What happens when EA sicks their lawyers on a mod?


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
It dies!....

Quite possibly one of the best mods in production for Doom3 died today as EA threw its weight around and was just plain being a $#%#.

As we can see in this letter http://sscar.musicexplosion.net/dead_letter/ they feel as if a mod would hurt their company and say some really off things. Luckaly the mod team will continue and just not call their mod system shock anything... and if you read the letter they cant make certin things for their game ither.

Thank you EA for not letting your community who supports your game to continue the name of system shock!
I'm confused, what does EA have to do with a Doom 3 mod?
EA owns the rights to System Shock 2, which they are making a mod of.

It's certainly reasonable for EA to shut them down. What if the mod turned out to be total crap? If EA decided to continue the series then it's possible that the people who played or heard of the Doom 3 mod could look down upon the entire franchise. Besides, it will be a better mod now that they create an original game anyway, System Shock 2 is fine the way it is.
smwScott said:
EA owns the rights to System Shock 2, which they are making a mod of.

It's certainly reasonable for EA to shut them down. What if the mod turned out to be total crap? If EA decided to continue the series then it's possible that the people who played or heard of the Doom 3 mod could look down upon the entire franchise. Besides, it will be a better mod now that they create an original game anyway, System Shock 2 is fine the way it is.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up :thumbs:
This mod was shut down quite some time ago by EA. It was not shut down today.
Still, it was a lame thing to do. Hopefully some modmakers will make something good using this brilliant engine.
Maybe they should be original, I see nothing wrong with what EA did.
I can't understand how this would come as a surprise.
No company likes to just give away their IP for free, and it would be legally irresponsible to do so.
If you're making a mod based on an established franchise without permission, you should expect this to happen. Because it's almost inevitable.

The mod team could have saved themselves a lot of trouble if they had simply made a game that was similar to system shock, instead of flat-out remake.
Who gives a shit, I would kill all EA CEOs to have damn SS2, these idiots sit on the license and do nothing. The funny thing if they start do something with it, they will shit all over the game. Already can see, fighting Many while god damn idiot 50 Cent raps about fat kids and cakes, oh and how he got shot 9 times in his head.

Well, at least mod team will now make similar mod with different names, but identical locations, etc.
it'll just be a case of "same game different name". i'm still looking forward to it.
Oh ****, EA has the System Shock license? We're screwed. Get ready for 'The Sims: The Many edition'
ElFuhrer said:
Oh ****, EA has the System Shock license? We're screwed. Get ready for 'The Sims: The Many edition'

We already have that :thumbs:
Serves them right in my opinion, go make original ideas instead of leeching from previous successful ideas
As others have said EA is entirely in the right, they own it and if they want to stop others from using it they can. If the mod makers don't like that, come up with an original idea instead.
Do something original, if they can do a good job then it shouldnt be hard to come up with a new idea.
It's about porting the game to the new engine, not selling it, but giving a makeover, so some idiots, who say OMFG SS2 GRAPHIC SUXOR will shut up and play a damn game on their e-penis computers. Never was about being original or some other shit you guys come up in here with. Same idea as it was with a guy who did high-poly models for SS2. If you guys can't understand that, well, I am sorry.

I hate when companies do that, it’s not like mod team makes new SS game on Doom III engine, they are just porting it to it. It’s the same way original Doom is updated with graphics and added a co-op, JDoom.
Mr.Reak said:
It's about porting the game to the new engine, not selling it, but giving a makeover, so some idiots, who say OMFG SS2 GRAPHIC SUXOR will shut up and play a damn game on their e-penis computers. Never was about being original or some other shit you guys come up in here with. Same idea as it was with a guy who did high-poly models for SS2. If you guys can't understand that, well, I am sorry.

I hate when companies do that, it’s not like mod team makes new SS game on Doom III engine, they are just porting it to it. It’s the same way original Doom is updated with graphics and added a co-op, JDoom.
But then SS2 would be free, and EA would be loosing moeny to whoever wants to buy the game.
Foxtrot said:
But then SS2 would be free, and EA would be loosing moeny to whoever wants to buy the game.

Also, if EA tried to make a SS3 and this mod ended up being the superior game, they'd lose a ton of cash because a better product with the same IP would be availiable elsewheres for free.
Well they have decided to come up with an original idea, its called sapphire scar, and the team has decided that this is the right thing to do.

Personally EA are a pile of shite, they sap up everyone goddam game developer there is, they even have a hold of crytek now. I dont see what is wrong with an old, fantastic game that was a sleeper hit biegn converted onto the doom 3 engine, non profit and the team even had the blessing from the games actual developers.

And EA didnt evne have ss2 on thier copyright list.

But anyway, Sapphire scar, be sure to check it out
Mr.Reak said:
Already can see, fighting Many while god damn idiot 50 Cent raps about fat kids and cakes, oh and how he got shot 9 times in his head.

Don't give them idea's