What is up with peoples Music Taste?


Oct 31, 2003
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To date, the company Jamster has made more than £10m from people downloading Crazy Frog ringtones. As if that weren't enough, this week a CD version of the song produced by the German dance act Bass Bumpers has been outselling Coldplay's new single by more than four to one. More than 400,000 copies of the single - which splices the frog theme with Harold Faltermayer's Beverly Hills Cop theme tune, "Axel F" - have been ordered, according to the label Gut Records. On Sunday, Britain will have its first ever ringtone-inspired number one, and there is not a thing that Coldplay's Chris Martin or anyone else can do to stop it.

This just makes me want to cry, that Frog thing is so bad I almost smashed my TV when it came on during the ads, and its beating Coldplays amazing Speed of Sound single, How is this possible!

Does anyone here actually like the Crazy Frog songs, ringtones or other s***. Because everyone that does should be shot right now.
i'm only lucky that crazy frog isn't popular here. i don't see how a person could not get sick of it after hearing it once.
people are stupid

its all these epeople who think its "funny" to have it.
10m for that crog frog ringtone? Bloody hell...

how much for each ringtone? Im thinking about 2.. so thats roughly 5 million or so idiots in the world for sure. Nice..
That`s the way the charts are.

People like the frog more than Coldplays new single, and the sales figures reflect that.

Doesn`t make it right, but that`s the way it is, get over it.

Besides, I`d like to see an album by the frog try to beat X & Y when it`s released a week Monday.
I love crazy frog, but then again...I was dropped on my ears as a small child.
That is trulely shockin. i hate crazy frog too, it does me head in. Wat is the music industry comin to these days? *sighs*
To be honest the top 40 chart is pretty much dominated by the 5 - 15 year old demographic these days so it doesn't suprise me at all. Most of the best music in Britain usually debuts in the charts around the 8 - 16 mark (unless its a big band).
Coldplay's single is nowhere near as good as their earlier stuff anway. If it was sung by another band it wouldn't make top 10 I'd say, the name "Coldplay" makes it get into the top 3 on it's own.

Crap songs getting to no.1 isn't anything new in the uk, what about that hamsterdance song (http://www.hamsterdance.com) or Mr Blobby?
StardogChampion said:
Coldplay's single is nowhere near as good as their earlier stuff anway. If it was sung by another band it wouldn't make top 10 I'd say, the name "Coldplay" makes it get into the top 3 on it's own.

Crap songs getting to no.1 isn't anything new in the uk, what about that hamsterdance song (http://www.hamsterdance.com) or Mr Blobby?

At last, somebody agree`s with me about the new Coldplay Single.

But c`mon, that hampsterdance song is pure genius. :LOL:
I love coldplay.... Is there something wrong with me? yet, I haven't heard the single you speak of...
StardogChampion said:
Coldplay's single is nowhere near as good as their earlier stuff anway.
Speed of Sound is much better then 3/4'ths of the tracks on Parachutes.

Sure, its not as good as most of Rush of Blood, but I think it would have fit on that album just fine. I'm lookin forward to X&Y, I bet its going to be a solid recording.
f|uke said:
Speed of Sound is much better then 3/4'ths of the tracks on Parachutes.

Sure, its not as good as most of Rush of Blood, but I think it would have fit on that album just fine. I'm lookin forward to X&Y, I bet its going to be a solid recording.

I agree, Parachutes was raised above average by Yellow and Shiver, the rest of the album was pretty dull.

I also believe X & Y will be solid, maybe not exceptional, but as long as it`s as good as Rush Of Blood, I`ll be happy.
Yes crazy frog must die but I find coldplay a bit dull to be honest, it's ok for a little bit but then it bores me
Crazy Frog and Jamster must be destroyed
only heard it used once by someone and i wanted to run over, grab his phone and smash it into little pieces!
I downloaded the axel F one, I'm guilthy... can someone direct me to a correct institution please , I need help :(
Crazy Frog is number one because people listen to utter drivel like cold play and then proceed to call it music - sorry cold play fans, but go and listen to some pink floyd if you like meandering ballads etc.. yawn - so 30 years ago. So in a nutshell - Dowie - CRAZY FROG IS ALL YOUR FAULT! how does that grab you? - it's a twisted, twisted world you hardcore music loving coldplay mofo... coldplay!!! hehehehehe - - right im off for a ride on my invisible motorbike!

ps - in no way do i condone frogs or for that matter crazyness.
Earl Danish said:
Crazy Frog is number one because people listen to utter drivel like cold play and then proceed to call it music - sorry cold play fans, but go and listen to some pink floyd if you like meandering ballads etc.. yawn - so 30 years ago. So in a nutshell - Dowie - CRAZY FROG IS ALL YOUR FAULT! how does that grab you? - it's a twisted, twisted world you hardcore music loving coldplay mofo... coldplay!!! hehehehehe - - right im off for a ride on my invisible motorbike!

ps - in no way do i condone frogs or for that matter crazyness.

Er.....right, so you wouldn`t call Coldplay music then? Rush Of Blood is a fantatstic album, and I`ll have a good idea of X & Y when my half album download finishes.

I mean, how can you say that without stateing who you think is actually better? Ahhhhhhh....I know, cos that would make you sound like a gimp and we`d all take the piss because you like Akon.

