What is, or whats happened to this guy?


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
So this shot kind of confuses me as to what has happened. A guy sitting dead in one of thos interrogation chairs that freeman sits on at the beginning of the game (Train Station Bink).

His face unrecogniseable, Eyes gouged out. It is possible a number of things could of happened.

-Tortured to Death (Blood splatter on the wall behind him suggests multiple gun shots or a single shotgun shell. This is what eventually killed him)
-Turning into Combine (It looks like he has no eyes, possibly will have retina augmentation, which is a possible reason why the combine wear masks)
-Headcrab Mutation (It is not clear whether the headcrab paralysis you before controlling host nervous system. If not, it is possible person was able to kill crab before escaping, only to mutate later on)

What is you thoery on his death.

Link: http://www.gameconnect.info/modules.php?op=modload&name=coppermine&file=displayimage&album=2&pos=18
Theres already been a thread about this before somewhere, iirc most people seemed to think either a) Torture or b) some kind of experimentation/assimilation type of deal.
Hmm, I've seen the trainstation bink, never saw it
Woah, he looks real ugly! but uh, I dont think he is being made into a combine, if humans are indeed combine soldiers then I think they would be uh... converted to there cause, not mutilated, I dont see how you can think that's what is happening. Unless barney is secretly mutilated but he doesnt show it? yea.. sure. :dozey:
he seems pretty happy to me

i swear i see a smile on his face.
I think he had the front half of his face ripped off.
I say again: where is this picture from? I just watched the trainstation bink twice again and there is no one there. Also Gordon does not have any weapon in that bink. What bink is it? Please, it seems like there's a bink I don't know so tell me what it's from...

Its in none of the binks, its only a screenshot, in the trainstation bink you see a similar chair to what he is sitting on when the metrocops take gordon into that room.
Looks like he was tortured to death, and badly burned in the process.
Its certainly not in the trainstation bink. Gordon has no weapons in the bink, and in the screenshot he has a grenade. I would assume that this shot is someway closer to the middle of the game than in the beginning, thinking that normally you dont get powerful weapons like grenades very soon :)
Looks like we are visiting a Combine station/Citadel/whatever somewhere in the game. Or just returning to the trainstation.
Neat speculation, isnt it?
Prone said:
I say again: where is this picture from? I just watched the trainstation bink twice again and there is no one there. Also Gordon does not have any weapon in that bink. What bink is it? Please, it seems like there's a bink I don't know so tell me what it's from...


Its not from the Bink, its a screenshot that is being used in many reviews. I was lucky enough to find it on a website.

As for the weapons, its possible that Gordon travels back to the trainstation (or someplace that has a similair torture device) in the later levels, maybe when the citizens start to resist.
One of the main combine units to be cut from HL2 was a flame thrower unit, they were supposed to be sent in and clear areas full of citizens or something. That is why most of all the dead bodies that you come across are burnt toast. maybe they forgot to change this when they cut the unit?

I know in Nova Prospekt they electrocute a Vortigaunt in a similar chair.
thats in the airboat level, where you have to shoot the wire for the big wooden panels that smash into the gate
I'm sure theres also one in Nova Prospekt.

I had a load or Antlions with me at the time.....
Um doesn't it look just like a guy who had a head crab removed?
Go into the game shoot the head crab off a guy and compare the two. Looks exactly the same.

In Nova Prospekt, a Vort was being tortured to death, the Combine had this beam emitting on he's face.

I believe this man suffered the same unfortunate fate. :(