What happens at the ending? (Spoilers)


Feb 20, 2006
Reaction score
Strange that no-one has mentioned this before: at the ending, when all GlaDOS' parts are thrown into the incinerator, the roof seems to burst open and suck everything in the room upwards into the open air. First time I played, I thought it was an explosion, but that makes no sense - explosions don't pull you upwards and in any case, there is no explosion in sight, just white light above. It's like there's some sort of an anti-gravity device activating, or something...

It almost makes me wonder, if the Enrichment Center is even on Earth. I know, you see fairly normal landscape when you escape, but what if that's just an illusion, yet another stage of experiment that even GlaDOS doesn't know of? Yeah, this is purely paranoid speculation, but this is what pondering unexplained phenomena in the game-world leads to...
Strange that no-one has mentioned this before: at the ending, when all GlaDOS' parts are thrown into the incinerator, the roof seems to burst open and suck everything in the room upwards into the open air. First time I played, I thought it was an explosion, but that makes no sense - explosions don't pull you upwards and in any case, there is no explosion in sight, just white light above. It's like there's some sort of an anti-gravity device activating, or something...

It almost makes me wonder, if the Enrichment Center is even on Earth. I know, you see fairly normal landscape when you escape, but what if that's just an illusion, yet another stage of experiment that even GlaDOS doesn't know of? Yeah, this is purely paranoid speculation, but this is what pondering unexplained phenomena in the game-world leads to...

The jarring part is when Chell is flashed to the outside and then to the table with the cake. WTH...
The cake's a lie. We all know that. And companion cube is dead. Thus it's a hallucination. Evidently. And we know Aperture Science labs are on Xen. And that GLaDOS is really Tony Blair.
The cake's a lie. We all know that. And companion cube is dead. Thus it's a hallucination. Evidently. And we know Aperture Science labs are on Xen. And that GLaDOS is really Tony Blair.

If it's an hallucination, then VALVe certainly didn't make that clear. Looks like a real part of the game like any other chapter of the game sequences.

There IS cake, GLaDOS caved in and gave Chell a little cake that she kept in the Cores storehouse.

If it's an hallucination, wouldn't the setting be more festive? and bright? instead of a dingy dark warehouse?
I thought that the companion cube was actually the G-man.
The jarring part is when Chell is flashed to the outside and then to the table with the cake. WTH...

The bit we see at the end isn't what Chell sees, that's just for the player.
Strange that no-one has mentioned this before: at the ending, when all GlaDOS' parts are thrown into the incinerator, the roof seems to burst open and suck everything in the room upwards into the open air. First time I played, I thought it was an explosion, but that makes no sense - explosions don't pull you upwards and in any case, there is no explosion in sight, just white light above. It's like there's some sort of an anti-gravity device activating, or something...

It almost makes me wonder, if the Enrichment Center is even on Earth. I know, you see fairly normal landscape when you escape, but what if that's just an illusion, yet another stage of experiment that even GlaDOS doesn't know of? Yeah, this is purely paranoid speculation, but this is what pondering unexplained phenomena in the game-world leads to...

OH jesus christ the upside down floating fortress theory made its way here D:
also there was green lasers like when gman or advisors use ther powers
The bit we see at the end isn't what Chell sees, that's just for the player.

That deviate from the HL series of complete emersion, no disticntion between player and character, though... (not directed at you, but at the game's plot)

But I agree and appreciate the explanation, thanks.
If it's an hallucination, then VALVe certainly didn't make that clear. Looks like a real part of the game like any other chapter of the game sequences.

There IS cake, GLaDOS caved in and gave Chell a little cake that she kept in the Cores storehouse.

If it's an hallucination, wouldn't the setting be more festive? and bright? instead of a dingy dark warehouse?

Do you not understand sarcasm?

That deviate from the HL series of complete emersion, no disticntion between player and character, though... (not directed at you, but at the game's plot)

But I agree and appreciate the explanation, thanks.

Um... Portal is not Half-Life

Go away.
Portal was developed in-house at Valve, with consultation on how to make it fit into the Half-Life universe. It's not part of the Half-Life series proper, but it does clearly pick up a fair number of the conventions, so yes, the fact that they broke that particular convention at the end does stick out.

While I thought Portal, overall, was brilliant, and an immediate classic, the ending did bother me in several respects. First, ending the story with a boss battle was horribly cliched. Ending the boss battle with an explosion (or implosion) that somehow transports Chell outside the center was not only cliched, it didn't even make sense. Why would GLaDOS explode, anyway? Why would that explosion transport Chell to freedom, instead of blowing her to bits? The entire game was about carefully thinking about how to get from Point A to Point B, and suddenly, Chell's gone to Point B without any clear connection to her presence at Point A.
It's a game. You were bound to have to fight GLaDOS at the end. It was a pretty inventive way of doing it. She didn't even directly attacked you, so it wasn't even like a proper boss battle.

