What happened to the docks?


Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
Well I just finished the game and realized I never got to go through that docks scene, and I was really looking forward to it. I'm not sure though, because I pyed most of the game high. What happened to it?
Got scrapped I suppose along with a hell of alot of other stuff, like that Hydra thing in the tunnels, the traptown place (which is just ravenholm) with all the traps set up for the combine soldiers - and I also remember different sequences etc. that were changed/canned. But, they must of been chucked for a reason. :p
yeah .. I think that was just set up for the demos.

It was in the stolen build though. maybe it can be found somewhere on the net.
Aww too bad, it'd be nice if they released some extra free content., just like Epic with UT2004.
i think the guys at valve ripped us of the game is way 2 short and they left 2 many things out iam kind off depressed now because hl2 dindt take me more then 6 a 7 hours so **** U AT VALVE GIVE ME MORE !!!!!!!!! hl1 whas way longer so male hl3 3 times as long as both of them put together plz i want more of your superb world/story
smiley_mr.T said:
i think the guys at valve ripped us of the game is way 2 short and they left 2 many things out iam kind off depressed now because hl2 dindt take me more then 6 a 7 hours so **** U AT VALVE GIVE ME MORE !!!!!!!!! hl1 whas way longer so male hl3 3 times as long as both of them put together plz i want more of your superb world/story
Don't rush the game, fool.
smiley_mr.T said:
i think the guys at valve ripped us of the game is way 2 short and they left 2 many things out iam kind off depressed now because hl2 dindt take me more then 6 a 7 hours so **** U AT VALVE GIVE ME MORE !!!!!!!!! hl1 whas way longer so male hl3 3 times as long as both of them put together plz i want more of your superb world/story

Please, before you continue to post, learn basic English writing skills. You are hurting my brain with your lack of intelligence and punctuation. Do you really think saying, "**** YOU VALVE!" will get your point across any faster? Go back to bed 10 year old.
Big amen to that. Whenever I see a post that looks like it was written by a five-year-old, I just skip it. If it's not worth a little bit of your time to make it readable, it's obviously not worth my time to read it.
In the stolen build it was named "Phystown" wasn't it?

Maybe not..

Actually I'm thinking not, but I don't believe they ever planned on including the docks in the game. Especially since you pick up the crowbar ON the docks...which would not make much sense really at all.

Unless...maybe the docks were the original place you were supposed to arrive on land first after boarding the borealis.

Actually, that makes a lot of sense to me. Who knows...
hmm .. maybe at first they wanted you to teleport to the docks .. but then they changed it.
The docks as can be reached in the "Sandtraps" level in one of the easter egg areas full of supply boxes and other goodies.

If I remember correctly, once you reach the part where you can see all the houses, go off to the right. You'll reach the shore, and a house with a pier attached to it. If you run to the end of the pier and look back, you'll realise it looks just like the pier in the bink demo, except that there are no zombies and that the water level is much lower. The cliffs and all that are there though.
I wonder why the did cut all the stuff out like the hydra and the docks. Would be nice if they pu tit back in. Maybe if we make a poll.
Seriously, what was the point of Docks? It was a nice way of showing their water off for Valve, but for us it wasn't anything interesting was it? Just a pier with some zombies. Plenty of water in HL2 already.
It probably l led to Ravenholm when you look at the background.
in the collectors edition in the book they mentioned they wanted to start the game with gordon on a giant ice breaker.....that would mean him arriving at the docks, and probably collecting the crowbar there?

(i think it was the book, i read it somewhere anyway....Ohh wait it was probably that article where they detailed the development process of HL2, infact im certain it was that.)
hasan said:
was the hydra in the game at all?


I don't see why so many people complain about the cut material. The first Half-Life had just as much (if not more) material scrapped. Hell, they completely scrapped the entire game and redid it! Were you pissed off at the end result?
I think valve should add a Deleted Scenes chapter when you finish the game, that puts you in a room with portals that lead to the levels that were scraped or heavily changed :)

It should be feasable, they should still have the old maps somewhere :D

[There wouldn't just be docks and traptown either, I'm sure there was LOTS more maps that were dumped]