What is the "7 hour war" ?

GiaOmerta, did u look at the link i posted ? http://www.primagames.com/strategy/book/inside/6534/
bottem left of the page
ELI "There was an illusion of safety,for a time and then the Citadels appeared. It happened in a split second all over the world. A chunk would disappear from the center of a city to be replaced as instant later by one of these headquarters for the combine. Inavsion central."

unless you think they changed it? i agree with the above. he was referering to The citadel because there is only 1 in C17.
I would LOVE if Munro was working on a "7 Hour War" mod or better yet - if he had some "inside info" on a possible expansion pack based on the event.
some other people and i are working on a mod called "The 7th Hour" which just started up... keep your eyes peeled for news of us in the future.
There are more biomechanical weapons, like the Strider and Gunship, in the models folder- go through it with HLMV... I wonder if they were originally developed for the slideshow, or for some other deleted scene... there's some kind of hovering mortar catapult, and a big, beefy thing whose purpose is less clear... that's all I've found so far...
In the script for the hl2: raising the bar thing
It says that the citadels appeared, and thousands of soldiers came pouring out of them.
Then the human forces formed together and put up a strong resistance, they marched towards the citadel, but they were turned into ashes.
That was probably from the supressor weapon, or whatever it is.
It also says that someone (Its to blurry to read) Announced earths surrender while all of this was happening, we know this to be Dr.Breen.
That means that doctor breen had this all planned, because he reacted so quickly.
He would of had to have ties with the combine, because he was named "consul" by the combine.

Dr eli also says that no one is blaming gordon for what happened.
And it ALSO says that the xen creatures attacked civilians in the outside world fist.
"Headcrabs leaping onto shoppers from supermarket shevles"
"Gargantua overturning a tractor as a farmer flees across a (cant read this) field."

Eli also says:
"There was an illusion of safety for a time, And then citadels appeared."
That means there is more than one citadel, there is most likely one in every city.
"... A chunk would disappear from the centre of a city, to be replaced an instant later by one of these headqauters for the combine. Invasion Central"

And something even more interesting.
Here is even more evidence for resistance, and a better reason for why the combine wear those gas masks.
"Well, you've seen the state of things. They're replacing the air with something we can hardly breathe. They're draining the ocean. We don't know if they are preparing the earth for new residents, or are just stripping it of every possible resource. All we know is that we have to stop them, and thats where you come in, Mr Freeman. It's up to you to...."

That was taken from an early part of the script, that was meant to fill out what happened inbetween the two half lifes.
The combine used the Xen creatures to attack.
The people put up a strong resistance, they thought they were winning.
The citadels appeared, the armies proceeded towards these, only to be killed by the supressor.

Eli must of organised Gordon to come and help them, because so much of this has been planned out.
That supports the theory of the Gman auctioning (or "pimping") off gordon to the highest bidder.

Interesting isn't it?

We should make a sticky with that explination in it.
It fills out lots of the story gap between the two games, plus it also explains a few things.
Like why the combine wear those gasmasks around. (Because they have difficulty breathing the air)
n/m, the "beefy thing" is what you see crossing the catwalk as you ascend the Citadel, just before the flight of gunships takes off...
Baldrick said:
In the script for the hl2: raising the bar thing
It says that the citadels appeared, and thousands of soldiers came pouring out of them.
Then the human forces formed together and put up a strong resistance, they marched towards the citadel, but they were turned into ashes.
That was probably from the supressor weapon, or whatever it is.
It also says that someone (Its to blurry to read) Announced earths surrender while all of this was happening, we know this to be Dr.Breen.
That means that doctor breen had this all planned, because he reacted so quickly.
He would of had to have ties with the combine, because he was named "consul" by the combine.

Dr eli also says that no one is blaming gordon for what happened.
And it ALSO says that the xen creatures attacked civilians in the outside world fist.
"Headcrabs leaping onto shoppers from supermarket shevles"
"Gargantua overturning a tractor as a farmer flees across a (cant read this) field."

Eli also says:
"There was an illusion of safety for a time, And then citadels appeared."
That means there is more than one citadel, there is most likely one in every city.
"... A chunk would disappear from the centre of a city, to be replaced an instant later by one of these headqauters for the combine. Invasion Central"

And something even more interesting.
Here is even more evidence for resistance, and a better reason for why the combine wear those gas masks.
"Well, you've seen the state of things. They're replacing the air with something we can hardly breathe. They're draining the ocean. We don't know if they are preparing the earth for new residents, or are just stripping it of every possible resource. All we know is that we have to stop them, and thats where you come in, Mr Freeman. It's up to you to...."

That was taken from an early part of the script, that was meant to fill out what happened inbetween the two half lifes.
The combine used the Xen creatures to attack.
The people put up a strong resistance, they thought they were winning.
The citadels appeared, the armies proceeded towards these, only to be killed by the supressor.

Eli must of organised Gordon to come and help them, because so much of this has been planned out.
That supports the theory of the Gman auctioning (or "pimping") off gordon to the highest bidder.

Interesting isn't it?

We should make a sticky with that explination in it.
It fills out lots of the story gap between the two games, plus it also explains a few things.
Like why the combine wear those gasmasks around. (Because they have difficulty breathing the air)
Nice nice, but i thought combine wore gasmask because the operation (allowing them to live on the other side of the combine portal) made them no longer able to breath earth's atmosphere.
Yeah i meant they couldn't breath earths atmosphere.
I would also say that the combine think they are superior to humans, or a higher lifeform based on the picture that people have found of the chimp head, human head, then combine head.