What if humans gave birth to tadpole-like creatures in swamps


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Smilar to kif from futurama.

Wouldn't that be strange? If after a few months a woman unleashed about a thousand live squirming babies into a pool. They would have human like faces with tadpole bodies. Over the next few weeks and months they would morph into humans. They would feed on algae and insects to sustain them.

It could have easily happened given some different evolutionary circumstances. In fact, it probably does happen in a parallel universe.

That would be incredibly disgusting.
Dear Mr. Fusion.

It has come to my attention that you have created this thread. As I read this slowly, I could feel my brain cells slowly dying, as I couldn't comprehend WTF you talking about.

From what I could read you said

"Humans giving birth to tadpoles in swamps blah blah.".

Also if you are drunk, please restrain yourself from thinking, as it might have catastrophic consequences such as posting threads that fall below even Ravioli threads. Not that your content of posts were that much better anyway.

Have a good day, and keep posting.
What if Mr Fusion made good threads?

It probably does happen in a parallel universe.
well...if we did that, wouldn't it be normal? Then you'd be here making a thread about, "what if females grew babies inside them, isn't that gross? They'd get all fat and have this tiny creature peeing inside them...disgusting."
on a side note, I always wanted to have sperm that could fly. that way I could populate the world in a matter of one year or so. Also I really think we should look into that bio tech area of science. someday we'll need to find ways to procreate over large distances to survive and you need every alternative idea every thought of
Why would you want to populate the world? You going to provide for 6812400000 babies? Then later down the road, you'd be getting your children pregnant.

You sick ****. That was your plan all along, wasn't it.
Why would you want to populate the world? You going to provide for 6812400000 babies? Then later down the road, you'd be getting your children pregnant.

You sick ****. That was your plan all along, wasn't it.

Meh, that's not good enough. I'd rather be like Duncan Idaho and be cloned throughout the generations so I can make babies with all my descendents over thousands of years.
I thought jverne was back, for a moment.
Meh, that's not good enough. I'd rather be like Duncan Idaho and be cloned throughout the generations so I can make babies with all my descendents over thousands of years.


Man I gotta read the final book sometime soon.
The word Scuba is weird, but we have grown with it; why not make a pointless thread about if scuba was in fact the word kirohol.
The word Scuba is weird, but we have grown with it; why not make a pointless thread about if scuba was in fact the word kirohol.

I was actually thinking about making a strange thread yesterday -

It was if machines/computers could feel.

I was eating a delicious meal, when I closed my eyes for a moment and was now more aware of sensory input. All I saw was darkness and tasted the food more acutely. And I wished for a moment that my computer could enjoy this meal with me. Or what if my hard drive became injured and was in pain.

But I think they could be made to feel pain. But it obviously wouldn't hurt them, it would only trigger a programed response. If you've seen the movie "Moon", then you remember the computer screen that showed 'emotions' with a :) or straight face :| - even a :(

But what if they could be made to actually feel pain. Don't wonder why, but how ... how can we do that?

Then I thought about extreme physical pain, and wondered how it came to be. It's such a powerful feeling. How does it actually work? I may need to research this. But nerves send an electrical impulse to the brain, or some-such. You can do that with a computer. But what makes it "hurt"?

but then I sobered up a little.

EDIT: http://www.mydr.com.au/pain/pain-and-how-you-sense-it
Scuba originated as an acronym (Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus), but it's pretty much accepted as a word now.
Dear Mr. Fusion.

It has come to my attention that you have created this thread. As I read this slowly, I could feel my brain cells slowly dying, as I couldn't comprehend WTF you talking about.

From what I could read you said

"Humans giving birth to tadpoles in swamps blah blah.".

Also if you are drunk, please restrain yourself from thinking, as it might have catastrophic consequences such as posting threads that fall below even Ravioli threads. Not that your content of posts were that much better anyway.

Have a good day, and keep posting.

*Compares joined date with Mr-Fusion's*


Humans have tails at one point in the womb as the fetus grows/develops.

