What is most important to you in Ep2?

why does everyone want Dog to die???

I will surely shed a tear if they kill him off...

In fact... I already am!
imo, dog has had his one minute of fame, and must go ^^
Just to see what the first reaction would be xD

Nah i would never want dog to die, if we had him by our side in the first part of the street war we would have got there in a quarter of the time
You know some odd way everyone will probably die in the final episode that this game will offer, sad to say. Can sorta see it coming :(

Nah i dont see that happening for this sort of storyline, although I did predict a lot of people dieing though, including i fear, Alyx and Barney later on.
i dont think alyx would die, she's a big part of this "new" gameplay that valve want to portray where NPC's are closely interacting with you
Good point, but I definately think Barney will snuff it eventually
imo, dog has had his one minute of fame, and must go ^^

Heh, If they do decide to kill him off I hope LaidLaw somehow makes a reference to the Ernest Hemingway quote "You will die like a dog for no good reason."
Dog won't lose against a strider. And, that's what I'm most looking forward to. Will we be able to help him, like with rockets? I don't know, but... I WANT EP2 NOW!
Dog won't lose against a strider. And, that's what I'm most looking forward to.

That scene in the trailer with Dog and the Strider is just retarded. I mean what the f*** is the Strider waiting for?! Blast him to smithereens with the singularity cannon already damn it!
Singularity cannon takes a while to charge up... Dog's fast, he can dodge out of the way. Anyhow, we've already seen a poster - somewhere, I don't remember exactly - that shows Dog holding beaten-up chunks of Strider. If Dog dies, that ain't gonna be it.
See my Avatar? Small, but it's dog on top of a strider, ripping bits off. Dog will win.
Story is 1# priority, I also want to see what actually become of Breen; Will Dr. Breen come Mecha Breen? "IMA FIRIN' MA LAZER ON YA BITCHES!!!", Some new weapons, it's getting quite tiresome playing the same weapons over and over again since 2004.

Does Alyx survive the fall? What happens to Mossman?

These are some questions that I like to see answered.
I want to see some good night fighting with the updated HDR lightning effects :)...Hunters running around with their eyes glowing in the dark, bullets flying around lightning up the surrounding, yellow flashes from my shotgun on the neares obstacles every time i take a shot...And some mystical blue-greenish fog in the light of the moon, maybe even some orange glow on the horizon from the burning City 17...
I hope I can spawn the airboat in the outdoor sections and go around destroying everything with my machine gun.
I hope I can spawn the airboat in the outdoor sections and go around destroying everything with my machine gun.
Let's ask VALVe to implement that^^ You know, probably the boat won't be inherent to the code, so let's BEG they include it tho so we can go BUDA-BUDA-BUDA!!! MUHAHAH!!! NEVER PUT AN ASSAULTRIFLE IN HEATED-PLASMA-SHELLS-HEAVY-MACHINEGUN FIGHT!!!!! :devil:
This is what I would like to see

1. New earth weapons.

2. Rebels hijacking Combine A.P.C.s and helichoppers.

3. More interesting submachine gun.

4. All the leftover questions from H-L 1 answered.

5. Progress in the destruction of the COmbine enpire.
1. New earth weapons.

2. Rebels hijacking Combine A.P.C.s and helichoppers.

3. More interesting submachine gun.

4. All the leftover questions from H-L 1 answered.

5. Progress in the destruction of the COmbine enpire.

I doubt ALL the questions will be answered but certainly some hints will be dropped. :)
1. forest + night + HDR = me staying up 'till 6.00am
2. Alyx lives (with the help of the vorts). She's not around for some time but i want to see her at some point, maybe even play coop again :E
3. Hunters. I like them :)
4. The new engine update to the physics system that alows the materials to bend in a so realistic way (bridge trailer)
5. Strider-buster. Now that's a funny way to pwn a strider :D
6. Story continues. Nothing to say here as it was been discussed many many times, but I WANT ANSWERS for some of the story questions, not all, but some of them
7. And the most important thing for me is...another nice cliffhanger at the end :p

Funny it is, i said nothing about the battle scenes and updated video, should i? Battles are the point in an action-based fps game like HL, and with the experience Valve have with creating the gameplay i am expecting something excellent as allways. Video? Let me stay clear, i don't play HL2 for the video, i never played HL1 for the video (hah?), it's all in the story and gameplay (and there are so many older games, that we all like to play that have awful video in modern terms).
Alyx will live most definately, but I think there may only be a bit of coop play at the start with her up until she takes a fall, unless that happens right at the start of EP2 to which i dount there will be any since she will be likely out of it for the remainder of the episode
I am most definitely sure that in start of the episode you will play alone, she will disappear (fall maybe?) but will be saved by the vorts, and will join me later in the game. I am sure because EP2 continues EP1, and is common for Valve to make often changes to the gameplay, like we played with Alyx trough the whole EP1 and now is supposed Valve wil "give us some break" and play alone, at least for a while. But this was discussed many times, so let's stay on the topic...
<_<...>_>... beacuse he's a waste of outdated scanner pieces...
He's too bulky... gives little to the storyline... and he's brown.

