What is wrong with people?


Sep 18, 2007
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I'm just venting here...

Dungeons and Dragons. I know my friends aren't interested in it, but yet they keep telling me that "we should play D&D! You should DM for us because you know the rules way more than we do!" which always really confuses me. They won't bother buy the rulebooks or even read the rules. They don't talk about it, they don't really care about it, but they know that I'm interested in it and so they decide to humor me? I have no clue.

When we do play (because I'm always willing) the game sucks because they're not into it and they don't really want to play. I tell them to at least read the Player's Handbook if they want to have fun, because otherwise they're just attempting to play Poker without knowing the rules. Like they're just throwing down cards but they have no idea what to do with them so they make up shit and call it Poker. It just doesn't work, it's not fun. I repeatedly tell them that, and they always say "ok, lol" then a day later they say they want to play D&D again, and I already know they haven't read the rules.

I've read the rulebooks, but I've never played a real game of D&D so I'm not really in a great position to be able to teach a newbie who has never read the rules and understood the game - even though I try, and I elevate the game to a bearable level, I roleplay, give them interesting encounters, tell them what skills to use, which dice to roll, and I give them tips and hints on playing, but it's not what it should be because the players might as well not be there. They don't put their actions within the story, they just say "I attack this thing, okay so what do I roll?" I can tell they're not having much fun. Everyone looks bored and they always decide to quit before they get anywhere. I'd have more fulfilling games playing with myself.

So then why do they keep asking me to DM for them? Why do they keep talking about it as though it's great? They've never played it. Most games get about 1/10th of the way through an adventure before everyone gets bored and they decide to go upstairs and play video games. I'm left sitting there wondering: "what the **** was that?". After a few hours they want to play again. I'm still thinking "what in the **** are these people trying to do?" and I make excuses to not play again because if we did then we'd all have to suffer through all that shit, AGAIN. I guess it's stupid that I'm always willing to give it another chance with them after a few weeks of trying to forget the mess that the previous attempt was, though.

I'm always the guy who is alienated and left alone to think "what the ****?" I'm there as the the crux that has no purpose.

As soon as what I do gets a little uncomfortable for them they ditch me. And I have to act awkwardly as though that's the way it should be. So when I tell my friends that I want to have a smoke outside, no-one says "alright I'll come with you", they all kind of say "uhh... ok" and try to change the subject, and I go outside to smoke my cigarette alone. They watch me from inside and talk about video games.

It's like this for everything. Drinking, drugs, D&D, music, movies, ideas, etc. The only thing I can relate to with the those guys is a general appreciation for games and my hate of school work. If I want to go and do other things, I have to find people who I relate to in a specific way. Otherwise I'm an outcast, it's too uncomfortable for people if I do something they don't. So partying = one set of friends, gaming = second set, reveling in being smart and having intellectual discussions = third set, and being human = another set (except I haven't found anyone for that).

I haven't met anyone that I could just be around and be at ease, not since I was a kid. Now I usually feel like I'm hurting someone, or that they are just putting up with me, or it seems like they're afraid of something. I don't know what it is, it's like they understand exactly what's happening but they pretend not to, and they're afraid to cause a shit storm or to feel bad about something.

Why isn't anyone honest with me? Surely I must piss someone off through the way I act, I am imposing in nature. But I never hear anything, no real criticism of my actions. Any criticism I do get is unrelated... like jokingly saying to me "wow you're so gay, lol" That's the extent that people care about me. Or are people just too afraid to tell me what they think? Of course people will tell you what they think in the clear cut cases like pedophiles and rapists "You're a bad person for having sex with children! Change your ways!" But most cases aren't that simple.

And that's my general experience with people... I pretty much don't have any hope anymore.
Nerd-rage. :LOL:

Nah, seriously though man, if your friends aint serious, don't bother playing with them.
If they really want to play, make some shit up without any rules and make it ****ing crazy.
Make them die often, and kill things. It'll be more interesting too them. Some people have interest but don't have the attention span to play DnD.
If they really want to play, make some shit up without any rules and make it ****ing crazy.
Make them die often, and kill things. It'll be more interesting too them. Some people have interest but don't have the attention span to play DnD.
This. I had a similar game of DnD one day when we all decided to trek up to an old friend's house. We didn't have time to read the rules fully, so he gave us a brief of what to do then set us straight into this action packed scenario. Sure it wasn't proper DnD, which he--and you--should make clear, but it was still fun and might be a nice introduction into the whole thing, giving them the want to learn to play properly in future.
"Hey, did you get a load of the nerd?"

"Excuse me...?"

