What is the coolest game of HL series for you guys?

HL1 for starting it all
Opposing Force cause without it I'd have given up on HL after the Blast Pit (I got stuck, played and finished Op4 instead and decided to go back to HL)
HL2 for being so incredible :D
Blue Shift because Barney is awesome <3
Decay for the hours and hours of fun it provided. It also got a friend hooked on HL which is always good
HL2 is the best in my opinion...

Then all the HL series come all tied

Half Life for starting it all (plus it was new)
Opposing force cause of the new weapons and enemies (plus the surface charge with the other marines was in my mind the best moment of the whole half life series)
Blue Shift because of the beginning and ending (I liked how you were trying to save your own ass, not save the world)
HL2 > HL1 > OP4 > BS > Uplink > LC

/me goes and uses hot pokers to hurry the Decay PC mod team along. They say they're not dead and that they're 6 of 11 missions complete... though they haven't coded the co-op apparently ;:/
HL Opposing Force
HL Blue Shift

I also likeds Gunman Chronicles, but this wasn't to do with n e of the series it was just made using the HL engine.
Heh for me its gotta be:

HL2 - Haven't finished game, even though I know the ending, (DAMN YOU CURIOSITY TO LOOK IN THREADS LABELED SPOILERS!!!!) but it comes first for two reasons, one I love shooting everything in sight with physics props picked up by the gravity gun. And two, the best moment (In my current 2 A.M. on New Years even though im not drunk, unless gaming for 22 hours counts as drunk opinion) in the Half Life Sage was when all the Antlions just started swarming over Nova Prospekts walls and onto the guard towers and just began slaughtering everything.

HL1 - It started the series and as the first first person shooter that actually made me feel as if I WAS Gordon Freeman dodging grunts bullets and wacking Headcrabs. Imersion....mmmmmm...... :farmer: <-- thats a farmer, not a pimp.

Op4 - You just gotta love the new content, although Race X seems more like an excuse to bring in new content, than any REAL plot element. Of course one of the less appreciated but more enjoyable aspects was the barnacle gun. It made its way into Sven Coop and some other mods I think. (I play Sven at least 2 hours a day) And it reveals what happenes to Black Mesa in the end, although I wonder if any random farmers/truckers noticed a blinding flash from the Nuke that blew up the BMRF. Even the first Atom Bomb test was seen by people who were 50+ Miles away, at least the flash from it. (Heck even a mostly blind girl claims to have seen an increase in the light/glow you see when your eyes are closed.)

BS - Cause it had a happy ending, although no new content so it gets a low rank, and to short and predictable.

Decay - CURSE YOU PS2 HL SERIES AIMING LOCK ON METHOD!!!! Although the loose ends that were tied up ere nice.

And that's that. Happy New Year :cheers: !!!. I'm going to bed now :sleep: . Good night world, sleep tight, and don't let the headcrabs bite...
Heh for me its gotta be:

HL2 - Haven't finished game, even though I know the ending, (DAMN YOU CURIOSITY TO LOOK IN THREADS LABELED SPOILERS!!!!) but it comes first for two reasons, one I love shooting everything in sight with physics props picked up by the gravity gun. And two, the best moment (In my current 2 A.M. on New Years even though im not drunk, unless gaming for 22 hours counts as drunk opinion) in the Half Life Sage was when all the Antlions just started swarming over Nova Prospekts walls and onto the guard towers and just began slaughtering everything.

HL1 - It started the series and as the first first person shooter that actually made me feel as if I WAS Gordon Freeman dodging grunts bullets and wacking Headcrabs. Imersion....mmmmmm...... :farmer: <-- thats a farmer, not a pimp.

Op4 - You just gotta love the new content, although Race X seems more like an excuse to bring in new content, than any REAL plot element. Of course one of the less appreciated but more enjoyable aspects was the barnacle gun. It made its way into Sven Coop and some other mods I think. (I play Sven at least 2 hours a day) And it reveals what happenes to Black Mesa in the end, although I wonder if any random farmers/truckers noticed a blinding flash from the Nuke that blew up the BMRF. Even the first Atom Bomb test was seen by people who were 50+ Miles away, at least the flash from it. (Heck even a mostly blind girl claims to have seen an increase in the light/glow you see when your eyes are closed.)

BS - Cause it had a happy ending, although no new content so it gets a low rank, and to short and predictable.

Decay - CURSE YOU PS2 HL SERIES AIMING LOCK ON METHOD!!!! Although the loose ends that were tied up were nice.

