What is the difference between Trademark and Copyright?

Aren't trademarks usually for logos and mottos and shit? And copyrights are for... anything like books and real work?
Pesmerga said:
Aren't trademarks usually for logos and mottos and shit? And copyrights are for... anything like books and real work?

I think so.
Trademarking™ is Copyrighted© by me.

Don't mess!


Why there are a trademark in Counter-strike, but Copyrights in other games?

A trademark™ can be copyrighted©, as well, I believe. But hell, what do I know? I only own the terms.

And I really really really really need to get to bed, because i'm starting to not make any sense whatsoever.

Oh yeah and...

Break down the words.

Copy - right. If you copyright your intellectual property, only you can legally copy and redistribute it. Only you have the right, to copy.

Trade - mark. Normally a logo or globally recognized corporate motto. A highly recognizable slogan or name that marks you as a company of trade.

Intellectual property, creations of books, software and the like can be copyrighted, much like inventions and mechanical designs can be patented.

Words in very specific orders, or with very informal or unique spelling can be used as a name, for example Kellog's, or Pepsi. These words are trademarked because they are considered intellectual property of their respective owners in the form as a legal name. Trademarks are generally reserved for organizations of trade, which is why different non-trade organizations can often have the same name.

I'd go on but I'm sleepy.
I would say you are on-the-mark there _Z_Ryuken


The best thing about copyright is that its free.

But if you want a more solid proof that your documentation was the first of its kind, and somebody else copied your documentation, you just:

  • Write out your documentation
  • Seal it in an envelope (presumably have another copy so you can use it)
  • Take it to your nearest post office and have it special delivered to your address. Special deliveries generally contain a printed date (which would be your proof)
  • Once it has arrived at your house, keep it somewhere safe
Computerised documents can be copyrighted as well, as saved files have an electronic date on it (which you can access through the properties of the document file.

Art, Videos, and music can also be copyrighted

I was actually doing this for my course, but its such an interesting area that I think anybody will be interested, here is a link about various intellectual crap (UK site):

I noticed that bbson_john is from Hong Kong. I not entirely sure if it follows UK law (as it was controlled by the UK about 10 years ago), or if it still uses the same law for intellectual property. You might want to refer to a site more local to where you live.

There are International Intellectual Property Laws for a lot of countries, which I think China may fall into, but don't quote me on that.