What is the most disturbing (non-disgusting or racial) site you've ever seen??


Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
Please post sites that are non-racial and that don't have stupid things like gore and blood...just really disturbing sites that maybe weird and funny too. Here's mine:



EDIT: Sorry..I should have put non-racial in the title and not racial...sorry :(
xLostx said:


I would say the feeling in these forums is one of a pervasive and palpable evil. A thick demonic stench that rolls over you and clings like hot black tar, a nightmare from which you cannot awaken, a nameless fear that lives in the dark spaces beyond your peripheral vision and drives you toward inhuman cruelties and unspeakable perversions. The poster's bloated, pustulent bodies twisting from one obscene form to another, giant spider-shaped and ravenous wolf-headed creatures who feast upon the flesh of the innocent and suck the marrow from the bones of the poor.

edit: Maybe I should quote myself for my sig...
Any of the pro-anorexia sites. They're creepy and disturbing.
bvasgm said:

Umm... was that you who posted the quote? I dont see that someone else did it...

DONT post porn images or gore guys!
What are some good porn sites BTW?

Thanks in advance.
omg i was pwnd by words and not links!

gah! /finds something else.
I don't think this thread will be locked.

I think it'll be deleted.
Lets all check out the awshens sites while we are here!
Remember guys, no gore/porn etc, i've cleaned up the thread a bit so let's hope it stays that way
Sulkdodds said:
If by disturbing you mean mother****ing hilarious, http://www.progressiveboink.com/archive/shack/1
That roffles my poffles.

http://landoverbaptist.org/ Although it's a satire page, I believe. Xtreeem Satire! Raaawwwwrrr.

Ahem, 'scuse me.

godhatesfags.com as well. They make me sick. Unless it's a joke, in which case they make me sick but not laugh at the same time.
CptStern said:
p r o t e s t warrior.com
Yes. Oooh-ho yes.

And anything with ShortRecoil on it. His awesomeness intimidates me.
Damn, there used to be this site that had one letter like 50 times as its URL. Forgot the URL, but it was hilarious :D
I'd like to take this time to apologize for being a non-reading fool.