What is with the 50's remakes?


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
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Whats going on? First they remake War of th Worlds (loosely), and now they are remaking "the Blob" and "When Worlds Collide".

Although I'm skepticle about the Blob, I am interested in the remaking of "when worlds collide" (mainly because it was my child hood favourite 50's flick along side WOTW) and its due to be another high budget film.

What are your views on the remaking of old classics and which ones would you like to see?
Hah. They already made the Blob again. :D
I don't care if they remake When Worlds Collide, as long as they do it well, since its much less known.
Wasn't the Love Bug made in the 50's too? There's a new movie out called Herbie: Fully Loaded, which I think is a remake of that.

Willy Wonka and the Choclate Factory is getting remade too, but I don't think it was from the 50's.

Hollywood seems to be in a creative slump.
And technically, Independence Day was a loose remake of WOTW.
Well today we have better technology to tell the stories so why not?
I have to agree with you there OpX, there are alot of old classics that not much of the younger generation know about, and could be released as a DVD/VHS, film remake, etc. What I can't understand is that people find Big Brother more interesting then entertainment history (I have to admit I have never seen Casablanca).

I just remembered the Quatermass films, I wouldn't mind if they remaked those

Have you noticed that my discussions are biased towards 50's sci-fi, they sure did have some good idea (A lot could be considered B movies, but some would be Class-A)
Actually, Herbie is just the next movie in the Herbie series it would seem. They just continued as if the series had been on hiatus.
Direwolf said:
Actually, Herbie is just the next movie in the Herbie series it would seem. They just continued as if the series had been on hiatus.

I haven't seen any of the Herbie movies, would you recommend it?
Steve_O said:
And technically, Independence Day was a loose remake of WOTW.

I thought it was a loose remake of Invasion of the Saucer People.
I'll watch the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but I don't think it could beat the original.
Mechagodzilla said:
I thought it was a loose remake of Invasion of the Saucer People.
Or maybe it was a loose remake of Me Giving You a Punch in the Face.
Steve_O said:
Or maybe it was a loose remake of Me Giving You a Punch in the Face.
Can you say "pwn3d!??!!"

Cuz I f*cking can't!
i remember when i created a thread about a Star Wars remake and almost everyone said it wouldn't happen...well history says otherwise.
given enough time, even the Star Wars movies (episodes 4-6) will be remade just like theres 50's remakes popping out.
The Blob > everything

Ooh ooh maybe they'll remake Them...you know, that film with the giant ants! That would be cool.
I haven't seen any of the Herbie movies, would you recommend it?
No, God No, don't do it man, it's not worth it.
Herbie should take a trip to the scrapheap.IMO.