what happened to this excellent HL2 tute site?


Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
I was browsing this site filled with great HL2 editing tutes at work yesterday, but by the time I got home, it had been taken offline ("account suspended") -


What gives? Anyone know anything about it? Does it belong to anyone here?

Yeah I was trying access this this morning for Vertex info and saw it was gone :( Hopefully its only a temp issue, sounds like the messages you get when bandwidth has been used up.
Bandwidth's normally reset at the beginning of each month isn't it, so how could they run out so fast?

Hopefully it's just temporary.
yeah, interlopers is THE place for Half-Life 2 tutorials, been down a few days now and I want to know why!
We ran into a slight problem with our payments. Blinks credit card expired and wasn't sent a replacement. So we're waiting for it to arrive so we can put it back up.
Sorry about the problems, will sort it as soon as.
Yes please. TBH I'm still recovering from the shock of finding a reasonably well documented SP game. Anyone ever mapped for UT2K4? Now that's a well-documented game. I tried some Call of Duty SP mapping a few months back but everyone was into MP so SP info was thin on the ground, so thin I gave up in fact.