What if there IS NO Half-life 2



What if valve just spent tireless hours working on these videos of a game that didn't exist?!
And then they will delay it until April 1st 2005 and Gabe Newell will announce it was all a joke and about 10,000 people will jump out of buildings and kill themselves and all of the worldS NUCLEAR WEAPONS WILL EXPLODE AND AND AND AND THEN HEADCRABS WILL RISE FROM THEIR GRAVES AND KILL KILL KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just kiddin' yo, but seriously what if it is just hoax???
That's a pretty big waste of money, not to mention the biggest hoax of all time.


Conspiracy theorists unite!
Well first, id have a sniper on gabe. Second i'd have 2,000,000 nukes planted around the world to blow off, and third I'd have a torth to burn down ValvE's Building. if that ever happened i would snipe gabe, light the valve building on fire and set all the nukes off!
i would probibly cry, then get over it...

then i would e-mail valve and say they own, ashton kutcher has nothing on them :LOL:

Gabe: "Gaming community, Youve been PUNKED!"
If this was a hoax, I'd applaud Valve for fooling the world! (And then go play another game).
:| Seriously though if Valve were to do some crazy shit like that, somebody will probably do some crazy shit related to that action.
One thing's for sure:

This is definitely in the right forum... Speculation. :)
the playable leak pretty much killz the hoax theory :/

..........sup btw :)
Or maybe its a elaborate part of the hoax plan. You're letting your guard down! FOOL!!!

Welcome to the HL2.net forums! :)
Yes......the leak was actually planned, and that guy who leaked it was framed and now he suffers in jail...that or that was planned too and he's on an island somewhere with Tupac waiting for the IRS to give up on him.
You know that Gabe Newell might not be human..........................

Think about it, have you ever noticed how much he has to stop and correct what he says and all the throat clearing?
OMG! and the bittorrent creator working for Valve now........ sh*t, we been hoax'd.....

There is no HL2, and to cover it up they're building a sequel to Half-Life!
They'll release this 'sequel' instead, and be like 'pwned!' and we'll be like 'wut?'
Omg! Conspiracy theories!
Yeah! What if HL2 was a hoax? Then all people who has played the stolen build probably got brainwashed and only think they have played it!
The source code was nothing but a stolen part of the DNF engine!
It all makes sence now! I knew it was too good to be true! :(
i would cry, get over it and panic because some nut just planted 200,000 nukes around the world because the game didn't come out.
how do you know that there was a leak?

For all you know all of us might have been brainwashed to think that there is a leaked version.

:borg: :borg: :borg:
I doubt that would happen, hehe. Someone on different forums told me that it cost them 40 million dollars to create HL2, so that would be a big waste. Note: I really don't think 40 million dollars is reasonable for a game, but maybe it's true. Anyone else hear anything about the cost to make it?

[edit] And G-Nelson, the illegal beta version hit Usenet and thousands of people have played the leaked version.
breadbomb said:
I doubt that would happen, hehe. Someone on different forums told me that it cost them 40 million dollars to create HL2, so that would be a big waste. Note: I really don't think 40 million dollars is reasonable for a game, but maybe it's true. Anyone else hear anything about the cost to make it?

[edit] And G-Nelson, the illegal beta version hit Usenet and thousands of people have played the leaked version.
I heard 25 mil.
Yeah, $40 million - Gabe confirmed it himself. That would be for Source and everything else too, however. And salaries have to be paid over 7 years, y'know :)
If that was so, then the people who pre-ordered the game would just get a box with the stolen leak in it. :(
Kerberos said:
If that was so, then the people who pre-ordered the game would just get a box with the stolen leak in it. :(

I wouldn't care if were just 6 seconds of gameplay, at least I get too know that they released SOMETHING.

Then I could die a happy, happy man...................

If there was no HL2 I would be like "wtf, wow" then carry on with my life...
G-Nelson said:
I wouldn't care if were just 6 seconds of gameplay, at least I get too know that they released SOMETHING.

Then I could die a happy, happy man...................

I promise you, 6 seconds of gameplay would be so bad you might as well not play anything.
Well if thats true, soon they will release to preloading over STEAM, where you have to pay before loading... Millions of people will spend $40-$50 on it, and then Gabe will go like:

"OMG, owned you all!"

And we will all go like:

"WTF^ m8?"

...and then he will use the money to build his broken spacecraft and fly home. Happy End....
:) You know what they are going to do? Valve is probably not going to release the game, but make retarded excuses. But they are going to give away the game by pieces. They are going to release Half Life 2 without releasing it for us to play... what they are gonna do is, they are going to keep make excuses about "delays" and just give out video clips every once in awhile until we figure out what Half Life 2 is about and we'll be like awww **** it I want Half Life 3! Then they'll just skip to working on Half Life 3 :cheese: .
i'd travel to america and kill all those mean blighters :( !!!
then i'd start to cry ;( i'd jump out of the window ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear ValveTeam let this be a Warning , if there is no half-life 2 you will all die !!!
*post deleted*

eber, don't let me catch you making stupid posts like that again.
I still see a stupid post by eber. Though I'm getting used to them by now.
?? when did i spam ?? are you okay dude ? hm my post isnt deleted :)
sorry for my melodramatic message but . . . ;(
Of course there's gonna be a HL2, G-man told me he would se me up ahead. And he's not the kinda guy to lie.