What is most important to you in Ep2?


Dec 22, 2003
Reaction score
For me it is the story, and the introduction of new characters that will add more depth to it. Gameplay and environment come in at a close second. Graphics really aren't that big of deal to me.
The story - G-Man, Returning Character, Suprises, etc
Really looking forward to the outdoor setting and gameplay shown in the 5th gameplay video - especially the feeling of being in a huge warzone.

Graphics are pretty low on my important things list as well.
Important, as in, if they fail in this the game won't be worth playing, would be the new NPC AI. They had me at the graphics/sound/physics/story already, but the new, improved AI appears to be a big change that I'm looking forward to:

Zombies that attack your moving vehicle.
Mini striders that actively seek you out and around buildings
Combine that throw your grenades back at you
Vortigaunts by your side

...and I want to see that strider eat Dog for breakfast.
Que-Ever your avatar bugs the crap outta me 'cus it's so similar to depth9000's :(.
Story, Gameplay, Physics, NPC Expressions, Graphics, game-making-senseness-ness.
...and I want to see that strider eat Dog for breakfast.

Dog is highly overrated so I don't care what happens to him:|

Now what do I want:
To get to shoot some Vorts:E
More weapons goddamn it!
More info on teh G-Mans
OK on a more serious note improved NPC AI or else. The rebel AI in the original HL and Ep1 was retarded. Oh yeah and I want to be able to give them commands (and they acually folow them)
More expo on g-man yes
More having to make dodgy choices for survival.
Better AI a must.
introduction of a new weapon would be nice.
More expo of the combine plans now they have been cut off.
Gameplay, story, G-man, new characters and environments. Point made.
If you do not have a fancy comp all that new graphics stuff doesn't really matter atm
Storyline top priority, want them to really spice it up in the next episode, pick the right person to kill off and make it perfect, and yeah definately more G-Man.

Better and new gameplay aspects, better enemy AI, a hard difficulty setting that is actually hard, and hopefully one hour longer than EP1.
Gameplay maybe... graphics would be nice... ally AI, though some footage we've seen of rebels trying to take down a helicopter with SMGs doesn't look promising... story definitely - I want to see what's up with Alyx and G-Man.
Also, Portal. A bit more important than Ep2, IMO. :D
Story, story, story, characters and the levels themselves.
Broadly speaking, gameplay and story, of course.

Specifically, I want some info on the G-Man. This isn't the last game, but it's just about time we actually learn something about him (it?). Judging by the trailers, there will certainly be some G-Man action in Ep2.

I want that Combine message to turn out to be something interesting. Not "OMG Freeman kicked our asses, need reinforcements, over and out".

Gameplay wise, I'm looking forward to the open areas. Will probably remind me of "Surface Tension". It would be fun to have the fights be less linear. That is, the fight can occur here or a bit elsewhere, and can take place over an overall larger area. The Sandtraps chapter had some of this less-linear fighting, I hope it can be built on.

Oh, and more destructible environments, I like it. I just can't help it, I always like destructible stuff.
I want it to be long...at least twice the length of Episode One...looking foraward to new enemies also..nad hoping for a new weapon or 2
I want it to be long...at least twice the length of Episode One...looking foraward to new enemies also..nad hoping for a new weapon or 2

Yeah, good luck with that one. Although I'd like for Ep2 to be twice the length of Ep1 (nothing wrong with more HL, is there) I sincerely don't think that will happen.
well...then, at least I would like for there to be another full length Half-Life entry after Episode 3
Well, based on the various statements, the impression so far is that Ep2 will be longer. Not twice as long as Ep1, but longer. If you could count Ep1 being as 4-5 hours, then Ep2 might be 6-7 hours.

Then again, Ep1 ended up being shorter than originally cited. They originally said it would be about one third the length of HL2 - which would put Ep1 at 6-7 hours, HL2 certainly took me over 20 hours, and it took most people 18 or more.
I heard about Ep2 being longer than the first episode, but as I said, I doubt it will be twice as long.
HL2 took me around 12, I think.

What the hell did you do, play it on steroids? You're not one of those players who rush through without noticing any details, but I'm guessing that I could now complete HL2 in 11-12 hours if I was intent on doing it fast!
Story, longer and more interesting gameplay and worth the wait graphic updates. Some harder music would be good too.
Harder and bigger Physics puzzles no more of the sawsaw ones. Story and better AI would be great aswell
A good example of excellent tactical AI is the one that was in F.E.A.R. Now THAT is tactical movement, they were little worse than a simple player, could easily get to your back if you were not careful.
The combine just hide when they're wounded, and try finding a cover, not much anything else.
The bad guys in F.E.A.R distract you while others try to get to you undetected.
Story and gameplay.

Gameplay consists of all sorts of things: NPC AI, the hunter, dog getting pwned, a new weapon, ...
Environments/art to explore.

I like wandering around more than anything, even more than interacting with the characters.
Something I forgot to mention is the "ultra hard mode" which was going to be in Episode One but was cut for time.
Answers to major questions, updated graphics, and REPLAYABILITY (generally by making the episode last longer).
story (especially GMan info) then gameplay then graphics
The most important to me is a longer game than episode 1, i really am looking forward to the new graphical enhancements and outdoor fights.