Well, we all now that the combine have several interests in earth, we know that they want to "asimilate" the humans in their ranks, we know that they are interested in the local teleportation tecchnology that the humans have created, and also we know that for some reason they have been changing the clime (at least the seas have not the amount of water they had in the past).
Well, after playing Episode 2 and hearing the Vorts talking about the advisor, and who they are in their infant stages I started to think, what if this climate change the combine is doing is nedeed for their advosors to survive and grow until they transform is their adult form. Maybe thesse advisors (be them the head of the combine or just one of the dominating rank in their jerarchy, or some proven valueble individuals of their conquested races that can fit in their growing empire, yeah I am thinking Breen found a hoost body
) need a specific envioriment to grow, maybe earth was suitable enought to them when they first started the invasion, maybe our world is nothing more to them (besides the other interests i have stated above) than a simple hatchery where their "children can grow up until they join the real ranks of the Combine Empire.
As a lot of people tend to think, maybe the battle in earth is nothing but a ich in the back for the combine empire at this point, we are not going to defeat an great empire (at least for the moment), we are just saving our ass and aour homeworld.
PD; sorry for my bad english, I hope that at least the idea of the thread can be understanded.
Well, after playing Episode 2 and hearing the Vorts talking about the advisor, and who they are in their infant stages I started to think, what if this climate change the combine is doing is nedeed for their advosors to survive and grow until they transform is their adult form. Maybe thesse advisors (be them the head of the combine or just one of the dominating rank in their jerarchy, or some proven valueble individuals of their conquested races that can fit in their growing empire, yeah I am thinking Breen found a hoost body
As a lot of people tend to think, maybe the battle in earth is nothing but a ich in the back for the combine empire at this point, we are not going to defeat an great empire (at least for the moment), we are just saving our ass and aour homeworld.
PD; sorry for my bad english, I hope that at least the idea of the thread can be understanded.