What happened to: Gabe "I play HL2 Multiplayer every day?"

In other news, EA games 'surprise' games fans everywhere with the annoucement of Fifa Football 2005!

Wow never saw that one comming!
OCybrManO said:
Yes, that's why they are porting over old games... for the sake of innovation.


The only innovation in that is finding new ways to make people pay you for something they already have.
No its making completely compatible tools with a totally different engine built off an old api. Backwards compatible game engines, do not exist. You can take a hl map and recompile it to work in source, presto. The innovation lies within the technology behind being able to 'convert' mods completly over to source with no need of recoding everything.
killahsin-[CE] said:
No its making completely compatible tools with a totally different engine built off an old api. Backwards compatible game engines, do not exist. You can take a hl map and recompile it to work in source, presto. The innovation lies within the technology behind being able to 'convert' mods completly over to source with no need of recoding everything.

that's the ticket, right there.
Ever think that it's TF2? They've said that it's pretty much done.
Dr. Freeman said:
i'll give u a more subtle reason.. CS:Source = cash cow ;)
innovation can go to hell if its not gonna rake in the dollars...and on that note, imagine how much money Valve would have made if there was a innovative MP to HL2?

its okay tho because as posey said.. its hogwash.

If it's a cash cow how come they aren't selling it as a new game? Instead of bundling for free with HL2? :dozey:
killahsin-[CE] said:
No its making completely compatible tools with a totally different engine built off an old api. Backwards compatible game engines, do not exist. You can take a hl map and recompile it to work in source, presto. The innovation lies within the technology behind being able to 'convert' mods completly over to source with no need of recoding everything.

In essence, they are just jerking off then. The innovation behind porting CS to Source does not benefit the averaage gamer. They obviously wanted to rake in the cash by offering a very popular game with a mild twist. Face it, CS:S is not going to be groundbreaking. Valve was merely doing it to see if it could be done, and to grab more money from rabid CS fans. What it comes down to is that CS could have been ported by any other mode maker. Valve just took the easy way out.

What it comes down to is that there is no "standard DM" type of game available with HL2. At least one person in the world really doesn't care for the "Team-based" or "Tactical" FPS games.

And, as much as the single player games can be considered "immersive", there is no substitue, in my mind, for putting a LAN together and fragging it up with some of your close friends. Every single one of my friends was disappointed there was to be no HL2: DM. We'll miss the HL2 Environment.

Face facts, if creating a DM game for HL2 is easy enough for a Mod Maker to do in a few weeks' time, it would have been much easier for Valve to do. So, it's either very technically challenging, or Valve F'd up by not offering it with HL2.
My theory is this: (acually 3)

1: If they would have tried to come up with a new groundbreaking MP, they would have to compete "with themself" (cs is the biggest mp out there).

2: Or simply, they had an idea, but came to the conclusion, that it wouldnt be "so good" , so they scrapped it.

3: They wait awhile , and let cs "have its time" and in about a year from now, they will release a MP that really IS groundbreaking, to meet the competition from for example, BF2, stalker, or such. ;)
Homercidal said:
and to grab more money from rabid CS fans.

Its been given away for free with HL2. how are they making money off of it? HL2 is the most anticipated game of the year, it is going to sell bucket loads of copies. Certainly there are a % of CS players who have little interest in HL2, but they are hardly the majority. So where is the cash cow?
Kadayi Polokov said:
Certainly there are a % of CS players who have little interest in HL2, but they are hardly the majority.

noticed the number of ppl who play CS?
i think u'll find there are more CS players who don't care about HL2 than u think. ppl here, talking about HL2 all day, forget just how popular CS is, and how many ppl play it. + how many ppl used to play it but left 'cos of cheaters, boredom, whatever.

valve wants all those players to migrate to CS:S. plus the ones who would have bought HL2 anyway (eventually), but now will buy it next week from steam so they can play CS:S straight away. multiply by HL2 profit margin = very fat cash cow.
Xcellere said:
Ever think that it's TF2? They've said that it's pretty much done.

Yes. Does any one really now whats going on whit TF2? Im really positive about the idea that TF2 would have something to do whit these MP & surprise speculations that are running wild. :bounce:
I'm an avid fan of HLDM, this is one of my most played multiplayer FPS of all time, I still play it now!
I had really really high hopes for hldm2, expecting to see some cool new maps with the hl2 engine.

However it appears my dreams have been shattered, I Hate yes HATE counterstrike, sure it was good at first, but i'm that sick of it now, i quite literally don't wanna play it ever again.

Even if say there is only 15% of the customer base that want HLDM and the rest are happy with counterstrike, theres still 15% of us that would rather have hldm! :(
How bout my theory:

In the interview with the guy from PCGamer US he answers the following to the question wether there will be a HL2 MP.

