What if Valve....


May 19, 2003
Reaction score
Out of know where was like...Well we decided we can still make this game better, and we don't want to release something that isn't going to be perfect and that we will regret. So work will continue and we are looking for a holiday release-Q1 2005. I'd BE FURIOUS AS SHIT.
I would steal a time machine, be the founder of valve software myself, and develop HL2, in the place of gabe newell :p
It's be irritating, but I wouldn't be surprised by anything at this point.
I would join a terrorist group irl and eliminate Gabe ;)

Or even better: I would START a terrorist group named KTG (Kill The Gabe) :p
It wouldnt happen... Valve would recieve a serious backlash from the fans.... probably 2 Ddos attacks a day and shit... you know.
I'd accept it because there'd not really be anything I could do about it, keep working on our mod, and still keep popping up here every night.

I'm with an organization that tracks down anything in regards of terrorism due to the extreme nature of the current situation. Though your comment may not have been too the extreme circumstance I am issuing you a citation on behalf of this government of $250. If payment is not received within 21 days after the notice you will receive in the mail a warrant will be issued for your arrest.

Thank you for your time and I hope all future comments on such matter will be kept to yourself.
i remember a thread like this back in sept 03

i said i would kill myself
but i guess im still alive?...
Spooky, unless you provide valid proof that you are indeed anything to do with anything like that, you will stop harassing forum members, even if what he said was stupid.
Spooky Barnes said:

I'm with an organization that tracks down anything in regards of terrorism due to the extreme nature of the current situation. Though your comment may not have been too the extreme circumstance I am issuing you a citation on behalf of this government of $250. If payment is not received within 21 days after the notice you will receive in the mail a warrant will be issued for your arrest.

Thank you for your time and I hope all future comments on such matter will be kept to yourself.

Haha.. you had me going there for a second. :)

BTW 700!!! w00t!
I'd just play another game...

Get over yourselves - hl2 is not the only game left on this world. :dozey:
Just joshin' dawg ;). Scared the shit out of you though huh? Probably not... oh well. Peace!

Rock n Roll


P.S. Its called a joke ComradeBadger... chill. Jesus...
Dude... you typed it like you were for real.. you can tell if its a joke by the way a person types. :)
That was pretty fun. Sorry to mess with you guys. No harm intended! Half-Life 2 Rulez! Peace!

Rock n Roll

jebus for real i bet all of us would join a terrorist group KTG if hl2 didnt come out this year :thumbs:
I was trying to make it sound real... makes the joke even more funny. My bad! Future reference, don't make jokes too serious. All fun though! I swear! I love this site! Peace!

Rock n Roll

Even still, its pretty lame to mention anything about terrorists groups, 'specially right now with all the shit thats going on. You guys are all still coo in my book though! Peace out fellas.

Rock n Roll

I wouldn't be surprised in the least if this actually happened. I wouldn't be too mad about it either.
I wouldn't be surprised if this happened either. Probably will... hopefully not.

Rock n Roll

Spooky Barnes said:
Just joshin' dawg ;). Scared the shit out of you though huh? Probably not... oh well. Peace!

Rock n Roll


P.S. Its called a joke ComradeBadger... chill. Jesus...
I have no sense of humour! Heh, in case you hadn't noticed.. I was joking too :E
I would laugh so hard, then probably say valve realy are the worst company on earth concerning dates.

then play Rome Total War and have me some real fun.

hell the demo is out in.... 36 ish hours.
Spooky Barnes said:

I'm with an organization that tracks down anything in regards of terrorism due to the extreme nature of the current situation. Though your comment may not have been too the extreme circumstance I am issuing you a citation on behalf of this government of $250. If payment is not received within 21 days after the notice you will receive in the mail a warrant will be issued for your arrest.

Thank you for your time and I hope all future comments on such matter will be kept to yourself.
Lol. You gotta love this guy. :|
I would be happy, partially because its pushing VTM:B back (thank God). And mostly because I love watching all the threads and posts that are created on how much they hate valve and the moderators get angry because the posters forget their [whine] [/whine] tags.
tokin said:
Out of know where was like...Well we decided we can still make this game better, and we don't want to release something that isn't going to be perfect and that we will regret. So work will continue and we are looking for a holiday release-Q1 2005. I'd BE FURIOUS AS SHIT.

I'd say oh well, and not buy their game.
ComradeBadger said:
I have no sense of humour! Heh, in case you hadn't noticed.. I was joking too :E

Yeah ok... sure ya did. :O
tokin said:
Out of know where was like...Well we decided we can still make this game better, and we don't want to release something that isn't going to be perfect and that we will regret. So work will continue and we are looking for a holiday release-Q1 2005. I'd BE FURIOUS AS SHIT.
I think I would take Far Cry out of my "icebox" and play it. It's nice to have a cool game you can keep ready to save you from such a fate!
that would be the only thing that would push me to go download the leak. id still probably only play the e3 levels.
As much as half life 2 will be incredible in all ways i dont think valve can afford another major delay.
kaf11 said:
that would be the only thing that would push me to go download the leak. id still probably only play the e3 levels.
Same. If they announce a delay past September-November, I'll download the leak and play levels that don't spoil it for me.

And I'm one who thinks leak playing is blasphemy, too.. so :X
I would learn hacking just so that I can hack into vlve's computers, steal HL2 and all other projects, and publish them all over the net!!

I would get real mad!!!!

neways, now to the sreious part:
spooky: I demand you pay me $1000 or I'll sue you for blackmaling and terrorizing innocent forum members including me :p
Sorry buddy, but you didn't have me there ;)

And at the people who think it's wrong to be talking about terrorists: Don't believe what Bush says ;)


P.S.: For all those who are interested, join #KTGTR (Kill The Gabe The Return) #KTG was already occupied.
Spooky Barnes said:

I'm with an organization that tracks down anything in regards of terrorism due to the extreme nature of the current situation. Though your comment may not have been too the extreme circumstance I am issuing you a citation on behalf of this government of $250. If payment is not received within 21 days after the notice you will receive in the mail a warrant will be issued for your arrest.

Thank you for your time and I hope all future comments on such matter will be kept to yourself.

LOL! Now, where would I send this $250.00? :|
tokin said:
Out of know where was like...Well we decided we can still make this game better, and we don't want to release something that isn't going to be perfect and that we will regret. So work will continue and we are looking for a holiday release-Q1 2005. I'd BE FURIOUS AS SHIT.

Well, if they let me play the CS beta till then I wouldn't mind one bit :D
Insane said:
Sorry buddy, but you didn't have me there ;)

And at the people who think it's wrong to be talking about terrorists: Don't believe what Bush says ;)


P.S.: For all those who are interested, join #KTGTR (Kill The Gabe The Return) #KTG was already occupied.

How nice. You pretty much stole my old avatar. You could at least have asked. :| (And don't go saying you made it, I have the original Flash files I made and exported to .gif)

On topic: I would simply wait, same as I've been doing the last year or so.