And that's that. Happy New Year :cheers: !!!. I'm going to bed now :sleep: . Good night world, sleep tight, and don't let the headcrabs bite...
Half Life 1 is supperior to all games, Half-Life series or no, period.
i kinda hated that big-mommy (big-mama is the gonarch, i mean the ones in op4 that shoot electric beams at you...) part... too stupid, and too hard, even on easy..
Op4 was probubly my favorate with HL1 a close second. Whilst race x did seem a bit "we need more monsters!" they were pretty fun to fight. and let us not forget, it had the Minimi which is damn cool and the HL sereis BFG the displacer. but you gotta play it without the HDP. Cos MP-5s are cool (now if only i could have that and the SPAS from the HDP, that had one of the coolest cocking sounds in the gaming world)
oh well the best game ever and for all times is Half-Life !
so ..
eber said:
oh well the best game ever and for all times is Half-Life !
so ..
:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
How could you put HL2 in 1000000th place? Its unspeakable. Espically on a Half-Life 2 website/forum...place.
Anyways, for me:

EDIT: lol, at first, op4 looked like this: HL:OP
Digamma said:
:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
How could you put HL2 in 1000000th place? Its unspeakable. Espically on a Half-Life 2 website/forum...place.
Anyways, for me:

EDIT: lol, at first, op4 looked like this: HL:OP
because hl2 was a very not-fun game :|
1. Opposing Force - Did everything Half-Life did but BETTER. The only problem was the pacing/scale of the game.

2. HL2 - Best replay value of the bunch. I like shooting Combine.
3. HL1 - Meh.
4. Blue Shift - Sucked.
Did everything that HL did but better? I can't see how you could make this judgement. Opposing force was in my mind, a more hackneyed and clichéd version of Half-life, with countless inaccuracies, meh weapons thrown in for the sake of being thrown in and to top it off, the worst end boss ever to appear in an FPS.

Nevertheless it was entertaining, and at times it certainly shined. But ultimately, it was a wasted opportunity on Gearbox's behalf.
Nah, I liked all the weapons in Opposing Force, they were balanced well and using alien stuff was just cool.

Everything from the introduction of zombies with the Zombie killing a scientist and THEN throwing him through the glass at you was far cooler than the introduction to zombies or headcrabs in Half-Life.
The puzzle things and platforming sections were all better than in Half-Life, in my opinion.

I thought the end boss was kinda crappy and definitely looked rubbish. But fighting it was preferable to Nihilanth to me. Although that could just be because I prefer things easy.

I don't get how Opposing Force was hackneyed and clichéd at all. It was less so than Half-Life was. Who didn't see themselves falling into the water when grabbing the Crossbow? How about the 'capture' scene in Half-Life? In Opposing Force it was often unpredictable and far from cliché.
And, countless inaccuracies?
When I say cliché, I meant plot wise. I didn't like the black ops turning on the military, I thought that was pretty generic. Race X was very much a pointless inclusion. Yeah, they needed some new enemies - but in the shape of Race X? No thanks.

The pit worm? Gah, a horrendous attempt at a Blast pit rehash, with some generic worm thing. The bio domes? I honestly didn't feel the Black Mesa scientists had gotten that far when it came to researching the border world - let alone mimicking the very environment.

The weapons, for the most part, were ok. The machine gun, the sniper rifle (even though there weren't many good opportunities to use it) and the desert eagle were a good addition.

But the squid? What? The Barnacle gun? Pointless, as well as the little green things you use to swing around. The teleportation gun...well, that’s just Gearbox taking the absolute biscuit. It was so dam stupid, and the fact that it took you to Xen was the worst - the Lambda complex was clearly the only place that housed a teleporter near enough powerful to send someone to Xen.

Well, to hell with that - Shepard can do it with the pull of a trigger!

Inaccuracies. The skybox at the dam. First were fighting at sundown, then were fighting at day time, then were back to sundown. Kind of detracting really. The timeframe is completely out of tune with Half-life as well, which doesn't help anything.

And the inclusion of the Lambda complex was stupid. In Half-life I'm given the impression of the place being this vast, deep underground complex. In Opposing force, Shepard wanders around outside a bit, takes a tram round the corner, jumps into a maintenance room, crawls through a vent, and then ends up at the teleporter. Oh yeah, great Shepard.

Opposing force did, admittedly have a great opening sequence, and contained some good subtle Gameplay tid bits. The knife in the back of the vort, the small tram ride, the superb desert battles with the black ops (Should have been a different human enemy though) and a great chopper showdown outside the parking lot.

And Crush depth - fantastically, more Ichthyosaur scenes. Ichthyosaur <3
For a years worth of development, Opposing Force was pretty good. For all it's inaccuracies, I'd say it has a better "good bit vs dull bit" ratio than HL does. (i replayed both just the other day, and a lot of HL drags, whereas, even though there are crap bits in Opposing Force, you speed through them so quick it doesn't matter.) I love the way that there is very little Xen in Opposing Force as well. The Xen levels of HL are close to unplayable nowadays.

It certainly has the feel of an expansion though. It feels merely episodic and dispensible. More enemies, More Weapons, More dumb allies, More of the same, plus one or two climbable ropes. Far better than Blue Shift mind you. That truely IS dull.
Ah, yeah. Fair point with the teleportation gun, I never really thought about that and I guess the day/night thing too.

I was okay with the Black Ops turning on the military. That and the nuke made a lot of sense. Plus you got to fight the Black Ops a lot more.

I preferred the pit worm stuff to the blast pit tentacles. But the pit worm did look like crap.

I always figured Race X were simply more Xen aliens. So, I was okay with them.
kupoartist said:
The Xen levels of HL are close to unplayable nowadays.

