What HL2.net forums do you visit most often?

What HL2.net forums do you visit most?

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May 5, 2004
Reaction score
wait for the poll

my most visited areas:

off-topic, politics, gaming

btw it's a public poll everyone can see your choices ..click on one of the poll numbers to see results ...also you can pick multiple choices
15357 said:
Site Feedback, OT, HL2.
I can't believe you didn't put newbie central in there...you live in there practically.

HL2 General, OT, General Games/BF2
In order:

1) Politics
2) General Off-Topic
3) General Games
general off-topic and general games, i used to go on all the hl2 discussions, but theres only so much you can say about the game
Hectic Glenn said:
I can't believe you didn't put newbie central in there...you live in there practically.

HL2 General, OT, General Games/BF2

Nah, I only go there when we have fresh meat.
1.General off-topic
3.General games
1. General Off-Topic Chat.
2. Site Feedback.
3. News & Announcements.
General Off-Topic Chat
General Games Chat
Hardware & Software

I generally look through New Posts to keep up to date across the board (no pun intended)
1: General Off-Topic
2: General Games/Battlefield 2
All except Mods, Source Editing, and Politics.
I use the "New Posts" link to look at all of the new posts in every section at once. I don't actually "visit" a specific section unless I want to make a thread or find a thread that was posted recently but is no longer active.
general games mostly, havent been outta the lounge in ages tbh, i'm such a drunk.:stare:
In no particular order:

General games
Site forum

I havn't even touched the general HL2 discussion in a very long time.
General Off-Topic
General Games/BF2
Off-Topic forums. However, I also visit other forums for support issues BECAUSE PEOPLE CAN'T SEARCH FOR THEIR LIVES.
Off-topic and games mostly, and hardware from time to time.
General Games
General Off-Topic
Art, Movies, Music
Once in a while Site Forums
I like going to Hardware and Software so I can read about how XXX has a problem with his 2x6800 Ultra SLI and wallow in self-pity.
JellyWorld said:
I like going to Hardware and Software so I can read about how XXX has a problem with his 2x6800 Ultra SLI and wallow in self-pity.

"I think theres a problem with my 50ghz, 5gb DDR RAM, 1500gb hard-drive, 40 inch TFT, surround sound set up with 4x6600gt Super-mega-computer."

"Wow nice rig."

"Nvm, it was just too INTENSE for my plug socket to handle, fixed now, you can all admire my computer for the duration of the thread."
You're biased.


willyd said:
This poll is biased.

how is it biased? there's only 10 choices per poll ..I picked what I thought best represents each section
Rumours and Speculation, so I can practice arguing/being Lawyerly.
Modding, so I can crush all of te IP infringing mods.

-Angry Lawyer
CptStern said:
how is it biased? there's only 10 choices per poll ..I picked what I thought best represents each section
hehe, its biased because its in the off topic section. I won't be happy until you copy the poll into every section. :cheers:
I only check Off-Topic, General Gaming and Movies.
I check every forum to see where I can scare away noobies and add in witty replies.
off topic
general games

i especially try to stay out of politics because i figure i'd be pulling my hair over all the bonehead decisions made every day around the world...and well.. im really not that interested in going bald.
Dr. Freeman said:
off topic
general games

i especially try to stay out of politics because i figure i'd be pulling my hair over all the bonehead decisions made every day around the world...and well.. im really not that interested in going bald.

well it's inevitable ...you're a gamer, all that exposure to radiation from monitors is sure to make you go bald ...or make your dingleberries shrink :naughty:
CptStern said:
well it's inevitable ...you're a gamer, all that exposure to radiation from monitors is sure to make you go bald ...or make your dingleberries shrink :naughty:

Stern, someone needs to put a limit on the amount of time u spend on a 'puter :p
sheeesh... shrinking dingleberries.. :| lol

/me goes to check things out
general off topic, general games, films. TV & DVD. and CS:S but I pop in others if I find anything interesting
Site discussion (always a great laugh ;)), Half-Life 2 discussion (duh?) and Offtopic (you got to love those weird threads!).
Hardware. Why you ask? Its because thats what I do..................

:imu: :imu: :imu:

1.Site Feedback
2.General Off-Topic
3.Newbie Central (Introducing People)
4.Art + Design
5.Mod Forums
6.HL2 PC
7.Counter Strike-Source

All Of Them Really :bounce:
You missed out music :( I like that forum + Off topic + sometimes gaming
i forgot to mention general Half Life2 discussion mainly because i check it out every time i load this site up...just so i don't miss out on any interesting and valuable information.
I haven't gone to the main forum (HL2 General) in forever, I've stuck around in the lounge since release. I checked it out yesterday... it's an entire different community from The Lounge/Off Topic/What have you.

It's crazy, it's a totally different environment. I don't really like all of them over there, at least the people who bug me here I can understand half the time and don't talk like an AOL chat room.