I took a load on a nerd, once.
You know, you could have saved yourself a lot of effort, and answered your own question at the same time, by not writing anything after "Dungeons and Dragons".... I'm just saying.
I don't think D&D is really a nerdgasmic kind of game, it could be for some people, but I see it as a board game like risk except with a lot more freedom and set as a character playing through a dungeon with friends. I mean come on, Kevin Smith played it with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, and apparently they still do. This isn't alpha nerd stuff here.

Now if I was talking about WoW or L4D this way it would be nerd-rage, but as it is I'm only trying to get together with friends and play a proper board game. It would be awesome to get stoned and roleplay through some drow dungeon with people who are also stoned and know how to play :)

Anyways, D&D is not all that this is about.
Overly complicated and just unecessary nerd baggage.

Risk is amazing.
Yeah but if you know the "complicated" rules of D&D, and know what it's about, then it's 10x better than Risk. Not that I'm seeing that in my games, but when I was 12 and I met this guy and his friends who really knew D&D through and through, and he DMed us while we sat on his front porch during the summer, on the fly using some premade adventure. I don't think I've ever been as interested in any game as I was in that.
You do not want to argue about Risk with me.



Corp. Sheepo is right, there's not many things that are better than Risk. If I were you I'd try playing Risk with them instead. Then you wouldn't sound so much like a nerd.
Got star wars risk a few years ago, never played it. Maybe one day ill get round to it.

It's not like i have anything else to do. Except coursework. And revising for important tests. Damn school
Roma, lol.
I don't think D&D is really a nerdgasmic kind of game, it could be for some people, but I see it as a board game like risk except with a lot more freedom and set as a character playing through a dungeon with friends. I mean come on, Kevin Smith played it with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, and apparently they still do. This isn't alpha nerd stuff here.

Now if I was talking about WoW or L4D this way it would be nerd-rage, but as it is I'm only trying to get together with friends and play a proper board game. It would be awesome to get stoned and roleplay through some drow dungeon with people who are also stoned and know how to play :)

Anyways, D&D is not all that this is about.

Sorry but DnD is deep nerd country shit, nothing you say can change that.
Sorry but DnD is deep nerd country shit, nothing you say can change that.

I assume you eat nails for breakfast and shit dead babies, and punch bad guys without actually punching them?

You're on a forum for a video game.
You are already in deep nerd shit, congratulations.
You're on a forum for a video game.
You are already in deep nerd shit, congratulations.

Erm... he didn't actually say there was anything wrong with it. I happen to agree with him btw, culturally, DnD is primo nerd stuff. I've never actually played any roleplaying games (okay, an hour long session with two other people) as no-one I knew until, like last year were into it. A shame, it seems like fun.
It's not really...

now, LARPing...
Simple my friend
Ditch the bitches
If they don't wanna have fun, fine **** them
Hell you should just roll dice and make shit up.
I assume you eat nails for breakfast and shit dead babies, and punch bad guys without actually punching them?

You're on a forum for a video game.
You are already in deep nerd shit, congratulations.

Coming from a guy with an animu Tau avatar I think I'll still get a good nights sleep, your scathing burn on me aside.

I never said I wasn't a nerd, I simply said DnD is a nerdish preserve, a central pillar of nerdom and to try and claim otherwise is just wasted breath.

There is a little nerd in everyone, folk should just accept it and move on.
Nerd-rage. :LOL:

Nah, seriously though man, if your friends aint serious, don't bother playing with them.
^Ditto LOL

When me and some friends played once, we took the game seriously for awhile for several hours, then everybody started to get bored and started screwing around. We started doing stupid things like rolling dice to see how many times we would trip out of drunkenness. (We really were drunk irl that night LOL) Good times.

We also played a few sessions of Vampire before too.

I only played table-top RPG games a couple of times my whole life. Unfortunately, we had to grow up, go our separate ways and get a life. I hate being an adult.
I've never tried tabletop D&D but it seems like it could be entertaining. If the people you're playing with want to piss around, the only way it's going to be fun is if you roll with it and encourage it. Relax a bit. If you want a pointer as to how to DM an interesting scenario while still having a laugh and screwing up the rules, download some of the Penny Arcade D&D podcasts.

If they treat you a little shittily, or you find yourself getting more frustrated with them than is justified, just realise it's not the end of the world. If they're hanging out with you it's because on some level, they want to. Likewise with you towards them. Sounds like these are just casual friends, though, with whom you're having trouble finding the middle ground that you all enjoy. If you're still prepared to hang out with them, don't wait for criticism or confrontation over what it is you might be 'doing wrong'; you know you have to chillax a bit and be less 'imposing' for stuff to be less awkward, so do it, if you're prepared to. Doesn't mean you're a ****ed up person, but there's a little compromise in every social interaction.

Don't sweat that your interests aren't all perfectly aligned, or they're not the type of people with whom you can play srs D&D in your boxer shorts and share every single thing that interests you. You'll bump into people like that at a later point, world's big enough.