Jeez, they aren't that bad. Well, I always thought they vastly underrated in the first place. The jumping areas whilst tedious, really aren't that difficult at all.

Having played all four of the original Half-life games a week or so ago, I still think Half-life tops all of Gearbox's attempts. True, Half-life did contain the odd dull section, but most of its so superb it doesn't really matter. It remains consistent, where all three of Gearbox's attempts simply contradict each other left right and centre.
I actually had no real problem with most of the Xen platforming. It was the factory that ruined it for me.

Despite the plot inconsistencies and dodgy pacing, I still think Opposing Force tops Half-Life in every way (except those two obviously).

Was Blue Shift actually Gearbox? It seemed SO much more like Half-Life than Opposing Force. Straight down to the same weapons like the revolver-magnum.
Vagrant said:
Was Blue Shift actually Gearbox?


Despite it being ridiculously short (and some annoying crawling-in-holes on Xen), I enjoyed Blue Shift.
Vagrant said:
I actually had no real problem with most of the Xen platforming. It was the factory that ruined it for me.
Ditto. Dull, Dull, Dull. Sleep Inducing, vanilla FPS gameplay circa 1996. I feel like i'm playing psychadelic quake or something. The floating platform levels at least have some kind of visual style, whereas the factories are just random "woooo, look we're alien and so totally far out!" textures painted on blocky walls and sporadic structures. Completely dischordant with the (then comparitively) realistic urban style of the rest of the game, but in a poor, unmanaged and unexciting way.

I'm no fan of the jumping puzzles in Xen either, but as Samon says they're pretty quick and easy to get through (it's one of those things rendered into an exercise of tedium by the fact that PC shooters have quick-saving). Interloper can go jump off a cliff and die :p. Gonarch's Lair was fun, but always more about the enemy you fought than the incomprehensible world you fought it in.
well i guess blue shift was very boring .. i get no fun from replaying it and it always gives me a very strange feeling .. like im lost in that game forever!
half-life is definetely the best of the series because it just has the right atmosphere and the funny jump-n-run style. and many other stuff!
opposing force was a good expansion i think .. it was fun but it had a too black atmosphere .. it was depressing at some points.
hl2 has the best graphics and the second half of the game is very much fun to play , but there are many many aspects i dont like of it.. so i put it on the last place!;(
Opposing Forcw
Blue Shit errrr Shift

Opposing Force by far the best early HL game. I love the Deagle with a laser on it :D Also, I was a Grunt, so I didn't have to worry about fighting the stupid fucks. However, Gearbox really almost ruined the plot. Glad it wasn't so popular.
I can't really decide. Nothing will quite compare to my first experience with Half-Life or Half-Life 2. However I thoroughly enjoyred Opposing Force for the new weapons, exciting combat, and higher difficulty.

I loved Blue Shift alot too. The puzzles were a bit better and some of the action sequences were quite fun. Particularly some of the Marine battles in the Freight Yard. It also revealed some interesting things about backstory to Half-Life.

Samon = anti-Gearbox meanie. :angry:
How could I forget Decay?

Over-all I think it was the most interesting expansion that revealed the more important going-ons relating to the events of Half-Life 1. Many of the levels were mad fun to play with a friend and it presented some unique puzzels as well. I dare say it was also quite challenging too.
gordon-gman said:
HL Opposing Force
HL Blue Shift

It's a close race between HL1 and opfor. They both really suprised me in a positive way. HL1 was an evolution from previous games in virtually every aspect, which is very uncommon in gaming. OpFor was really huge and different relative to HL1 considering it was "just" an expansion. They were both ace in ways very few games/expansions are.

HL2 is also a great game, but it does not represent the same across-the-board evolution that HL1 once did. Obviously mainly because the standards are already set so high that raising the bar is incredibly difficult.

For singleplayer I would say OpFor wins my vote. It was perfect with all the things that made HL1 a hit plus its own atmosphere.
Obviously, HL1 wins mp hands down. Allthough I had been playing MP since DooM it was HL1 that ushered in the era of online gaming for me. Sure, I had been online with quake2's loki-ctf (and even with quake, which took my onlinoginity in a rather embarrasing seance which included my gibs all over the place and accusations of cheating...), but HL1 was the first fps that made me stay online for hours on end. It was the best deathmatch experience, and still is.

Opposing Force - The game was too much fun.
Half-Life 2 - Much more creepier story
Half-Life - Xen was a pretty place
Decay - Me and my friend had fun playing it. Also revealed more of story.
Blue Shift - See Half-Life

I think someone is making Decay avalible for PC.
Definetly Opposing Force first, great fun, team based, soldier shenanigans
probably hl2 then hl1 then blue shift.

favourite mod: Bootleg Squadrog, for OpFor
HL2 is definitely first. Next is HL, which was real good. Blue Shift; good overall experience, and Op Force, a great run and gunner.
I actually have troubles deciding which i like more, Opfor or HL. There's something about the environments in Opfor that I really like. For example the chapter "crush depth". IMO Opfor has a lot more atmosphere than HL, but HL has overall slightly better gameplay.