What is the oldest computer you can remember using?

I have no ****ing idea what it was? I played some sweet Reader Rabbit on that hoss, though...
Dr. Freeman said:

You utter bastard. I was going to post 'owned you all' with that link, that was my first computer (1979 :D). I then had a Tandy TRS-80, Vic 20, C64, Amiga, 486, pentium 2, etc etc

10 FOR A=1 TO 500
40 GOTO 10
An Orginal IBM pc, Retrofitted with a Hardrive (Only had a tape drive before)
Mighta had more retrofitted ness, I don't remeber
windows 95?...lol donno it had this pimp golf game though...still have the comp and still play it ;-)
Umm...either some old apple macintosh computer, or my 386.
Parrot of doom said:
You utter bastard. I was going to post 'owned you all' with that link, that was my first computer (1979 :D). I then had a Tandy TRS-80, Vic 20, C64, Amiga, 486, pentium 2, etc etc

10 FOR A=1 TO 500
40 GOTO 10

haha :laugh:
i think we are both showing our ages <shifty eyes> their out to get us! run for the hills :O
owned with the MSX HIT-BIT!!!! owned... made by SONY. It was my dads lol...and he let me have a few goes. Basically just a keyboard..with a link for a tape drive. It owned for programming basic. Another good one we all love 48k Spectrum..didnt we all love that "modem esque" sound of loading games!?
My old school used to have an Acorn. The word processor used hi-res font, so if you typed relatively fast it'd take a few seconds for the text to catch up to the cursor :D

Orgonomist said:
New Zealand Story ( :D )

Wassup star, Aoteroa represent, 2004, word to my homies.

I think my mum has that on the old dungary Kindy puter...
A little black box, u connected to the tv. Playing tennis (2 white bars, bouncing a ball). Then C64 (with a disc station, and some odd thing in the back, that made you able to only write $ to see the index of your disc), C128, Amiga (with the 1 MB extension), then finally a pc 4 MB of ram, and a WOOT WOOT speed of 16 Mhz (all though u could tune it down if it was to fast for you, to a WOOT WOOT speed of 8 Mhz). Then a 133 P1, 700 Thunder, to what i got today 3,0 GHZ P4. Find it hard to Imagine what my kids will be playing on, when they r my age.

I remember my first multiplayer session (RUC Roskilde universitets center), they had 8 nodes connected. We played 4 guys doom for 12 hours straight (i remember being totaly facked in da head for a week after that day). Shit i can go 24 hours straight today and not feel it, Ah those tolerence levels just keep going up, Now release HL2 GDV, i need my fix!!!!
Me: Amiga 500+, back when I was a kid. It was the coolest computer around at the time... I've still got it :E . And I can still play most of the old games on it. Amigas are really tough computers.

My mum beats any of you guys so far, though. She was programming truck-sized mainframes in assembler with punchcards back in the Seventies...

New Zealand Story... every time I remember the original cheatcode to that game I crack up laughing...

Heheh... "Mother****ingkiwibastard"...
My dad worked with the first computers ever used by the state of california.
AudioRage said:
My dad worked with the first computers ever used by the state of california.

Is your dad Super Nintendo Chalmers?
The_Monkey said:
WHen my family got its first computer, it was the best at the market. 166 MzH, 16 MB RAM and 3 GB harddrive!!!!!

nice to know your ps2 is only twice as powefull as a decade or so old computer
Our first PC was a/an (<-what's right?) XT.
That was back in 1995. Well, yes we started having a PC quite late. The funny thing was, there wasn't even a mouse. :E
And when we got one, I just would start every program we had and look, in which one you could use it. :rolling:
The monitor was monochrome at first and then we got a monitor with colours. :O
There was also this cool game, I think it was called "Space Wars" spaceship against spaceship, you could switch gravity and a planet on.
Good times.
Apple II - man that thing had some sweet games - i should not have let my family throw it out a couple of years ago
A BBC computer, but I had the most fun with my 486DX/66 mainly because of Theme Park and Transport Tycoon as well as Duke Nukem 3D although Duke couldn't pass the 12/FPS mark
386-SX, brand new. 14 inch screen, windows 3.1, dos 5.something. ran all the latest games, like Links, an amazing 3d golf game.

An early laptop, cica 1990. It belonged to a friends dad. was the size of a large briefcase. green-tinted (either 1 or 4 color display, can't remember), we played a game called 'helicopter' or something. flew around and stuff blew up, somthing like that.

I remember my uncle used to tell me how he bought RAM for his IBM PC. A massive 256KB upgrade.. a steal at $630. :O
what's almost as bad is reading the hardware ads from my first gaming mag, a Computer Gaming World from early '94.

ps. nice sig quote marius
I've used some of my dad's old old Apple computers, not sure the brands or how old they were though. The oldest I actually know of spefically that i've used is the commodore 64, and boy did I enjoy that so much!

Pool of Radiance for the Commodore 64 was so insanely fun! In fact, I downloaded a rom of it and am playing now, although its the NES version of the game.
I belive my oldest pc was a 233 mhz, 128 megs of ram, and a 20 gig hdd. 9 months ago I upgraded from a 733 mhz p3 and 128 megs of ram.

Man..I miss the days on that old 233, me and my dad would play coop all the time on final doom :D
My first comp

500 Mhz
On Board video and graphics