What is this place...

Mfw seeing Shamrock's avatar ****ing zooming in and out on the front page.

People... are still here. Going through and cleaning out bookmarks, and I found this place again. Nice to hear from you guys!
I try to check in once a month or so. Even if I don't reply I still like to come and see what's going on. It gets more and more dead each time I visit. Well that's the impression I get anyways because pretty much every single time I come here there's always a new thread talking about how dead it is.

Been here 10 years and I miss the old days :(
I'm shaving more than usual to avoid association! also i can't grow facial hair in a useful manner
Weird, Raz's gif isn't animated in the thread but works in the mini-popin window.
Hey, that's cool. Some of you still check this place.
What's new fellas?
I can't leave!

I can't either. If I'm gone physically (as in from the online forum) I return through my memory, perhaps because of how much I invested while I was active here...

But anyway, anybody know of Shippi's whereabouts? (Ooh, can you tag people with this version of vbulletin, or whatever forum software is being used here?) i just randomly happened to recall that there were a lot of talented folks in the Art Lounge subforum.
I have not heard from Shippi in probably 8-9 years. Same with Ritz/Burn, Bliink and some of the other old school ladies.

This is Xenforo not vB btw :P
So what have you guys been up these passed few years?
LASD turned me down over a ****ing write up for being late at BestBuy so I was like **** it and joined the Army about a year ago.
Not much else going on.
I still play on my PC a lot though, gfot a 980ti that's waiting to be replaced by the 1080ti when it comes out.
add me on STEAM guys

Drinking. I've been drinking.

I built a new rig over the summer. Decided to stop pussyfooting around with a budget build. 6800k, 1080, etc.

Also, not seeing you on steam.
Been working and gaming. Lately mostly playing H1Z1 King of the Kill and a host of survival games (Astroneer, 7 Days to Die, Rust, etc)
Nah, this place isn't dead. I've even posted on here, that surely proves this place isn't dead!

/makes zombie noises