What is taking Vivendi so damn long?

Mr. Redundant said:
yeah thats true...
however if we as fans band together, we can all simply purchase from steam (not a big chunk of revenue Im sure, but a nice piece nonetheless), therefore cutting VU straight out of the equation.

i like ur idea here...the only problem being that im a traditionalist in that i like my games to come in a box with CD/DVD's, manuels.. the works.
if Steam offered that i wouldn't think twice and just use Steam to order my CE copy.

so u can see the conundrum that many of us manuel sniffers are in.. :| :(
Wesisapie said:
i hope they do, then maybe people will rise up against steam.

Agianst it? I know Steam can be a pain in the arse to a lot of people, me included. It does have some undeniably good aspects though.
Wesisapie said:
i hope they do, then maybe people will rise up against steam.

Whats that going to do? All that will happen is people complain.