What happened to the old gray theme?


Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
It was there and... and it disappeared :eek:

I hate the new one. Can`t you just let the members choose which they want?
This should be in the Site Discussion Forum. It is a new layout, for now, and it is not yet finished. However, the BLUE/GRAY will RETURN!
yeap I know its a new one but until some hours ago we could choose which theme we wanted to use but that option disappeared
Yeah, I know. I'm not sure why it was taken off, but I think later it will return because people(such as I) would like it back. I think they are just testing out new layouts and such, colors too.
You might want to ask a moderator for more information.
:[ I hate this brown thing. I loved the blue layout. Please readd the options.
ZeeM said:
It was there and... and it disappeared :eek:

I hate the new one. Can`t you just let the members choose which they want?
The option to change skins was disabled since the mod working on updating the forum just wanted to make changes to ONE skin and then port it over to the other. I might be wrong, but I think that's what I heard.