What is your Favourite show ?

simpsons, seinfeld, cbc's the hour, news, six feet under, sopranos

tv pretty much sucks ..it's either saturated with stupid reality programs or one dimensional sitcom clones of friends ..my name is earl and the Office (american version) were/are a refreshing change
Direwolf said:
Well this isn't an "every show you watch" list. Its just your top couple of shows.
Actually, it's only the top one. But people always seem to disregard that fact and do five or more. :D
All time:

On Air:
BSG *new ones*
Pretty much anything on New York Times Channel and History Channel
CptStern said:
simpsons, seinfeld, cbc's the hour, news, six feet under, sopranos

tv pretty much sucks ..it's either saturated with stupid reality programs or one dimensional sitcom clones of friends ..my name is earl and the Office (american version) were/are a refreshing change
yeah, i'd expect you to say that. after all, you're...... cptstern..

You all suck for failing to recognize its genius.
F@[V]!L'/ GUY i love it and sorry to say but i LOVE DBZ
Venmoch said:
I saw an episode of that on the Bible. Absolutely hilarious, too bad we don't get the show up north.

Right now, my favorite shows are:

Arrested Development
My Name is Earl
The Colbert Report
Family Guy

Also, I cannot stand Seinfeld. I used to like it, but now, people are always going on and on about it like it's the best thing since the wheel, and it's getting pretty damn annoying. Lately, people are always saying to me "OMG you dont like Seinfeld YOU SUCK YOU DON'T KNOW GOOD TV", but I just explain to them that I'm not much for old, over-appreciated sitcoms with painfully unfunny intro/outro standup bits.

Kramer made that show for me, before his stuff got old.
One tree hill (Emo thing that I suprisingly enjoy, since its not usually my thing)
CSI, NY and Miami.
Law and order criminal intent (****ing.Awesome)
The Sopranos
Law & Order (+SVU & Criminal Intent)
Family Guy
King of the Hill