What is a resonece cascade?


Jul 2, 2003
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So , what is it exactally that happens at the begining of HL1? Just curious , since the Kliener video lead us onto the use of portals or some such thing in HL2 most likely.
Dr Kleiner is GAY and he is using the portals to transport NAKED MEN into this research lab of HOT MAN SEX.
Well crap. If you look at a good dictionary, there are tons of differnet deffinitions. I suggest that you look it up.
Spelling , dear god the spelling , I cant look it up until I can spell it :p
Resonance is similar to vibrations, it's a wave function that keeps increasing, keeps "resonating"... A cascade is basically a process that occurs in several stages, each depending on the previous one, usually resulting in a cumulative effect, like a resonating wave function for example.
Why hasnt Fatboy Gabe been banned yet?
res·o·nance ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rz-nns)
The quality or condition of being resonant: words that had resonance throughout his life.
Richness or significance, especially in evoking an association or strong emotion: “It is home and family that give resonance... to life” (George Gilder). “Israel, gateway to Mecca, is of course a land of religious resonance and geopolitical significance” (James Wolcott).
Physics. The increase in amplitude of oscillation of an electric or mechanical system exposed to a periodic force whose frequency is equal or very close to the natural undamped frequency of the system.
Physics. A subatomic particle lasting too short a time to be observed directly. The existence of such particles is usually inferred from a peak in the energy distribution of its decay products.
Acoustics. Intensification and prolongation of sound, especially of a musical tone, produced by sympathetic vibration.
Linguistics. Intensification of vocal tones during articulation, as by the air cavities of the mouth and nasal passages.
Medicine. The sound produced by diagnostic percussion of the normal chest.
Chemistry. The property of a compound having simultaneously the characteristics of two or more structural forms that differ only in the distribution of electrons. Such compounds are highly stable and cannot be properly represented by a single structural formula.

cas·cade ( P ) Pronunciation Key (k-skd)
A waterfall or a series of small waterfalls over steep rocks.
Something, such as lace, thought to resemble a waterfall or series of small waterfalls, especially an arrangement or fall of material.
A succession of stages, processes, operations, or units.
Electronics. A series of components or networks, the output of each of which serves as the input for the next.
A chemical or physiological process that occurs in successive stages, each of which is dependent on the preceding one, and often producing a cumulative effect: an enzymatic cascade.

intr. & tr.v. cas·cad·ed, cas·cad·ing, cas·cades
To fall or cause to fall in or as if in a cascade.



The worry was that scans of such untried intensities could release an unprecedented burst of displacement energy, potentially sufficient to cause
the resonance cascade scenario that had been once been hypothesised – where an extremely powerful Earth-based displacement field would attract the natural fields
in the Xen borderworld, the resulting influx of displacement energy tearing a dimensional breach between Xen spacetime and our own.


Lol I wasted my time with alot of research so , there it is , and thnx for the Webzine link , Ill read it right now.


That link was very nice.
Resonance cascade was when the portals man were tryin to make got mixed in with the aliens from another dimension...
The resonance cascade refered to in Half-Life 1 was a tear in space-time fabric between two border worlds/dimensions. When the tear occured, it permitted extensive and direct travel between the two boarder worlds (earth and xen).

When Gordan Freeman placed the crystal sample into the anti-mass spectrometer in the experiment, the amount of power focused through the crystal tore the space-time barrier. This was an unkown side effect, otherwise they would have not commenced in the experiment.
no, this wasn't the first time they did such a thing, their dialogue suggests they'd done it before

that link explains what happened very well
i must give extreme props to NothingMan (Covax) for his breakdown, that was awesome. Are you studying this stuff right now?
That wasn't mine, I just found it on google.

Sorry if it sounded like I wrote that...
eh, when it starts going on to the A-bomb [ive only read up to that] i couldnt help but think that he was making a MEGA MEGA A-bomb and he was going to teleport it to the alien homeworld and explode it, a la battlefield earth
nope...its not teleportation i think, its got something to do with time, if u check the official trailer, u see that some people are frozen...standing still...while the "scanners" are still moving