One minute you're complaining because it's not like other Valve games, and the next you're saying it's too much like a Valve game.

If you want an answer as to why, we probably can't help you, so email Valve.
The Combine found you and abducted you.

This because you are what they use as means to make civil protection work. There is no other way to make them work but for sex.

Basic rule of thumb if you blow up supercomputers powered by WEIRDNESS.
Strange that no-one has mentioned this before: at the ending, when all GlaDOS' parts are thrown into the incinerator, the roof seems to burst open and suck everything in the room upwards into the open air. First time I played, I thought it was an explosion, but that makes no sense - explosions don't pull you upwards and in any case, there is no explosion in sight, just white light above. It's like there's some sort of an anti-gravity device activating, or something...

It almost makes me wonder, if the Enrichment Center is even on Earth. I know, you see fairly normal landscape when you escape, but what if that's just an illusion, yet another stage of experiment that even GlaDOS doesn't know of? Yeah, this is purely paranoid speculation, but this is what pondering unexplained phenomena in the game-world leads to...

Actually they decided to build the entire enrichment center on a cliff, it kinda fell upside down, soo... yeah, that's why it seems like you are going up.
Strange that no-one has mentioned this before: at the ending, when all GlaDOS' parts are thrown into the incinerator, the roof seems to burst open and suck everything in the room upwards into the open air. First time I played, I thought it was an explosion, but that makes no sense - explosions don't pull you upwards and in any case, there is no explosion in sight, just white light above. It's like there's some sort of an anti-gravity device activating, or something...

It almost makes me wonder, if the Enrichment Center is even on Earth. I know, you see fairly normal landscape when you escape, but what if that's just an illusion, yet another stage of experiment that even GlaDOS doesn't know of? Yeah, this is purely paranoid speculation, but this is what pondering unexplained phenomena in the game-world leads to...

What if its all a dream and in Portal 2 you wake up and go "Hmm weird dream."

Yeah sorry if I spoiled Portal 2.
CLEARLY GLaDOS can alter the space time continuum and summon forth Gman which we all know attracts gravity towards him due to his BIG Ego!
Did you ever think that mabye we all understood it?

If you did, then feel free to tell me. But based on my experience of gamer forums, there's always people who don't understand something, no matter how simple it is - and this matter isn't simple in the slightest. If you didn't understand it either, your post was completely inane and pointless.
The at the end means nothing, its like Lamarr in Half life 2 Ep. 0

It was a joke.

I sincerely hope your comment was also a joke.
Except it wasn't a spoiler. : /
And even if it was, this thread has a big (spoilers) tag on it. Missing it requires extremely selective nearsightedness.
And even if it was, this thread has a big (spoilers) tag on it. Missing it requires extremely selective nearsightedness.

One could expect Portal spoilers in a thread about Portal in a Portal forum, not Half Life spoilers. I half expected someone to make that claim, but I'm really surprised someone actually did.
But there weren't any god-damned Half-Life spoilers!
Did I misread "Portal 2" as "Halflife 2" or did somebody change something? I should stop browsing forums in the wee hours ...
Back on topic: prehaps there was some anti grav system that was keeping GlaDOS up wherever she? it? was and when you destroyed? severly damaged? her it started to collapse and sucked everything upward, still doesnt explian how u ended up outside and begs the question of where apeture got anti grav technology.
Hmmm, well, one of the things that normally happens in an explosion is that the rapid burning of the fuel exhausts all the oxygen in the vicinity, creating a partial vacuum, which sucks in large amounts of gas from the surrounding area in order to continue fueling the explosion. If the explosion occurs roughly above you, there's a decent probability of it 'catapulting' you up past it...tho this effect is generally a lot more rapid that in portal, and is best seen in the 'mushroom cloud' generated by nukes and other very large explosives.

Not really an adequate explanation due to the time it all takes in portal. If it happened like this, you would've expected the walls around GLaDOS to have been sucked towards her along with any debris on the floor, and then launched outward again.

Another possible explanation is that the massive area that can be seen outside the windows of the enrichment centre contains a controlled vacuum for some purpose, and that the damage to GLaDOS broke the controls for this, as well as causing some critical damage to the entire structure of the centre, resulting in everything being sucked upwards through the hole...how it then gets out to the surface, i have no idea, unless the whole area collapsed as a result of this, such as another explosion somewhere else in the enrichment centre, possibly to do with the energy ball thingys...

Again, not particularly plausible, but it's the best I can come up with to fit with what I observed. Feel free to ridicule or debate as you see fit (-: