What happened in HL1?



I remember playing HL1 back in the day but I never actually got very far and ended up being hooked to various mods. Can someone provide a summary(short or long, preferably long as I love game plots :) ) of what happened? I can't be bothered replaying it all again :angel:
captain_howdy said:
I remember playing HL1 back in the day but I never actually got very far and ended up being hooked to various mods. Can someone provide a summary(short or long, preferably long as I love game plots :) ) of what happened? I can't be bothered replaying it all again :angel:

Why dont you go back and play through it? Its still fun.
Oh christ, not again...okay.

Gordon Freeman came to work at Black Mesa Research Facility. One morning he was late for work and hurried down to the labs for an important experiment. But this experiment went horribly wrong. Everything blew up, people died, and creatures from another dimension appeared. This bit you know. Gordon tries to escape to the surface through first a cooling facility and then offices. While making his way skywards he hears the military are coming to rescue everybody.

When he gets to the topside warehouse complexes he find the military have actually been sent to 'silence' the scientists. He finally reaches the surface but it's crawling with marines and he is forced back underground. A scientist tells him the onyl way to fix everything will be to get to the Lambda labs, so Gordon makes his way there through the old rail system. Along the way he launches a satellite in order for the Lambda team to try and close the dimensional breach and finds the military have been tracking him as have the scientists (who I think had a kind of 'resistance' going - they were all in contact). He survives an attempted assassination by stealth-suited ninja women but is captured by marines who then throw him in a trash compactor.

Stripped of weapons, he escapes out into the desert. After crawling through the processing plant and collecting a few weapons he emerges into the main BMRF labs via floor duct. But what's this? They're researching aliens? It turns out the scientists have a whoel lab for researching the aliens, meaning they've known about them for ages. He needs to get outside so fights through the labs and rescues some scientists who let him out. Once he gets outside he realises that a full-scale invasion is underway, massive squads of aliens facing off against marines. He dodges tanks, helicopters, humans and aliens as he races through the desert to the other end of the complex and his ultimate goal: Lambda labs.

As he enters the underground road the marines begin to pull out and commence airstrikes. Gordon eventually reaches Lambda, which is overun with aliens. The scientists have sealed off all but one way into the complex to contain the invasion and are holed up in the lab core. One scientist remained behind to meet Gordon (he drew the short straw). He tells Gordon that the scientists are waiting for him further ona nd that he must flood the reactor to continue. Gordon eventually gets to the Lambda core by making use of experimental teleports.

The last scientists tell him the situation. Black Mesa had known about the aliens for a long time, and had been sending through survey teams who colected specimens "until the teams started being collected themselves." The scientists urge Gordon to go through a portal tot he alien world and destroy some huge being that is keeping the rift open and controlling the invasion. Reluctantly Gordon tools up with experimental weaponry and goes through the giant Lambda Teleport into Xen.

Once there, he fights his way through floating islands and factories where aliens are cloned before finally meeting and defeating Nihilanth (the baby-face alien ruler). With that Gordon looses consiousness and wakes up in a lift witht he mysterious G-man who has been following him (you may have seen him watching you). The g-man has seized Xen and thanks Gordon for destroying the aliens before offering him a choice. Gordon can choose to work for the G-man, or die by the hands of an army of carboard cut-out aliens (no really - Valve couldn't be bothered to put more than a few real aliens at that bit). It seems the alien armies are under the G-man's control. Gordon accepts the job (or dies, but that doesn't count) hence, Half-Life 2.

Sulkdodds said:
Oh christ, not again...okay.

Gordon Freeman came to work at Black Mesa Research Facility. One morning he was late for work and hurried down to the labs for an important experiment. But this experiment went horribly wrong. Everything blew up, people died, and creatures from another dimension appeared. This bit you know. Gordon tries to escape to the surface through first a cooling facility and then offices. While making his way skywards he hears the military are coming to rescue everybody.

When he gets to the topside warehouse complexes he find the military have actually been sent to 'silence' the scientists. He finally reaches the surface but it's crawling with marines and he is forced back underground. A scientist tells him the onyl way to fix everything will be to get to the Lambda labs, so Gordon makes his way there through the old rail system. Along the way he launches a satellite in order for the Lambda team to try and close the dimensional breach and finds the military have been tracking him as have the scientists (who I think had a kind of 'resistance' going - they were all in contact). He survives an attempted assassination by stealth-suited ninja women but is captured by marines who then throw him in a trash compactor.

Stripped of weapons, he escapes out into the desert. After crawling through the processing plant and collecting a few weapons he emerges into the main BMRF labs via floor duct. But what's this? They're researching aliens? It turns out the scientists have a whoel lab for researching the aliens, meaning they've known about them for ages. He needs to get outside so fights through the labs and rescues some scientists who let him out. Once he gets outside he realises that a full-scale invasion is underway, massive squads of aliens facing off against marines. He dodges tanks, helicopters, humans and aliens as he races through the desert to the other end of the complex and his ultimate goal: Lambda labs.

As he enters the underground road the marines begin to pull out and commence airstrikes. Gordon eventually reaches Lambda, which is overun with aliens. The scientists have sealed off all but one way into the complex to contain the invasion and are holed up in the lab core. One scientist remained behind to meet Gordon (he drew the short straw). He tells Gordon that the scientists are waiting for him further ona nd that he must flood the reactor to continue. Gordon eventually gets to the Lambda core by making use of experimental teleports.

The last scientists tell him the situation. Black Mesa had known about the aliens for a long time, and had been sending through survey teams who colected specimens "until the teams started being collected themselves." The scientists urge Gordon to go through a portal tot he alien world and destroy some huge being that is keeping the rift open and controlling the invasion. Reluctantly Gordon tools up with experimental weaponry and goes through the giant Lambda Teleport into Xen.

Once there, he fights his way through floating islands and factories where aliens are cloned before finally meeting and defeating Nihilanth (the baby-face alien ruler). With that Gordon looses consiousness and wakes up in a lift witht he mysterious G-man who has been following him (you may have seen him watching you). The g-man has seized Xen and thanks Gordon for destroying the aliens before offering him a choice. Gordon can choose to work for the G-man, or die by the hands of an army of carboard cut-out aliens (no really - Valve couldn't be bothered to put more than a few real aliens at that bit). It seems the alien armies are under the G-man's control. Gordon accepts the job (or dies, but that doesn't count) hence, Half-Life 2.


Didnt you learn how to use paragraphs in school? What are they teaching kids these days?

Edit- ah so you do know how, thanks for changing it lol
Well actually they do teach us in school. I had my English exam today ;)

That was odd though. I completely forgot to use paragraphs...odd. Probably cos I was just so caught up with typing the bloody thing while about 50 msn windows were flashing in my taskbar.
Sulkdodds, thats well written, but dont you have something better to do? and also, how long do you have to play HL for before you can recite the entire story perfectly :LOL:

now you must recite the stories of blueshift and opposing force while standidn on your head while fighting off swarms of ants. this is your next challenge, sulkdodds!!!
I was going to do Blue Shift as well but I was just about to post when I must have accidentally pressed somethign because the window closed. And now, I can't be bothered.

Captain Howdy, I hope that answers all your questions. Except the oens about HL2, obviously.
It was a great plot summary, but it was full of grammatical and spelling errors :). Hope you didn't fail your English exam ;).