What has changed in HalfLife Source?


Sep 22, 2004
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What has changed in HalfLife Source? i just played it and it looks exactly the same... :afro:
The pysics and maybe the graphics just a little..
I have just finished it
Some changes:

Gun physics
Machine gun has recoil and bullets jump around the place
The Tau Cannon no longer can be used for jumping! :(

Water, HL2 style water, quite nice
Lighting, some improvements, bump mapping etc
Though all the ORIGINAL textures are the same

Ability to start at any chapter

The cliff face level was redone and now looks very very nice.

The flying enemys that shoot balls move MUCH much faster, such that when versing Niltharth if you get teleported once its GG.
They are way to strong now.
also eneimes have ragdoll effects

sadly func_pushables remain pushable with no real physics.

one thing i wish they did was give the HL1 grunts, combine AI. now wouldn't that be easy and super fun?