He's an awesome, pure strenght robot. And he's a sidecharacter and a friend. Every character doesn't need to have a critical function in the storyline :borg:
1) I didn't mean to be racoist, he IS a cool character, and most stories DO need a big bulky machine strength based character, I just believe there isn't much point for keeping him.

2) I WAS a fan of dog, but I just lost interest and fell for the combine machines more...
why is everyone so sure that Alyx will fall? maybe she manages to climb back up, or Gordon helps her back up (ingame that would be sweet).

on the trailer she does not fall, she just slips and hangs on with one arm.

Unless of course if anyone can confirm that she does actually fall.
Story is big, but TF2 and Portal is RIGHT behind it. :p
I believe Alyx won't fall, I've said it beofre, she's too great a character. But it would be interesting to see just what happens to her.
1. New earth weapons.

2. Rebels hijacking Combine A.P.C.s and helichoppers.

3. More interesting submachine gun.

4. All the leftover questions from H-L 1 answered.

5. Progress in the destruction of the COmbine enpire.

Oh, and may I add: An actual proper offroad vehicle. Like a Jeep or Landover. The one at the moment looks so stupid it's basically a frame on wheels with all it's private parts exposed. I'm not asking for a Subaru Impreza, just something more akin to a car.

And...MORE ALIENS!!! I mean some intelligent nasty aliens that aren't just wildlife. But they shouldn't be too armoured. They should be like the alien equivilent of a COmbine soldier.
Hmmm, have you ever thought that those offroaders were custom built and are the best thing rebels have? I mean, sure, they're... unstable, but it can't get much better, and still be realistic. Unless they salvage a Combine APC, but that's about as good as it gets.
Oh, and may I add: An actual proper offroad vehicle. Like a Jeep or Landover. The one at the moment looks so stupid it's basically a frame on wheels with all it's private parts exposed. I'm not asking for a Subaru Impreza, just something more akin to a car.

And...MORE ALIENS!!! I mean some intelligent nasty aliens that aren't just wildlife. But they shouldn't be too armoured. They should be like the alien equivilent of a COmbine soldier.

Yeah and while they are at they should give Freeman a brand custom made jet fighter followed by a tank of some sort...
Oh, and may I add: An actual proper offroad vehicle. Like a Jeep or Landover. The one at the moment looks so stupid it's basically a frame on wheels with all it's private parts exposed. I'm not asking for a Subaru Impreza, just something more akin to a car.

And...MORE ALIENS!!! I mean some intelligent nasty aliens that aren't just wildlife. But they shouldn't be too armoured. They should be like the alien equivilent of a COmbine soldier.

How fortunate that Valve doesn't take crap advice from anyone:p

When playing HL2, did you see a functional car of any kind (not counting the buggy)? How could you expect a Jeep or Landrover to even exist 20 years after the Combine invasion. All human industry and economy has collapsed a long time ago, and therefore a "luxury" terrain car would be very unrealistic.

What kind of aliens? What would they bring to the story? Some random aliens who suddenly comes from nowhere is just stupid. It's better to evolve the existing story with the existing enemies.

Same goes for weapons. Why the hell would anyone want a new set of weapons? Sure it might be interesting for a while, but this really isn't Serious Sam. EP2 takes of where EP1 ended, and to suddenly acquire a new set of weapons wouldn't make any sense at all.

If you want big-ass-weapons and an overflow of gore, play Quake 4, Doom 3 or SS. If you want a good story, play HL2.
Finally, someone with sense! Benefactor, nice to know you aren't a crazy.
Hmmm, I agree with just evolving story, and the functional car bit. I would not agree about the weapons however...

It would be nice to see SOME new weapons, not a lot, and not from earth. If there's anyway to get 'new' weapons, bring back tho old ones... Wait, they did most of that... except that Grenade launcher from HL1.

If there are ever going to be "intelligent" aliens, they should be either somethign we've seen before, or a completely new step in evolution... don't forget, we haven't <technically> seen ALL the antlions. It would be nice that we fight in water too, to either see some Combine Naval vehicles (if they have any) and too see how well the Itchyosaur (however you spell it) has adapted to Earth. They should also bring back houndeyes and bullsquids.