What is the biggest thread you've started?

hm ive had some really large ones but im to tierd to look back.
i have a handful of threads in the 200s and a lot in the 100s... the biggest is 299.

Whoever started the now playing thread wins I think
I believe 25 pages on my Do Not Laugh thread.

371 replies and 23,320 views... over the course of two days.

The Illustrated Story of Iso-Town

351 replies 10,025 views.

Though my Half-Life: Full Life Consequences has 11,370 views but only 168 replies.

Both threads are about things that I've created so I'm pretty proud of that :p
I don't know which my biggest thread is, probably the one I posted about my car accident.

Craig ain't around (he's moved back to UK from Tenerife and has not set up his interweb yet) so on his behalf, i'll point out his Movie rating thread has 2,939 posts and 50,921 views. :thumbs:
"Say something positive about a game you usually bash"
120 Replies, 1,693 Views

Most threads I make don't make it past 10 or so replies though :P

edit: my excuse is that my initial posts usually contain all the information needed in the thread, so there isn't much room for comment :P If you want to be the reply king, you just have to ask 'so, half-life 2 dot net: tell me about yourself' and add in a few 'a-huh? a-huh!s' to help things along.

Incidentally, this thread will probably become Dan's 'biggest thread [he's] started'.

edit2: To make you all feel good about yourself, I'll just let you know that my third largest thread was one where I asked for help with a project. Got a first for that as well :P
Maybe I will soon top my previous record
181 replies 3,348 views.
Best Way To Approach a Girl Thread.
High Record? Yes.

If you have something higher, your logic is invalid.
Probably one of my fanfics from long ago, got about 5 or 6 pages long as I recall. But that's about it I think.