"Only CS:S" (twice)

He didn't say: No, there's no HL2 themed MP what so ever...

If I recall well, Gabe saying he played HL2's MP every day, was quite some time before CS:S. And if I remember well, CS:S was made in a couple of months...they just made a serious conversion of it...so Gabe might have been talking about an MP, long before they even started working on CS:S.
the big suprise was NO hldm. a pure slap in the face to all people who dislike cs. I still am shocked that they would go to such great lenghts to make such a great new fps, then slap on a dolled up multiplayer mod they didn't even think up themselves that we've already been playing for YEARS. i mean really. it looks better but the physics don't change the gameplay much at all. they're trying to pull the wool over our eyes at this pathetic effort at multiplayer. EVERY other game has a DM mode and they seem to be able to make their release dates, so that is no excuse from valve.
Meh yea really sucks they just ported cs:s over and threw it in, but it makes sense marketing wise. Oh well doesnt dissapoint me really, Im a cs fan and eventually someone will start turning out a hl2 mp mode so no biggie. Hell who knows they may be planning on focusing on the multiplayer portion with a expansion pack, or maybe they will have everything ready for us to make dm, ctf, tdm..etc. maps right off the bat.
ferd let me introduce u too something called the real world. If a massive game company says their game is coming out in 3 months and then are asked about the multiplayer (which they didnt have) what do u think that company would say? "um ...errr...we havnt made it yet soz" or "its great i play it everyday" "p.s i dont have any screenshots its too secret"

omg am i suggesting companies will bend the truth!! shock horror i know :/
Grand Architect said:
Freedom fighters vs Combine Domination

ive had something like that in my mind for a while now, and it would be fun. if valve dosent release it, within months the community will have created it and im sure itll be fun and have vehicles and what not.
WiffleLess said:
Now am I just mistaken, or did he say that once. I swear I read it a long time ago. Does anyone know where and when?

Maybe it was TF2? I'm almost positive he wasnt talking about CS:S because I thought CS:S was developed rather quickly and somewhat recently (within the past few months), and I swear thats a quote from before Sept. 30, 2003.

Dude you are stoned...
Kadayi Polokov said:
If it's a cash cow how come they aren't selling it as a new game? Instead of bundling for free with HL2? :dozey:

Kadayi Polokov said:
Its been given away for free with HL2. how are they making money off of it? HL2 is the most anticipated game of the year, it is going to sell bucket loads of copies. Certainly there are a % of CS players who have little interest in HL2, but they are hardly the majority. So where is the cash cow?

think of it this way... theres many gamers out there who don't really care about HL2 SP all that much.. all they are interested in are MP modes, in particular CS:Source... i know ALOT of pple who have told me they will purchase HL2 because of its MP capabilities.

almost all of my CS buddies aren't interested in HL2's SP...take a wild guess why they are going to purchase HL2? :)

i think pple are under-estimating the fact that alot of pple will be purchasing HL2 just so they can get their hands on CS:Source and any mods that may be available in the future.

now most pple on this site and other HL2 sites obviously have a keen interest in the SP, so i am not talking about u pple here.

so u see how CS:Source = cash cow? or is it not getting through?
Here it is a little clearer.

CS:S was bundled with HL2 in order to sell more units of HL2. It was probalby easier for Valve to port that than to try and come up with a new MP game, so they port CS to Source and bundle with HL2 instead of making HL2: DM.

At any rate, someone better come up with a HL2 MP game soon. Since I don't really enjoy SP games all that much (Don't have time to sit down for a couple of hours every day), and since I really don't like CS at all, there isn't much of HL2 I'm excited about now.

When all of those videos came out, all I thought about was how much fun it was going to be to use those weapons and physics in DM play.

Tha argument that Valve didn't want to release all these "MP" games at the same time doens't hold a drop of water. CS:S is not like DM. It's almost completely different from HL2 as it can be. I'd rather load HL1 up and play that DM than to play CS:S.
hl2 mp doesnt have to be deathmatch. im sure valve know they could do more than deathmatch to make it fun.

damn it i want hl2 mp. i still have faith :)
killahsin-[CE] said:
No its making completely compatible tools with a totally different engine built off an old api. Backwards compatible game engines, do not exist. You can take a hl map and recompile it to work in source, presto. The innovation lies within the technology behind being able to 'convert' mods completly over to source with no need of recoding everything.
Backwards compatible engines don't need to exist. The only things that need to be compatible are the tools... and that's not a new concept. It has been going on for years.

For example, you can use a program called QuArK (Quake Army Knife) to map for any quake-based game. That includes Quake, Hexen 2, Quake 2, Heretic 2, Half-Life, SiN, Kingpin, Soldier of Fortune, Quake 3 Arena, Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Jedi Knight 2:Jedi Outcast, Medal of Honor:Allied Assault, and Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix. It also has support for the Crystal Space engine, the 6DX engine, the Torque engine, and the Sylphis engine.

