What if star trek holodecks existed? Would you want a real woman?

dood, you wouldn't want that.
My grandpa was in that invasion.

the only way you could make it accurate was to set it up so your whole platoon was made up of your best friends, and then run though it. most of them would die. you would be tripping over their bodies, and the ones that were still alive would be screaming at you to help, but you know if you stop for an instant a pillbox will take your out....

pure. hell.

myself though, I'd setup an F22 or JSF flight sim. :D flying low, like under 100ft, at mach one.
now THAT would be a rush.

then I would setup a space sim in the Babylon 5 universe....
FortisVir said:
Well, with the way technology is advancing today, in 20 years we may all be sitting at our chairs with a virtual reality suit on, playing morrowind or half life 5 or whatever......

Dont you mean Half-Life 2? lol j/k

It'd be awsome to relive that battle of helms deep!
Jammydodger said:
I sure wouldn't. All I want is the orgasm so I can get onto important things like making money and playing my pc.

Thats what masturbation is for... i will stick with women thanks!
craigweb2k said:
Pretty desturbing wish. If you actually had to live through D-Day I doubt very much you'd have been feeling a rush, rather you'd be shitting yourself silly.

If I had a holodeck you can guarantee you'd never see me again.

/me enters the holodeck only to be greeted by professor moriarty.

Just read what he said also... :angry: My grandfather fought his way through North africa, Italy and Northen Europe with the 8th Army. He's never had a good nights sleep since because of the nightmares he suffers from because of the horrors he's seen. It infuriates me when someone says 'oh wouldn't it be cool to fight in a war!!!11'. My grandfather was with the brigade that liberated the belsen concentration camp... You think these images from belsen are cool???

EDIT: not for the sqeamish so be warned...


:sleep: ;(
Kubrick2001 said:
I guess that most ppl would still enjoy the company of "real" women, ocassionally using the holodecks while they 're alone (new way of wacking off).

It wouldn't simply erase human relations until some sort of AI was developed. Then, maybe, we would live in v-worlds, since it would all seem like the same. Pppl could be born and die in it, never knowing the difference.

It seems to me that the CIA is working on v-worlds with ARPA in order to get confessions and interrogations. Imagine that you're captured, they put you to sleep. Then you wake up, not klnowing that your in a v-world and would tell someone what they want to know, not knowing that its all a sim made for that exact purpose. Scary shit can be done.

Who's to say that we arent all already in the V-world? its kinda like the matrix! /me jumps out 78 storey window. splat.
Warbie said:
You could have crazy orgies with women who have 3 breasts! and stuff like that, woohoo :)
Why stop at 3 breasts when you could have 1 MILLION BREASTS!!
Six Three said:
Who's to say that we arent all already in the V-world? its kinda like the matrix! /me jumps out 78 storey window. splat.
Do be careful.
Ok guys, I wasn't thinking very well when I typed that up. I deeply apologize for what I said and I'm also sorry if I brought up any memories that you didn't want to come back. I didn't mean any harm in that, it was a spur-of-the-moment post. Mods, please delete it.
I'd like to know what it was like fighting in the war, and i mean really fighting not jsut some simulation.

I know that sounds crazy, but tis one of those things you really dont want to go through but none the less you would like to know what its like.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I'd like to know what it was like fighting in the war, and i mean really fighting not jsut some simulation.

I know that sounds crazy, but tis one of those things you really dont want to go through but none the less you would like to know what its like.

do you mean WWII or some other war?

because i would love to live the life of a medieval soldier, using a bow and arrow or using a sword or a spear and truly fighting for your life. that's pure physical torture and unless you're on top of your game or you're really lucky you'll survive.
if i could shoose between real womans, and a holoslut, there would be a messy holodeck, thats all.
fortisver said:
Well, with the way technology is advancing today, in 20 years we may all be sitting at our chairs with a virtual reality suit on, playing morrowind or half life 5

*inserts anticipated halflife delay comment*
A real war is a nice experience, the screams and sounds of bullets flying through the air, seeing one of your friends getting pierced by 3 of'em, the stench of death and sweat in the air, mmm, such nice experiences, it makes me feel so warm...
Real women OWN these holothings of which you speak. Lol.
Well you ever considered that woman would want virtual men as well, instead of bothering with all the bs real men cause. LMAO, just thought I would put a change of pace in here.

Problem is, if everyone was in a virtual world, what would happen to the real world? Is our pleasure so important that you would let your world litterally die?

Personally, I would really enjoy holodecks or simulated experiences in the brain space. But I really feel that with everything, moderation is the key, and to just live your life in fantasy will lead to self destruct. What point is there to live if youve done everything. What point is it if you have everything you could possibly imagine, what would be the point if there was nothing left for you to see, hear, feel, or do?

Really, what point would there be to living?

Anyways, some cool applications to this, would be training of course, and the fun stuff. It could be very beneficial on so many levels. It could help people fix addictions, it could give sick people another run on life, and so on. I personally would like to study the in the fields that would create these things, thats why Im into making games soo much. I see brain space being harnassed before a holographic and manupulatable space. The brain is already being deciphered as how it functions, and the what the pulses mean, and vice versa. I see things on a more Ghost in the Shell type world, than the star trek utopia aspect or the matrix machine control. But with everything we dont really know untill it comes.

Blah, about war: I personally feel its acceptable for someone to wish to experience war, thats their choice, but it should be to the fullest reality, sans death, as theres no point in dying over a simulation, human life is way too imporatant.
What point is there to live if youve done everything. What point is it if you have everything you could possibly imagine, what would be the point if there was nothing left for you to see, hear, feel, or do?

I would rather see everything than working a nine 2 five for the most of my life and not seeing anything.
Think about it! spending most of your life working for the system just 2 survive OR living in a holodeck where you can have every possibility you can Imagine happen.
Hmmm its a tough 1. :dozey:
Jammydodger said:
I would rather see everything than working a nine 2 five for the most of my life and not seeing anything.
Think about it! spending most of your life working for the system just 2 survive OR living in a holodeck where you can have every possibility you can Imagine happen.
Hmmm its a tough 1. :dozey:

Its always tempting, but think about it this way.

Nowadays a holodeck is to a person that crack/heroin/ex/weed/drugs are to a person. Wouldnt you rather sit around and be in total pleasure all your life? Well anything in excess is a bad thing and being in a fantasy world for your whole life is nothing more than living in a drug enduced haze.

Anyways, Im not saying its not tempting, Im saying its not a way you should live. Have fun!
I'd like to try to strike a balance. Do what you can in real life, and what you can't in the holodeck.
I can sure as hell go ride a motorcycle, but its unlikely I'll ever do the Deathstar trench run or basejump off of Angel Falls.
chapel said:
being in a fantasy world for your whole life is nothing more than living in a drug enduced haze.
Yes, but what if it looked and felt exactly the same as the real world.
[/Morpheus voice]What is real...define real[/end Morpheus voice]
IonGorilla said:
Yes, but what if it looked and felt exactly the same as the real world.
[/Morpheus voice]What is real...define real[/end Morpheus voice]

Lmao, yes reality is relative. But then again, another reason there should be balance if you were to use a simulated world.