What is YOUR Gordon's personality?

My little Gordon is a retarded man who swings his crowbar at everything that doesn't move and shoots everything that does.
My Gordon is the nerdy type, forgetting about Resonance Cascades and taking an obsession is teleporting. But he is also very good with video games, giving him the ability to see a gun a know exactly what gun it is, and how to use it, but video games hasn't turned him psycotic, he simply knows how to use a gun. I think the violence part is just the will to survive, knowing that the only way he's gonna get a chance to shut down the suppression field in City 17 and get some from Alyx, is if he beats the shit out of everything from Xen with a crowbar . (Besides vorts.) Half the time he doesn't realize, though, that his HEV suit is mostly protecting him, and without it, he probably would be dead. I just hope that in HL2 Ep3 he doesn't finally sleeps with Alyx, and G-man comes and puts him back in stasis, but as far as I know, he laughs at you and comes up with plans to mess with you while you chop zombies in half, like pushing mine carts at you, then he teleports to The Bahamas, Because that's how he rolls. As some asshole with a breifcase.
My Gordon is a very pissed off man. "Head Crabs, AGAIN? The **** is that?!"

He's kinda like Freeman from Freeman's Mind.
I do so enjoy that machinima, makes me burst out laughing every time I watch a new episode - damn you Ross Scott!
My Gordon is loyal and protects his allies. He is also creative when it comes to killing things rather then dumping loads of rounds into something. He is very quiet and is constantly checking out that Alyx chick...
In an ideal world, my Gordon is exactly as Valve wants to portray him - intense, reserved, capable, and no-bullshit.

In reality, it's like Combine said. My Gordon is a shit-talking, loudmouthed retard that bunnyhops all over the place, breaks everything in sight, irritates NPCs at every opportunity and makes constant sexual innuendo to Alyx in conversation.

The only similarity between Valve's Gordon and my Gordon is that both of them efficiently and flawlessly wreck every hostile thing in sight.
In an ideal world, my Gordon is exactly as Valve wants to portray him - intense, reserved, capable, and no-bullshit.

In reality, it's like Combine said. My Gordon is a shit-talking, loudmouthed retard that bunnyhops all over the place, breaks everything in sight, irritates NPCs at every opportunity and makes constant sexual innuendo to Alyx in conversation.

The only similarity between Valve's Gordon and my Gordon is that both of them efficiently and flawlessly wreck every hostile thing in sight......

....And eventually beat the game, right. :)
Valve's Gordon only beats it once, I've beat it at least a dozen times :p
The personality I have for Gordon is a very determined man who will help others if they really need it, and fight the good fight if he really must. He uses his High Intelligence and lightning quick thinking (as well as help from his highly advance HEV suit) to help him defeat enemies and bypass obstacles that threaten to stop him.

This is also the personality I use for Gordon when I have him, on occasion, in some of my story texts I like to type out on my spare time.