what if today is doomsday and you and the world had only 1 hour to live


May 7, 2005
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place here what would you do if you 1 hour before doomsday,put what will u do below....
check my email, eat a cookie, check my email again.
Do something worthwhile....
**** my brains out, kill anybody who I think is worth killing (or at least maim them), and then join up with my buddies so we can all load up on acid and watch it all go down.
Try to sneak into a missle base and launch the ICBMs, hence being the cause of the doomsday.
Here's a better question...what if today is doomsday and you only had one chance to make hawt lovin to me...

...Would you?
Tr0n said:
Here's a better question...what if today is doomsday and you only had one chance to make hawt lovin to me...

...Would you?

Undoubtedly..............yes! :afro:
If you're looking for a serious answer besides OMFG SEXXXXXXX like most will answer, I'd spend the whole time praying.
Hawt sex with the hawt twins next door.

EDIT: I actually do HAVE hot twins living almost next door.
Tr0n said:
Here's a better question...what if today is doomsday and you only had one chance to make hawt lovin to me...

...Would you?

Be to busy playing everquest 2 for an hour. I would also use the /pizza command, just for the hell of it.
I would try to beat HL2 in hard in 3 minutes.
And then have some hawt sechs with tr0n....maybe.
I'd just get absolutely wasted. I would do everything I always wanted to do (sky diving, bungee jumping etc) but with only one hours notice theres no time. So yeah drink everything in the house. Once thats done Tron' offer might seem appealing, then enjoy the fact that there will be no hangover.
I'd have sex with Maxikana's hot twin neighbours.

And then i'd post it on here for no real reason
Sparta said:
I'd have sex with Maxikana's hot twin neighbours.

And then i'd post it on here for no real reason

You'd never get there in time :LOL:
I'd have sex with Maxikana's hot twin neighbours.

And then i'd post it on here for no real reason
where are the nakkid pics????
or even just a pic to judge for ourselves
ya know for science and such
set up a lawn chair on my roof, and sit there naked till it happens.... probably eating lots of chocolate and playing WOW on my laptop. I want my lightforge helm before i die.
Steal a car, a good car, then drive to all the peoples houses that bullied me when I was in school, and I would cut off their legs and set their houses on fire.

I would also burn, steal, crush, kill and destroy.

I have an unstoppable hunger for destruction.
play any game that has a plot line where the world blows up if you mess up. can't think of any right now but im sure there are tons, then ruin the mission and watch the cut scene where the world blows up just as it actually is.
Lets see:

Kick and murder all the people I hate
Have sex with hawt girls from here
Go to england, have sex with english girls
Murder some more people have more sex
Steal stuff
steal cars and run people over and yell: GTA MOTHERF*CKER (resident evil quote)
Murder people etc
kirovman said:
Try to sneak into a missle base and launch the ICBMs, hence being the cause of the doomsday.

You stole my idea :frown:. Walking around with a sandwich board saying "the end is nigh". And on the other side its say "If you don't want to die a virgin, follow me (excluding men)"
Smoke weed, have sex, eat as much as I can eat, kill anyone who deserves it
be with the person i want to be with.

maim several people i hate, not kill the why?? just tihnk the world is gunna be destroyed u want them to die and be in absolute pain knowing they cant kill the ppl they wish to kill :)

buy an antichav wristband
I won't do anything stupid, because the g-man probably thinks I'm the only one worthy to survive, and I don't want to look like an idiot when he saves me :)
Absinthe said:
**** my brains out, kill anybody who I think is worth killing (or at least maim them), and then join up with my buddies so we can all load up on acid and watch it all go down.
Then realise you got the date wrong, and spend the end of the world in jail, with a major hangover :LOL:
crushenator 500 said:
Then realise you got the date wrong, and spend the end of the world in jail, with a major hangover :LOL:

As a precautionary measure, I'll have a timebomb strapped to my chest in case it turns out my calendar is one million years too early.