What the f*ck is wrong with the British music buying public?

When they released crazy frog I almost killed my self with my own testicle because it would have been less painful than listneing to that.

BTW Who the hell is the one that thought euro-pop would be a good idea?
Evo said:
I've said this in another thread:

I think somebody had a go at its ding-dong, thats why its black-boxed out. All we have to do is black-box the whole damn frog, I think the nuke ought to do it
Back on topic please.

And omg, I'm so glad no-one I know cares two shits about Jamster crap..
Jamster is the hated company that created the crazy frog/sweety the coma-inducing chick/Nessie the ****ing dragon.

"Here I am, look at me, we can fly together."

*Shodan gets minimi
Lemonking said:
has someone already mentoined Jamster is a German Company?

I heard they have that stupid singing chicken in Germany too.

Mind doing us a favour and blowing up Jamster HQ?

You won't be a terrorist, you'll be a hero.
Chav said:
:) It was just an analogy dear boy. And clearly not a very successful one.
I appear to have pissed you off - not my intent.

Anyway on topic:
Those two f*cking birds can burn too, as can that dragon. Eeeeeeveryone assocated with their production, marketing and purchasing can burn also.
Someone should make a bannana phone ringtone.

Ring ring ring ring ring ring bannana phone.....
el Chi said:
:) It was just an analogy dear boy. And clearly not a very successful one.
I appear to have pissed you off - not my intent.

Anyway on topic:
Those two f*cking birds can burn too, as can that dragon. Eeeeeeveryone assocated with their production, marketing and purchasing can burn also.

haha , no mate dw you didn't piss me off lol, it takes alot more to piss me off.
Like americans stealing my french grades :angry:
I thought they were a Swedish company?

Ah to hell with it...

/me loads up

All in favour of starting a vigilante group that'll rampage through the world destroying all their HQs, say "I".

Note that if you don't say "I", you'll either be forcibly drafted in away or shot FOR BEING ONE OF THEEEM.
Edcrab said:
I thought they were a Swedish company?

Ah to hell with it...

* Edcrab loads up

All in favour of starting a vigilante group that'll rampage through the world destroying all their HQs, say "I".

Note that if you don't say "I", you'll either be forcibly drafted in away or shot FOR BEING ONE OF THEEEM.

I thought it was "aye"? :o
Anyway, I'm all for it, my sister told me she liked that dragon thing, haven't spoken to her since...

There HAS to be some subliminal messaging, I just don't want to believe our country has become THAT stupid and mindless...
Oh, it is "aye", I'm just a lazy git that believes "I" to be a suitable abbreviation :laugh:

...Ack. I hope this text-message thing isn't some sort of contagion, becaues sn i b tlking like ths n lstng 2 mst annyng thng evar n enjyng it
I can't get away from this crap! Natural progression of course allows that the Crazy-bastard-Frog would be on internet banner ads, but I never (well, maybe half) expected that they'd run the sounds automatically... there I was minding my own business, when that bloody 'a-ring-ding-ding' sound engulfs me at about 150 Decibels. I swear I'm going to have a breakdown of some description.
Axyon said:
I can't get away from this crap! Natural progression of course allows that the Crazy-bastard-Frog would be on internet banner ads, but I never (well, maybe half) expected that they'd run the sounds automatically... there I was minding my own business, when that bloody 'a-ring-ding-ding' sound engulfs me at about 150 Decibels. I swear I'm going to have a breakdown of some description.

Guess you won't want to hear about the T-shirts then...
I saw some kid wearing a Crazy Frog T-shirt and I just stared at him. Just... why...
Jamster ahhhhh!!!!!!!

The actual tunes or the frog don't annoy me (well mabye a bit)

The thing that annoys me is the thought of the brainwashed morons who actually buy it after seeing the countless adverts, it is not just worrying it is sickening.
"Oh look it's on t.v, oh i'll waste money and get something annoying that is effectively nothing"

I imagine the sort of people who do it as well, chavs and stupid children no doubt.

Why why why do they have 2 adverts for a ringtone in just one comercial break.
I refuse to ever have a mobile phone, and if i hear the crazy frog ring tone near me i'll lose myself to pure rage.
Edcrab said:
Oh, it is "aye", I'm just a lazy git that believes "I" to be a suitable abbreviation :laugh:
Kill the gramatically ignorant heretic!
Seriously though, I'm with you on the whole vigilante group. "Aye".
Is it really that bad? (I live in the US.) It's just a ringtone company yes? Link?
Aye, im definately in

dart321 said:
Is it really that bad? (I live in the US.) It's just a ringtone company yes? Link?

It started as a ringtone company, but I now believe its one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Anyone who buys crazy frog ringtones can be safely assumed to be the modern day equivilent of Baldrick.
SimonomiS said:
At least Baldrick was funny. :(

Yeah. I hate people, that's why I'm going to destroy them! muahaha!

Anyway I'm in favour of vigilantism.

We'll load up our weaponry and drive around exterminating the crazy frog legions.