What interesting things caught your eye in the e3 clips?

I think it hasn't been mentioned, but those placeholder splats are gone and replaced by, well umm... new green splats! Look at the part, where Gordon hits the legs and a zombie appears.

PS: First post! YAY!
the burning of the zombies was cool, and the screaming noise they made was cool and extreamly funny,
i liked the bit when alax and freeman see her dad, that was funny
also, when freeman got the manuiplator and threw the paint can and the paint can hit the wall, and the paint splated on the wall, so realistic man
I liked pretty much all of the video, especially when that guy got blown off the crane :D. Although the running over of people didnt quite look right.

and what about the strider, it took like 5 hits from a rocket launcher :o, can they be destroyed?, how would they die?
24Gamer said:
I liked pretty much all of the video, especially when that guy got blown off the crane :D. Although the running over of people didnt quite look right.

and what about the strider, it took like 5 hits from a rocket launcher :o, can they be destroyed?, how would they die?
They die from old age and heart attacks.
"oh i though you were a cop"
*casually looks away

classic. I dont know why, but the voice in this game along with the complexity of npcs is awesome.
Hey, in the crane fight, if you look closely before that guy gets blown sky high with the RPG, you'll notice that the rocket actually misses him, then very quickly loops around and comes back to hit him, which is why he flew to the left and not directly away from the screen... you can definitely see it by watching the smoke trail, but if you look carefully, you'll see the rocket miss and turn around ;)
Sandman said:
Hey, in the crane fight, if you look closely before that guy gets blown sky high with the RPG, you'll notice that the rocket actually misses him, then very quickly loops around and comes back to hit him, which is why he flew to the left and not directly away from the screen... you can definitely see it by watching the smoke trail, but if you look carefully, you'll see the rocket miss and turn around ;)
Yep, Smoke trail gives it away.
Very hard to see otherwise.
Something that looks strange iin the fan-boat-whatever vehicle is there are rockets that apprear to come out of nowhere, but I think that combine are shooting the rockets upwards then the rockets launch forwards.
phantomdesign said:
Something that looks strange iin the fan-boat-whatever vehicle is there are rockets that apprear to come out of nowhere, but I think that combine are shooting the rockets upwards then the rockets launch forwards.

The rockets launch out of the top of the combine Carrier trucks.
shadow stalker said:
The bit i thought was good, was when you where fighting the striders, one of the striders walks of one of the resistance and spikes him with his leg, but the strider just carries on shooting. A short time after that, you see the strider relise he has a body attached to his leg and shakes it off. I thought that was neat. how he didn't shake it off amediatly.
Thx for pointing that out. Didn't see b4.

Sorze said:
I think I just noticed some of that reactive scripting concerning npcs...

Notice how Eli says "Feel free to look around" and seems to actually wait until gordon starts looking around!
First Eli looks like he's about to leave, but then looks at gordon again, and only after gordon starts turning away to look at the surroundings Eli turns around and walks away.

From what I have heard,they are set to look at you or the other character at set times when speaking yet there is a period of time where they look at places of interest that make it random each time. Could be a can rolling on the ground, the sky or a window or someone walking by. In that scene, you were probably that point of interest.