What if Valve....

Jarman said:
I think I would take Far Cry out of my "icebox" and play it. It's nice to have a cool game you can keep ready to save you from such a fate!


theGreenBunny said:
How nice. You pretty much stole my old avatar. You could at least have asked. :| (And don't go saying you made it, I have the original Flash files I made and exported to .gif)

On topic: I would simply wait, same as I've been doing the last year or so.
I had on my harddisk and couldn't really remember how I got it. So, I'm sorry if you feel offended m8.
I'll just go on with *slik* no avatar...

*Insane runs to his bedroom and starts to cry
Insane said:
I had on my harddisk and couldn't really remember how I got it. So, I'm sorry if you feel offended m8.
I'll just go on with *slik* no avatar...

*Insane runs to his bedroom and starts to cry

Ah, that's all right :p I thought you purposefully stole it. You can use it if you want now that that's cleared up.
I'm a good boy (except for the KTG thing). Could you forgive me?

*Insane blinks eyes and looks hopefull
If Valve pulled a bonehead move like that someone or some group would either steal HL2 and distribute it over the internet or constantly attack Valve's network of Steam servers out of spite. Not to mention the fact that HL2 would look very, very plain if delayed another full year. It may get delayed again but I can't see another 12 month delay.
Ok, got bored of this thread after the first page.

To the thread starter: It's pretty obvious that you and many others would get pissed if Valve did delay the game by a few more months when we were so close to getting it. It's so obvious infact, that you starting this thread was totally pointless. What did you actually want to gain from starting this thread?
Spooky Barnes said:
Just joshin' dawg ;). Scared the shit out of you though huh? Probably not... oh well. Peace!

Rock n Roll


P.S. Its called a joke ComradeBadger... chill. Jesus...


The payment part had me scratching my head.

As far as waiting for 2005 to play a 1 year late game already, I would take my rig and seriously give it to a bum on the streets. Thats how much Ive been waiting for Hl2
RoguePsi said:
Ok, got bored of this thread after the first page.

To the thread starter: It's pretty obvious that you and many others would get pissed if Valve did delay the game by a few more months when we were so close to getting it. It's so obvious infact, that you starting this thread was totally pointless. What did you actually want to gain from starting this thread?

You little punkin haircutted fruit cake, you'd shut your mouth if you knew it was good for you.
tokin said:
You little punkin haircutted fruit cake, you'd shut your mouth if you knew it was good for you.
:LOL: Now go drink some 'beer'!
tokin said:
You little punkin haircutted fruit cake, you'd shut your mouth if you knew it was good for you.

Tempting to put that as my new sig. But I won't. :thumbs:
What if valve was one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
trying to make it's way home...
I would go genocidal if they said: "Sorry! we messed up again and you will get the game sometime next year". I would probably join KTG if that happened!