What is the coolest game of HL series for you guys?

HL1, followed closely by HL2.
I don't know. BTW you forgot Decay(though it's not like anyone will vote for it)
Could use a poll too.
A co-op HL from the PS2. I hate it, because it has no relevance :p
HL1 was my favourite, still is. Perfect in every way
Llama said:
A co-op HL from the PS2. I hate it, because it has no relevance :p
Despite revealing 2 incredibly important plot revelations, yeah, defenatly.

Is it available for the PC?
What about Codename: Gordon? :dork:

...anyway, it's a toss up for me between Half Life 1 and Opposing Force.
ríomhaire said:
Despite revealing 2 incredibly important plot revelations, yeah, defenatly.


Resonance Reversal? Yeah, that worked, HL2 happened for no reason at all :thumbs: :O :borg:

Not sure about the other, you may...attempt :)thumbs: )...to enlighten me :cheers:
Llama said:
Resonance Reversal? Yeah, that worked, HL2 happened for no reason at all :thumbs: :O :borg:

Not sure about the other, you may...attempt :)thumbs: )...to enlighten me :cheers:
The satillite was ment to stop the RC(opening major implications as to why the military stoped it. Plus OP4 shows up the g-man was involved in the military aswell. So many connections!)

The RC was planned. Dr. Rosy states that someone whould have had to turn off the dampening field locks. (Off course we already knew from OP4 that the military had a mission planned 2 months before but anyway. Plus the g-man was high up in the military)
Yes I am implying that the g-man wanted the RC. I think that was Gearbox's one true addition to the story.
how come everytime someone asks about favorate HL series game, no one votes for HL2? i haven't played it yet cause i need to change my computer, but is it like, "you ruined everything, the game sucks"? i'll be dissapointed...
HL2, doy. :p

I like all the HL1 series for 2nd place equally, but for different reasons.

-HL1 for starting everything.
-Decay for being the most interesting expansion story.
-Blue Shift for best use of Xen.
-Op4 for all the new content.
Hmmm I enjoyed opposing force quite a bit, the demo actually got me into HL1 so it can't be that bad. So
Why is this thread in Rumors and speculation? Why you dont use poll?
Well, I like HL1 because its genial game with everything and its start of saga.
OpFor - great new things in story, good actions, new weapons, enemies...
BS - Barney is cool, nice story, Xen and old teleport is best part of game
Decay - good explain of some problems, fine levels, fun with friends (co-op)
HL2 - everything ;)
btw Today I play Uplink again :)
I've finished both HL1 and HL2 multiple times, am someways into OpFor, and just started BS. I touched Decay for maybe 5 minutes, but the co-op thing put me off.

So far for me it's:


OpFor is nice, but the setting seems much less interesting than either HLs. I haven't played enough BS or Decay to make a proper opinion about them.
Half Life 2
Half Life
Blue Shift

Yeah basicly the exact same thing everyone else is saying =)
opposing force first, because it's so cool.
half life 1 second, because it was the original. And it was jsut a great game.
never played decay...
blue shift third because I actually liked it, and barney is the coolest guy ever...
half life 2 last, because I thought it was boring without cheats, and I hate the c17 setting.
hl1 ofcourse, played it trough 6+ times :):):):):):):)
Alright, finished both Op4 and BS. Op4 became much more fun later on, but it still doesn't beat either HL1 or 2. BS is nice, but way too damn short, which puts it at the bottom of my list.
it has to be halflife 2. I love the whole "story driven" thing. i think that the story is what compels me to buy games. shooting the crap outa zombies in ravenhelm roxorz too

HL2 - HL1 ... equal to me, HL1 rocks in another way as HL2. There is no LJM in HL2 and there are no Combines in HL1.
The HL1 Demo level
tons of mods
Apocalypse89 said:
I've finished both HL1 and HL2 multiple times, am someways into OpFor, and just started BS.
Hehe, Blue Shift initials are "BS". Hehe.

HL2 definately the best for me, just because of the technological advancments. HL right behind it, then OPFor.
xombine said:
Hehe, Blue Shift initials are "BS". Hehe.

HL2 definately the best for me, just because of the technological advancments. HL right behind it, then OPFor.
Blue Shift BS? BUll Shit!

HL2, HL1, and definately OP4. I loved the Baby Shock Troopers also known as the Spore Launcher! And Race X was awesome.:cheers: :D
This should be a poll. But for me, nothing did it like HL1.

That game had me addicted for at least 3 years.
HL1 is probebly most wanted in the series because it was a breakthrough in history of gaming, for me, playing half-life 2 was more important, to see what happened after HL1, but i got addicted to this site and found out what happened, so it was like... nvm, my fault anyway.
i'm dying to see what BM: S would turn out to be, it should be the coolest ever.
I love al the HL games, but I gotta say Half-Life 1 was the coolest/most intense so far.
My most favourite will be Half life (Remake) and Half life 2 because both of them have source engines.
I love 'em all. Just played through Blue Shift for the 5th time I think. Nice game. My favourite ending in all the HL games. I like happy endings :D

"We made it Calhoun! We made it!!"
HL: Decay simply because it allowed me to play two-player with one of my best friends who's also a HL fan.

But OpFor was fun too, Race X rocked beyond all imagining. :p
hl2 for the combine and the perty girl... who i don't have an unhealthy obsession with or anything....