Wait, you mean it's been done before? One program that lets you map for all of those engines... and it's free? Yep, and if the project is still alive it could even be updated to support Half-Life 2.

Models, textures, and sounds have always been easy to do straight ports of if you have the original material... and if the game doesn't completely change the way something works, like the jump from Quake 2 (vertex animation and one seamless model per character) to Quake 3 (skeletal animation and separate torso/leg/head models).

The only considerable trouble comes from porting code over to the new engine, depending on how similar the Source engine is to the Half-Life engine... and they said they rewrote pretty much everything. It might be easier than going from Half-Life to UT2K4 because you are still looking at code made by the same coders and you probably know their conventions by now... but it still won't be a walk in the park, a piece of cake, or easy as pie.

Still, in the end, you'll need to create new models and maps from scratch to use the full power of the Source engine instead of using crappy HL1 stuff in HL2.
Cyber, most of these pple who do not understand the disappointment and bad taste in our mouths are Valve apoligists.
im sorry if it offends anyone but its the truth...

i have defended Valve many times on this forum in varied discussions but i am not going to do that here.. i feel they may have "dropped the ball" so to speak as far as a HL2 themed MP is concerned.

and of course, this only one of the most anticipated games in gaming history...so why not defend Valve even if one feels fans were a bit cheated of the MP aspect? :rolleyes:
Feath said:
"Half-Life 2 multiplayer is not something we're talking about because we want to keep it as a surprise for customers as we roll into our launch cycle. I've played it every day so I think it's going to be very popular with the community."

This just doesn't make sense if he's talking about CS. He wouldn't have to play it to predict CS with updated graphics will be popular.

I'm betting one of three explanations:

a) there still is an mp kept from the reviewers

b) there was mp, but it was scrapped

c) mp has been saved for an expansion pack
Mr Neutron you are 100% correct, but which option is it? Have Valve really gone into launch cycle mode yet? I dont think they have, afterall the game isn't even gold yet. This may be a false hope and thats all it is, hope, is that Valve will release info on the HL2 Mp a few weeks from release. The game is quite away from release at the moment.
shad3r said:
noticed the number of ppl who play CS?
i think u'll find there are more CS players who don't care about HL2 than u think.

I think you will find that if 100% of CS players hated HL2, it wouldn't matter at all.. I hope that HL2 sells more than 64,000 copies :laugh:
Mr Neutron said:
This just doesn't make sense if he's talking about CS. He wouldn't have to play it to predict CS with updated graphics will be popular.

I'm betting one of three explanations:

a) there still is an mp kept from the reviewers

b) there was mp, but it was scrapped

c) mp has been saved for an expansion pack

You have a point, but i believe the quote was "I play it everyday" not "I've played it everyday"

Valve can easily be hiding a HL2 MP still BUT since the PC GAMER guy said there isn't one then there probably isn't. :( However, that quote from Gabe can mean so many things.

1. He meant CS the whole time, and was bsing his way through the interview knowing that months down the road they were converting it anyways (hey, they lied about the release date a ton of times)...so, this conclusion is HIGHLY acceptable.

2. Something secret and hidden and waiting until the real launch cycle to show it.

I personally believe there isn't one now for the following reason. They knew they had to talk about the MP eventually so E3 was the time, and then see the game gets delayed even longer. Although, we would all love to believe there is a secret MP DM/TDM mode waiting until release, and they just decided to release CS:S also with HL2 to promote/gain in sales. Also, reviewers say they are plenty of suprises left, hmmmm.
tokin said:
Also, reviewers say they are plenty of suprises left, hmmmm.
That would be awefully nice if there is a MP but reviewers had to sign a NDA. Pretty bloody unlikely but still...
mchammer75040 said:
That would be awefully nice if there is a MP but reviewers had to sign a NDA. Pretty bloody unlikely but still...

So what are you saying? That there is possibly a MP but they made the reviews say there isn't? If that's what your saying that's just wrong, valve would of easily just never showed them it and pc gamer uk could of easily been like "well uh there is no DM because we didn't get to play/was offered to play it"
I could imagine that a HL2 DM / TDM mode is unlocked after you actually made it through SP. I repeat myself a bit here, but in terms of programming doing a MP with all the entities and SDK done is actually VERY easy for Valve. So I bet my two cents on YES, there will be a MP.

'bout time they included the HOPE GUN... :hmph:
i think it's safe to say that

the hl2 leak had a sort of multiplayer, based on some screenshots
and what happened to Gabe's concerns about "Our customers will be pissed!" regarding the ATI/NVidia. No DM?? No other MP? What a let down.
Maybe they will release the DM mode via steam for legit buyer only..

HL2 already requires internet to play... little more extra stuff like MD mode will attract more buyers...