So do tadpoles.
They would have human like faces with tadpole bodies.
Smilar to kif from futurama. Wouldn't that be strange? If after a few months a woman unleashed about a thousand live squirming babies into a pool. They would have human like faces with tadpole bodies. Over the next few weeks and months they would morph into humans. They would feed on algae and insects to sustain them.

It would be strange only from our perspective, but assuming this was the way in which humans have developed for millions of years, it would be anything but abnormal. Imagine hospitals with little butt stations where the women just squirt into it (yuck) and wham...proud new mother of 100,000 young tadpole babies. Painless and more productive!

It has come to my attention that you have created this thread. As I read this slowly, I could feel my brain cells slowly dying

Also if you are drunk, please restrain yourself from thinking, as it might have catastrophic consequences such as posting threads that fall below even Ravioli threads. Not that your content of posts were that much better anyway.

This place is already lacking in threads as it is. I find that basically anything is interesting if it gives me an excuse to share an opinion and/or think like a crazy person. Keep 'em coming, work is slow enough as it is.
*Compares joined date with Mr-Fusion's*


Humans have tails at one point in the womb as the fetus grows/develops.

So do tadpoles.

Join dates don't really matter when it comes to thread quality.

also ****ing tadpole sperms
This place is already lacking in threads as it is. I find that basically anything is interesting if it gives me an excuse to share an opinion and/or think like a crazy person. Keep 'em coming, work is slow enough as it is.

Alright then.

Join dates don't really matter when it comes to thread quality.

thank you Ace.
Man, what if? What if indeed.

You've become such a crotchety old man. What happened to imagination. In this world we'd surely occasionally engage in simultaneous fertilization goo extraction--which is NOT GAY, mind you, just two humanoidamphbious creatures reaching a common goal. This is not a bad thread, by the way.

What if, duder.

p.s. Sup?


Take heed, naysayers [strike]SHYAM/ZT AND ACE COUGH[/strike] (did you forget your first months here? I recall a thread about blowing up animals), your posts are ironically far shittier than the OP you've directed such brash criticism towards. Have some fun for once, christ. I'm sorry that the creative side of you died in your childhoods and you get your jollies from discrediting posts on forums centered on video games about a crowbar wielding M.I.T. graduate saving the world from a giant ultra-sentient slug. Get off your high horses. Look at what Tyguy is doing with his posts and try to remember a time before you deliberately tried shitting all over creativity for the sake of some self-imposed maturity quest. If you don't like a thread, don't bump it.
I was actually thinking about making a strange thread yesterday -

It was if machines/computers could feel.

I was eating a delicious meal, when I closed my eyes for a moment and was now more aware of sensory input. All I saw was darkness and tasted the food more acutely. And I wished for a moment that my computer could enjoy this meal with me. Or what if my hard drive became injured and was in pain.

But I think they could be made to feel pain. But it obviously wouldn't hurt them, it would only trigger a programed response. If you've seen the movie "Moon", then you remember the computer screen that showed 'emotions' with a :) or straight face :| - even a :(

But what if they could be made to actually feel pain. Don't wonder why, but how ... how can we do that?

Then I thought about extreme physical pain, and wondered how it came to be. It's such a powerful feeling. How does it actually work? I may need to research this. But nerves send an electrical impulse to the brain, or some-such. You can do that with a computer. But what makes it "hurt"?

but then I sobered up a little.

EDIT: http://www.mydr.com.au/pain/pain-and-how-you-sense-it

We could make machines that are about as advanced as a worm or something, and they would feel pain and content-ness. That would create a huge fad for making computers with feelings to make them companions, eventually attaining the level of a dog's brain or maybe a dolphin's - or something in between - and we would start eating dogs and dolphins because we'd have better companions. I think this'll happen shortly after the sex-bot is perfected.
:LOL: nice deathmaster.

If only my friend... if only.

We could hold elections and have a what-if machine help the voters decide what kind of a potential future they'd like better.