What is going to change for mapping in hl2?


Aug 24, 2003
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Im a self proclaimed rookie mapper for halflife1, i started creating a map that is a very detailed us navy submarine (well as detailed as can be based on what is allowed to be shown to civilians :p ) But it turns out that hl1 cant really handle the load (the map is huge as a ssbn is about 560 feet long)....Should i wait for hl2? what is going to change as far as mapping goes for hl2? Should i give it up? Thanks for your help!
a submarine should be entirely possible in HL1 although difficult to make well. As long as the inside is visblocked well from the outside, the interior compartments would work much like a normal level. It would be very difficult and involve a lot of vertex manipulation to make nice curvy looking hull. Interior details would probably be better off as models.
yeah its close but the outside of the sub has such HUGE rspeeds even though they are all relatively low poly :/ kind of a frustrating mess..... Inside plays great....
outside of a sub shouldn't get that high r_speeds. It's mostly smooth right?? I guess it depends on how you put your brushes together, but I can easily the surface of a sub clocking in around 400 polies, maybe even less
Originally posted by Jhahn2k4
Will mapping be harder, or just more to learn in HL2?
Mapping *should* be easier, as you now will have a crapload of props to place. Nobody knows the extention of this though. But if you have seen the Barricade movie, you'll get the idea. Removing all props gives you a street. Nothing more. Cars, signs, rubble, barrels, everything loose, maybe even the barricade itself and the top side scout platform, all of this *might* be props, meaning its one click place. Only the houses themselves are modelled in Hammer, the rest is placed. If you have the props, you can make a map VERY fast... If you have Morrowind, you can look at that editor, I think that comes closest to what the new Hammer could be, without building blocks but with the ability to build primitives. Though nobody knows for certain of course...
I question seriously, whether mapping will be easier. If anything, the process of level design is going to be much more lengthly, and involve more resources, as the art-bar has been 'upped' considerably.

If we were still mapping at the level of halflife1, with the halflife2 tools, yes, it may be easier - but now, with the ability to create massive levels, high detail, extensive use of high-poly meshes created in xsi, maya, or 3ds max, creating halflife2 quiality environments will require much more from its artists. Of course, if you are going for the classic 'killbox' style mapping - yah, it should be a breeze!
hey that map sounds pretty cool can i have

CAn i have that map you just described it sounds pretty cool. or is it not finished:cheers:
sorry its not finished yet :) that was kind of the point of my post. but i will post a link as soon as it is. :)