What if it bombs?

If Merc says it's impossible, it is. :cheers:
we all know one thing already,
even it it doesn't get good ratings (which theres no chanch of happening);
we will all buy it anyways as soon as it comes out :thumbs:
true... but the likelihood of it being a bad game is so slim that i shall publically kick myself in the groin if it sucks. From what i've heard the hospital aren't going to be stitching my knee back together and removing my testicles from my stomach any time soon.
The guys at Valve are gamers also. They also have playtesters coming in. They know a good game when they see one. The game will be awesome im sure.
Be-vishead said:
Even if Hl2 were to be a bad game, the mods would more than make up the price of the game.

Yeah that's pretty much my opinion too. HL1 is great, but a good deal of the reason it's lasted this long is because of the mods...and that should follow with HL2.

My one fear is they tried too hard to beat HL1 for quality and possibly put too much on their table with this.

Anything is possible, HL2 could be horrible. But you have to trust valve and HL1's success and assume they know what they are doing.
Me = want to see Alyx naked... with her dog... with her dad. You guys wish you could have fantasys like mine. :O
HL2 will not be a bomb. In fact, I think it will change the gaming-world forever.
Satan said:
If this has been posted before, please disregard. The thought just occured to me, what if Half-Life 2 totally bombs, as so many highly anticipated games do?

Many games are hyped by magazines being the "best this" and the "greatest that" and then end up rating them below a 5 themselves. Lets hope Half-Life 2 doesn't share this fate. It is important to note however that I am not in any way insinuating that this will happen, just thought I'd ask.

Trust Me, It wont.
I dont think much about hl2.....when its gold, i will buy it and see how it is.

Noone can say "omg hl2 rocks r teh best and i want teh sex with it!" without playing.

In fact, i will not jump out of my window when it bombs.
If HL2 bombs then I'll do a "fragmaster"...

Dress up like Gordon Freeman and give out free copies of HL2 on the streets :p
A real HL fan wouldn't even think that, it will not bomb, it'll just blow up and take everything else out with it, it'll blow everything away, all the competition, the mistrust, the delays.

It will be solid.
Exactly, if HL2 SP would suck, wich it won't, it will still have some kick ass mods!

- Resistance & Liberation
- Insurgency
- DoD:S
- CS:S

...and the other 100.000 mods :p
AcousticToad said:
A real HL fan wouldn't even think that, it will not bomb, it'll just blow up and take everything else out with it, it'll blow everything away, all the competition, the mistrust, the delays.

It will be solid.

hl fan != hl2 fan :p
If it bombs i will take the game back and get something better lol that simple

The_Monkey said:
HL2 will not be a bomb. In fact, I think it will change the gaming-world forever.

I disagree. Maybe a year or two ago it would have changed the gaming world but now..meh it will be just a fun game. I dont see its graphics being better then Doom 3 or Stalker or its physics being much better. All it will have is a great story and storys dont change the gaming world forever my friend.
ok, DRIV3R sold 2.5 million copies in the first week or something like that, and that game got a half a ton of horrible reviews, plus the hl fanbase is much larger than the driver, so i think that there is pretty much no possibility of hl2 bombing
Just IMO but I believe that from what i see one of HL2 strong points is that they do not have plastic characters etc. the look more realistic cause human skin is not plastic looking in real life. Now such things as the ant lions should look plasticy cause there outter skin is more like armor like such creatures in starship troopers...again all IMO. :smoking:
I disagree. Maybe a year or two ago it would have changed the gaming world but now..meh it will be just a fun game. I dont see its graphics being better then Doom 3 or Stalker or its physics being much better. All it will have is a great story and storys dont change the gaming world forever my friend.

Well if that's true, it really sucks... because we're going to end up playing the same crappy games for the next five years. No other game being released that I know of looks like it will come close, so if HL2 sucks, it's going to be back to HL1 for another couple of years to me.

I can't remember the last time someone other than Valve made a game that was anything better than between mediocre and good.

So yeah, for the hope of PC gaming in general, HL2 had better not suck. Although I have to say, suck compared to what?

If HL2 gets classified as sucking, then everything else is suckier, soo...we're doomed, doomed I say!
I highly doubt it'll suck. Hell I'll force myself to like it if it isn't any good. I'm not a fan of getting my hopes up about things though, I was looking forward to the new Beastie Boys album sooo much and look what happened? Look at their track record too! Just 'cause Valve made one good game, that's right one, doesn't garauntee that HL2 will be the best thing since the postal service.
merc said:


I agree with you strongly merc...especially since you visited valve and have actually played the game... I have much faith in mercs word even tho he is a youngin!! ;)
HALF LIFE WILL GET NO LOWER SCORE THAN 9.5/10 cuz im a psycic...
Raziel-Jcd said:

Double agreed. :afro:

After watching the E3 videos, I've come to the conclusion that it will bomb. Except it'll be "da bomb". ;)
SubKamran said:
Double agreed. :afro:

After watching the E3 videos, I've come to the conclusion that it will bomb. Except it'll be "da bomb". ;)

Lol Agreed :p :imu:
I beleive Halflife will get at least a good rating. One of the reasons being that its most likely replayeable (I play through HalfLife twice each Half-Year), because of the intriguing story, the length of the game (something like 30 to 40 hours without taking a brake) and the multiple ways of dealing with puzzles and levels as well as physics interaction.

I'm not all too bothered by graphics (people who still play on gameboys can fouch for this). Too me, its the gameplay that count
I beleive Halflife will get at least a good rating. One of the reasons being that its most likely replayeable (I play through HalfLife twice each Half-Year), because of the intriguing story, the length of the game (something like 30 to 40 hours without taking a brake) and the multiple ways of dealing with puzzles and levels as well as physics interaction.

I'm not all too bothered by graphics (people who still play on gameboys can fouch for this). Too me, its the gameplay that count

Im just wondering how does it take you 30-40 hours to beat half-life? This is a serious question. I mean i beat the game in about 4 hours doing EVERYTHING, listening to all the scientist etc. I mean i can understand how a game like Deus Ex will take you 30+ hours, but half-life is a pretty short game, and its story was good for its time, compared the Deus Ex it has nothing. I also would like to add that theres only 1 real way to beat half-life, with 2 endings that take just a load game to get. In Deus Ex there are like 5+ ways to get inside a building 5+ ways to beat a sub mission and 5+ ways to beat a regular mission add all that up with the ton of missions you get and there you have a game that takes 30+ hours.
The game has already not bombed. Look at all the people who are still playing CS/DOD/NS/TFC who will be looking forward to the new versions in source or TF2 or what have you, the people on the HL2.net site looking forward to this or any other HL fan place, the people that played the first game and loved it, the people who want to know where the story goes. The list goes on. There are already a large amount of sales in the bag, the game will probably sell out in the first while. This game is highly anticipated and looks good. Valve is a good company that works hard and you can tell by the product they deliver. They're like the person who cuts your hair that actually cares to make sure your afro is cut perfectly round, or that the spikes in your mohawk while in the army in Vietman with poison tips are sharp and hard enough to enter into an enemies skin and kill them with the poison. It's little things like that, the little things we all know and love!
These threads seem to come up quite a bit.....and it's the same answer, the game WON'T suck....we all know it.

It's going to be....most likely the best game ever, top 5 anyways.
If it bombs, then meh. There'll be plenty of games around.