Get a grip.
like i said - sorry, coldplay fans.. always so adamant they are right.. hehehe - perfect for those record store promos... besides stemot, if you read the gorillaz thread you'ld know at least one group i like.. a group of cartoon characters.

besides - im not the one who started a thread saying that coldplay is the musical path to salvation. my tastes are not safe for normal humans so if i gave you list of the musicians i like it would probrably harm or offend you in some way. ;]

oh - and it's not Oasis either...
Earl Danish said:
like i said - sorry, coldplay fans.. always so adamant they are right.. hehehe - perfect for those record store promos... besides stemot, if you read the gorillaz thread you'ld know at least one group i like.. a group of cartoon characters.

besides - im not the one who started a thread saying that coldplay is the musical path to salvation. my tastes are not safe for normal humans so if i gave you list of the musicians i like it would probrably harm or offend you in some way. ;]

oh - and it's not Oasis either...

Heh, I`m not a Coldplay "fan" either, I can just appreciate good music, which incidentally, the Gorillaz are not, they are a cartoon rap/pop band, with about as much talent as the smurfs. I guess peopl are into gimmicks.

Oh yeah, from the seven tracks I`ve got X & Y is shite, but that doesn`t mean the last 2 albums arent great.
stemot said:
Gorillaz are not, they are a cartoon rap/pop band, with about as much talent as the smurfs.

yeah - cause cartoon rap/hip-pop/dance/fun outfits are ten a penny arent they..? :LOL:
Earl Danish said:
yeah - cause cartoon rap/hip-hop-pop/dance/fun outfits are ten a penny arent they..? :LOL:

It`s just funny how you say Coldplay isn`t real music, then go on to say Gorillaz, a make believe cartoon band, is real music.
Do your realise how stupid that sound :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
so i take it you dont know who is behind the cartoon then? i suggest you look it up.
Earl Danish said:
so i take it you dont know who is behind the cartoon then? i suggest you look it up.

I know Daman Albarn is the frontman, and has alot to do with the technical side, what? am I supposed to be impressed? Bollocks! much like the band itself.

I mean, a band must be able to play live, and my mates at work love Gorillaz, and they say never go see em live, they are shite, which pretty much says it all.
I don`t want to go watch some shadows behind a screen.
Earl Danish said:
so that's a 'no' then.

Whatever, don`t care who else is behind the cartoon, doesn`t make it good jackass.
I discovered the true disgusting shape of the singles chart when I was given the Guiness book of Hit Singles for christmas. I was leafing through it, looking for my favourite bands and looked up Pink Floyd. What was next o pink floyd? Pink.
Pink: Hit single 1, hit single 2, 3, 4, 5. Pink - Top 200/500 artist. Bleurghh!!!!!!
Pink Floyd: Another Brick in the Wall pt 2. Pink Floyd - Not a single commendation!
That summmed up the single chart for me. The Crazy Frog was the nail in the coffin. I hope Crazy Frog gets eaten... correction, I hope the stupid f'wits that mixed Beverly Hills Cop and Crazy Frog get their balls burnt off.
If you ask me it was inevitable that it happened.

Why? Because, sales wise, the majority of the music industry is run on publicity.

I mean, really, the charts nowadays are rarely worth listening to. What is there in there? Britney, Justin, some random 'kareoke' boyband/girl group. Sorry, but pop music is cack, and only get's so many sales because 14 year old girls read about how 'cool' it is in Kiss magazine or some other life-dictating publication.

So why has crazy frog done so well? Because kids buy more singles than adults, and kids think that a semi-naked computer generated frog miming motorbikes to the sound of 80's synthasised electro-tat is good music? Or because of the way jamster advertised it like Nazi propaganda?

If you ask me it's sick. The amount of adverts that thing had must have had an impact on record sales, and you know what? If we're idiotic as a nation to buy something as crap as that because some guy told us to "Get the latest Crazy frog video ringtone, he's crazier than ever." then we deserve to feel ashamed, annoyed, whatever.

I stopped caring about what the general population in my country likes to listen to a long time.

Crazy Frog just backs up my belief that the charts really do suck. The next time someone says "Ooo, this great song is mint, it got to number one." I can just turn around and say... "Crazy Frog got to number one."
Stick to people making good music because that's what they have a passion for. Which sadly is nearly all struggling or not so well recognised artists. In New Zealand there are many good local bands/artists, but even in this small country there are only a few worth supported for their musical talent and creativity. All the cds i like i have to order in especially (although it gotten better) and it cost me a bomb...but it's worth it.
I just laugh when i see that shit like the farting monkeys and snappy the green crocodile, because their success proves to me that the industry is run by 10-15 year old girls- the ones that buy all the singles.
This ridiculous thing is popular for the same reason the Macarena was popular and the hamsterdance was popular, etc--it is an obscenely dumb fad that kids and housewives think is cute and cool. Yes, they are very, very wrong. But I don't think the marketing "geniuses" behind this scheme are aiming at our demographic.

Burn said:
10m for that crog frog ringtone? Bloody hell...

how much for each ringtone? Im thinking about 2.. so thats roughly 5 million or so idiots in the world for sure. Nice..

5 million? You seem surprised. I would have thought the number much higher. Here's the quick way to figure it out: Think of the average human and how intelligent he/she is, then shudder to think that half of the human population is dumber than him/her. That makes ~3.2 billion people of below-average intelligence out there. Terrifying...