What happened to the 56k downloads?


Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
I can't find any of the 56k versions of the new videos... am I blind or did Northwood stop doing them?
I think he was having some problems with his hosting site.... You might try PMing him.... Just my idea:eek:
I think he said he would release the 56k traptown around aug. 1st not sure about the tunnels though, he might not have the bandwidth... I wish i had some webspace, i'd be more than happy to let him host them' but sadly i don't
If he reads this - I now have enough bandwidth to host as many files as you want :) Please contact me!
whoa that would be great! :cheers: plus quite a few more ppl could benefit from it, and these videos that he re-encodes in divx are still great quality :)
Ah right sorry cant help you there. :|
hehe no prob, appreciate the link though m8 someone might stumble in here and find it useful:cheers:
Hey hey! Sorry guys, IM on vacation but Ill be getting both files out within the hour. Expect a Dual release and thanks to Munro, Ill be using my bandwith this time cause I dont think hes up right now (1:23AM).