feel ill by saying hair and bum wiping in the same paragraph
Mine's just a mess ATM, longish but it's curly so its stayed the same length but gotten messy and frankly scruffy looking. Need it neatened up but not really sure what I want.
Hair is for nerds. Wait.. OH DEAR GOD I AM A NERD!
I have hair. Not very long.
About one inch all the way around. I prefer longer though.
I like my hair longer. I'd say the best is when my bangs are at my eyebrows.
I've had long hair for.. oh, 5 years now I think. Just this last year it's started to annoy me, what with finding hairs everywhere and getting frustrated when it falls down in front of you when I'm at a desk, but I've got it tied back now so it's not so bad. It's roughly about near to my elbow now, I think. Something like that. I'll be getting it cut Army-regulation standards come Febuary anyway and I can't say I'm too fussed about getting rid of it.
About an inch on the sides and back, longer on the top. My bangs fill my forehead. In the morning I'll use a bit of gel to make it a tad shnazzier, and becaue if I don't, hairs start sticking up all around my head and it looks really stupid.
My hair is a few inches long right now, and it looks fine, but much longer and I'll have to cut it.
My hair is just regular, grows downwards, when it gets to long, I just cut it really short, and repeat..
I got it cut today. Over the summer I succesfully grew it long, then I got it cut (don't ask me why) and tried to grow it long again (Once again, don't ask me why) and it ended up looking like a big mess of hair. I got it cut pretty short today, and I'm happy with it this way. (people tell me I look like Ian Curtis now :D).
My hair is so thick it takes a long time to grow downward. It grows up for a while and then kinds goes down. I now have a 1/2 inch cut now, really short, but I want to grow it to 1.5 to 2 inches over the winter and get it extremely thinned.
My hair was layered a while back, so thats the style.

According to my ruler my hair is about 18 inches at its longest. Still quite a way to go to my waist though.
its usually like this

but currentley its grown into this

I'm getting it cut tommorow. (neither of those people is me, and the second is slightly exagerated)
My hair is so thick it takes a long time to grow downward. It grows up for a while and then kinds goes down. I now have a 1/2 inch cut now, really short, but I want to grow it to 1.5 to 2 inches over the winter and get it extremely thinned.

Yeah, mine would grow up. I know it's a phase that you generally have to go through to get the hair long, but gah, it just looked hidious.
About 1/2th an inch. Funny thing is that it's straight only so long as it isn't very long (4+ inches) then it gets wavy.